The Great and Secret Show by Barker, Clive. Part seven. Chapter 5, 6

“It’s wise to us,” Jaffe said.

“We’ve still got to try,” Tesla replied. The floor beneath their feet was suddenly jittery; pieces of plaster dropped from the walls and ceiling. Inside the maw the clouds of fiery rain bloomed towards the Cosm.

Jaffe laid his hands on the softening intersection, but the schism was having no truck with undoers. It threw a second spasm off, its violence sufficient to throw Jaffe back into Tesla’s arms.

“No good!” he said. “No good!”

Worse than no good. If they’d needed evidence of the Iad’s approach they had it now, as the cloud darkened, its motion unmistakable. As Jaffe had guessed, the tide had changed. The throat of the schism was not concerned with swallowing, but with vomiting up whatever was choking it. To do so, it started to open.

With that motion the beginning of the end began.

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