would find it impossible to move. Nor could he cry out. He would remain there until somebody stumbled on him. How soon was that likely to happen? Normally there might have been people in these bushes, young men with their sweethearts and soldiers with their girls, but tonight there had surely been enough comings and goings here to frighten them away. There was a chance that a latecoming couple would see Vandam, or perhaps bear him groaning … Kernel would have to take that chance, there was no point standing around and worrying. He decided to take a quick look at the houseboat. He walked light-footedly along the towpath to the Rhan. There were lights on inside, but little curtains were drawn across the portholes. He was tempted to go aboard, but he wanted to consult with Sadat first, for he was not sure what should be done. He turned around and headed back toward his car.

Sonja said: “Alex has told me all about you, Elene.” She smiled. Elene smiled back. Was this the friend of Wolff’s who owned the houseboat? Was Wolff living with her? Had he not expected her back so early? Why was neither of them angry, or puzzled, or embarrassed? Just for something to say, Elene asked her: “Have you just come from the Cha-Cha Club?” “Yes.,, “How was it?” “As always-exhausting, thrilling, successful.” Sonja was not a humble woman, clearly. Wolff handed Sonja a glass of champagne. She took it without looking at him, and said to Elene: “So you work in Mikis’shop?” “No, I don’t,” Elene said, thinking: Are you really interested in this? “I helped him for a few days, that’s all. We’re related.” “So you’re Greek?” “That’s right.” The small talk was giving Elene confidence. Her fear receded. Whatever happened, Wolff was not likely to rape her at knifepoint in front of one of the most famous women in Egypt. Sonja gave her a breathing space, at least THE KEY TO REBECCA 265

William was determined to capture Wolff before midnight- Midnightl She had almost forgotten. At midnight Wolff was to contact the enemy by wireless, and hand over the details of the defense line. But where was the radio? Was it here, on the boat? If it was somewhere else, Wolff would have to leave soon. If it was here, would he send his message in front of Elene and Sonja? What was in his mind? He sat down beside Elene. She felt vaguely threatened, with the two of them on either side of her. Wolff said: “What a lucky man I am, to be sitting here with the two most beautiful women in Cairo,” Elene looked straight ahead, not knowing what to say. WolfF said: “Isn’t she beautiful, Sonja?” “Oh, yes.” Sonja touched Elene’s face, then took her chin and turned her head. “Do you think I’m beautiful. Elene?” “Of course.” Elene frowned. This was getting weird. It was almost as if- “I’m so glad,” Sonja said, and she put her hand on Elene’s knee. And then Elene understood. Everything fell into place: Wolfrs patience, his phony courtliness, the houseboat, the unexpected appearance of Sonja . . . Elene realized she was not safe at all. Her fear of Wolff came back, stronger than before. The pair of them wanted to use her, and she would have no choice, she would have to lie there, mute and unresisting, while they did whatever they wanted, Wolff with the knife in one hand- Stop it. I won’t be afraid. I can stand being mauled about by a pair of depraved old fools. There’s more at stake here. Forget about your precious little body, think about the radio, and how to stop Wolff using it. This threesome might be turned to advantage. She looked furtively at her wristwatch. It was a quarter to midnight. Too late, now, to rely on William. She, Elene, was the only one who could stop Wolff. And she thought she knew how. A look passed between Sonja and Wolff like a signal. Each with a hand on one of Elene’s thighs, they leaned across her and kissed each other in front of her eyes. 266 Ken Follett

She looked at them. It was a long, lascivious kiss. She thought: What do they expect me to do? They drew apart. Wolff kissed Elene the same way. Elene was unresistant. Then she felt Sonja’s hand on her chin. Sonja turned Elene’s face toward her and kissed her lips. Elene closed her eyes, thinking: It won’t hurt me, it woWt hurt. It did not hurt, but it was strange, to be kissed so tenderly by a woman’s mouth. Elene thought: Somehow I have to get control of this scene. Sonja pulled open her own blouse. She had big brown breasts. Wolff bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth. Elene felt Sonja pushing her head down. She realized she was supposed to follow Wolfrs example. She did so. Sonja moaned. All this was for Sonja’s benefit: it was clearly her fantasy, her kink; she was the one who was panting and groaning now, not Wolff. Elene was afraid that any minute now Wolff’ might break away and go to his radio. As she went mechanically through the motions of making love to Sonja, she cast about in her mind for ways to drive Wolff out of his mind with lust. But the whole scene was so silly, so farcical, that everything she thought of doing seemed merely comical. I’ve got to keep Wolff from that radio. What’s the key to all this? What do they really want? She moved her face away from Sonja and kissed Wolff. He turned his mouth to hers. She found his hand, and pressed it between her thighs. He breathed deeply, and Elene thought: At least he’s interested. Sonja tried to push them apart. Wolff looked at Sonja, then slapped her face, hard. Elene gasped with surprise. Was this the key? It must be a game they play, it must be. Wolff turned his attention back to Elene. Sonja tried to get between them again. This time Elene slapped her. Sonja moaned deep in her throat. THE KEY TO REBECCA 267

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Categories: Follett, Ken