The Instant Sales Pro: More than 600 Tips and Techniques to Accelerate Your Sales Success by Cy Charney

An eye for detail. Sloppy people will create more problems.

The potential to come up with creative ideas. You want a fresh approach.

An ability to work well with others. People who clash with others engender as many problems as they solve — if they solve any.

Don’t remake old mistakes. If old solutions worked, old problems wouldn’t be popping up again. You need new ideas, so don’t be afraid to try them. Moreover, if an idea is yours, you will get credit for it and may end up in a leadership role when it comes time to implement it.

Solicit the perspectives of new employees. They will not be blinded by the habits of people who have been around a long time. They may have a solution that has been staring you in the face all the while.

Understand the problem. You can’t solve it until you know exactly what it is. This means making sure that you

address the cause, not the symptom

look at every possible cause

tailor your solution to the well-defined cause

look for fresh approaches

Have a carefully planned strategy. Leave nothing to chance. Put your solution into practice. Follow your plan.

Stand back and watch. And when your solution is successful, celebrate!



acceptance, 83–84

advancement, 212–16

advertising. See handouts; testimonials

agreement, 152–53, 173

appearance. See dress

appointments. See meetings

arrogance, 79

articles, 50

attention, 78, 88–89

attitude, 18, 26, 75, 243, 253–55

audience, 118, 121

awards, 56–57



body language, 26, 102, 119

reading, 71–72, 83–87, 90

responding to, 84–86, 140, 150

using, 87, 89, 127, 259–60


difficult, 239–41

relationship with, 214–15, 234

selling ideas to, 236–38

breaks, 230, 243

brochures, 31, 47

business cards, 25, 47, 51, 54, 58

buyers, 10, 38–39, 150



case studies, 46, 57, 103

cell phones, 38, 187, 228

chain of command, 78, 220

chat rooms, 193

clarification, 89, 90, 103, 128

client relations, 12, 166–69, 177–79

closing sales, 18, 70, 85, 86, 149–51, 152–58

cold calls, 30–34

communication, 139–41, 186–87. See also e-mail

commuting, 228

competition, 103, 130

competitors, 199, 237

computers, 186, 195

concessions, 151

conferences, 45–47

confidence, 26, 87, 120–21, 254, 259, 262–63

confidentiality, 218

confirmation, 104, 125, 139, 140, 145

conflicts, 213, 219, 224, 239–41, 267

contacts, 11, 18, 22, 25

pursuing, 27, 43, 51–52

contests, 56–57, 219

conversations, 57. See also networking

copyright, 219

cost reduction, 40

courses. See training

creativity, 221, 222

credibility, 74, 224–25

criticism, 214, 234

cultural differences, 58, 71, 83, 141

customers, 5–6, 8, 18, 51

needs of, 68, 93–95

relationship with, 166–69, 177–79

customer service, 3–6, 76, 175, 222



decision-makers, 10, 55, 107

demonstrations, 115–16

digital cameras, 186

documentation, 167, 168, 174, 237. See also case studies; reference letters; testimonials

document sharing, 173

dress, 4, 26, 72–73, 77, 216, 222

for job interviews, 258–59

dumping, 79



EASI (electronic assisted sales integration), 170–73

electronic tools, 29, 171

e-mail, 36, 39, 60, 75, 143, 173, 189–91, 228

empathy, 75, 144, 254

enemies, 215

enthusiasm, 72, 77, 87, 121, 253. See also attitude

showing, 26, 222, 254, 260

equipment buying, 184, 187

ethics, 217–20

exaggeration, 77

exercise, 230, 243

expectations, 244–45

eye contact, 71, 89, 126, 139, 229, 259–60



fairness, 218, 219, 235

favors, 224

faxing, 143, 187

feedback, 17, 143

receiving, 23, 63, 150, 215, 251, 265

for self-evaluation, 214, 215, 258, 263

file-sharing, 188

follow-up, 27, 47, 145, 156

after trade shows, 51, 56, 59–61

force-field analysis, 206–7

free offers, 21

friends, 243



gatekeepers, 11

goal setting, 8–9, 49, 175, 203–7



handouts, 37, 47, 54. See also samples

handshakes, 26, 71

harassment, 78

health, 227

honesty, 217–20

humor, 233, 254, 255



influence, 10–12, 129–31

Internet, 186–89, 192–99

interruptions, 89, 229–30

interviews, 256–61

intranets, 188

introductions, 20, 24, 33, 67–68

issues, 105–10, 145



job change, 208–11, 256–61



knowledge, 26, 74–75, 254

demonstrating, 121, 130



language, 22, 23, 29, 99–100, 116, 141, 260. See also body language; non-verbal communication

learning, 53–55, 249–52, 254. See also training

legitimacy, 103, 130, 131

letters, 19–23, 47, 56. See also mailings

listening, 26, 79, 87–92, 140, 141, 144, 260

in negotiations, 125, 127

in telephone calls, 34, 61

literature, 31, 47, 57. See also handouts

loyalty, 218, 220, 234



mailings, 19–23, 30, 31, 35, 36, 56. See also e-mail

meals, 54

media, 50

meditation, 243

meetings, 43, 51, 59, 171, 176, 188, 229

agendas for, 227, 228

setting up, 30, 34, 50–51, 61

mentors, 215, 264–65

misrepresentation, 219

mission statements, 176, 203, 205–6

moonlighting, 218

motivation, 22



negotiating, 124–31, 173

networking, 24–27, 40, 250

at trade shows, 48–52, 54–55

newsletters, 28–29

non-verbal communication, 68, 140. See also body language

note-taking, 58, 90



objections, 69, 70, 99–107

open-ended questions, 25, 63, 72, 90, 105, 125

to determine customer needs, 68, 140

in telephone calls, 34, 44

opening, 67–68. See also introductions

optimism, 253



peers, 215, 223–25

people skills, 142–45

performance, 8, 9, 175

performance management systems, 168

persistence, 17, 130

personal information management system (PIMS), 185–86

personality types, 135–38

pilot projects, 172, 173, 237

planning, 49, 55, 213, 227

politics, 233–35

power, 223, 224–25

precedent, 103, 129, 130, 224, 237

prejudice, 218

presentations, 35–37, 45–47, 49–50, 113–24

apologizing for, 156–57

to boss, 236–38

press releases, 50

pressure tactics, 78, 140

pricing, 108–10

prioritizing, 266

problem solving, 266–68

process improvement, 174–75

procrastination, 221

products, 8, 23, 69, 70, 122–23, 150–51, 237

professional development, 228. See also training

professionalism, 76, 221–22

progress tracking, 213

promotion, 198–99

prospect evaluation, 15–16, 40, 55, 93–95, 226



questions, 79, 102, 127, 141, 150, 261, 265. See also open-ended questions

confirming, 104, 139, 140, 145



rank, 131

rationality, 103, 131

rebates, 103

receptionists, 39

reference letters, 22, 103, 130, 258

referrals, 18, 33–34, 40–44, 54, 140

reliability, 75, 78

research, 102, 192–93

respect, 223–24

resumé, 257

rewards, 168, 176, 207

risk, 103

roadblocks, 205, 206, 221



sales, 17–18, 161–63, 173, 205, 206

sales presentations, 113–23

samples, 21, 62–63

search engines, 199

self-confidence. See confidence

selling, 67–70, 161–63

of ideas, 236–38

partnership for, 163–79

sharing, 188, 215

skills, 208, 209, 249

sleep, 243, 244

socializing, 227, 229–30

software, 173, 184, 196, 230

spam, 189, 191

speakers, 36, 58

speeches, 45–47, 49–50, 58. See also presentations

storefront (Internet), 188

stress, 242–45

supply chain, 170–73



teaching, 213

teams, 173, 174–77

teamwork, 213, 224–25

teaser copy, 22–23

technology, 170–73, 183–99

telephone, 33, 38–39, 50. See also cell phones

telephone calls, 30, 43, 44, 60–61, 188. See also cold calls; voice mail

testimonials, 21, 37, 46, 57

thanking, 37, 43, 215

time management, 221–22, 226–30, 255

timing, 43, 150

to-do list, 228

trade shows, 48–61

training, 205, 214, 250–52

trust, 234, 240



URL. See Web sites



vacations, 227

values, 204, 208–9, 234

vehicle, 227

vision statement, 203

voice conferencing, 173

voice mail, 38–39, 187

volunteering, 25, 50, 213



Web sites, 188–89, 194–97, 199

whiteboards, 171, 173

workshops. See training

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