‘You’re so selfish, just like your father.’ At that age I preferred my Arab family. My stepbrothers were wicked, and nobody tried to control them. We used to steal oranges from other people’s gardens, throw stones at horses to make them bolt, puncture bicycle tires … Only my mother minded, and all she could do was warn us that we’d get punished eventually. She was always saying that—-~Theyll catch you one day, Alex!”‘ The mother was right, Elene thought: they would catch Alex one day. She was relaxing. She wondered whether Wolff was carryIng the knife he had used in Assyut, and that made her tense again. The situation was so normal-a charming man taking a girl on a picnic beside the river-that for a moment she had forgotten she wanted something from him. She said: “Where do you live nowT’ “My house has been . . . commandeered by the British. 1, m living with friends.” He handed her a slice of smoked salmon on a china plate, then sliced a lemon in half with a kitchen knife. Elene watched his deft hands. She wondered what he wanted from her, that he should work so hard to please her.

Vandam felt very low. His face hurt, and so did his pride. The great arrest had been a fiasco. He had failed professionally, he had been outwitted by Alex Wolff and he had sent Elene into danger. He sat at home, his cheek newly bandaged, drinking gin to ease the pain. Wolff had evaded him so damn eas-ily. Vandam. was sure the spy had not really known about the ambushotherwise he would not have turned up at aU. No, he had just been taking precautions; and the precautions had worked beautifuRy. They had a good description of the taxi. It had been a distinctive car, quite new, and Jakes had read the number plate. Every policeman and MP in the city was looking out for it, and had orders to stop it on sight and arrest all. the occupant& They would find it, sooner or later, and Vandam. felt sure it would be too late. Nevertheless he was sitting by the phone. What was Elene doing now? Perhaps she was in a candlelit restaurant, drinking wine and laughing at Wolff’s jokes. Van- 190 Ken FoUen

dam pictured her, In the cream-colored dress. holding a glass, smiling her special, impish smile. the one that promised you anything you wanted. Vandam checked his watch. Perhaps they had finished dinner by now. What would they do then? It was traditional to go and look at the pyramids by moonlight: the black sky, the stars, the endless flat desert and the clean triangular planes of the pharaohs’ tombs. The area would be deserted, except perhaps for another pair of lovers. They might climb a few levels, he springing up ahead and then reaching down to lift her; but soon she would be exhausted, her hair and her dress a little awry, and she would say that these shoes were not designed for mountaineering; so they would sit on the great stones, still warm from the sun, and breathe the mild night air while they watched the stars. Walking back to the taxi, she would shiver in her sleeveless evening gown, and he might put an arm around her shoulders to keep her warm. Would he kiss her in the taxi? No, he was too old for that. When he made his pass, it would be in some sophisticated manner. Would he suggest going back to his place, or hers? Vandam did not know which to hope for. If they went to his place, Elene would report in the morning, and Vandam would be able to arrest Wolff at home, with his radio, his code book and perhaps even his back traffic. Professionally, that would be better–but it would also mean that Elene would spend a night with Wolff, and that thought made Vandarn more angry than it should have done. Alternatively, if they went to her place, where Jakes was waiting with ten men and three cars, Wolff would be grabbed before be got a chance to- Vandam got up and paced the room. ldly, he picked up the book Rebecca, the one he thought Wolff was using as the basis of his code. He read the first line: “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” He put the book down, then opened it again and read on. The story of the vulnerable, bullied girl was a welcome distraction from his own worries. When he realized that the girl would marry the glamorous, older widower, and that the marriage would be blighted by the ghostly presence of the man’s first wife, he closed the book and put it down again. What was the age difference between himself and Elene? How long would he be haunted by Angela? She, too, had been coldly perfect; Elene, too, was THE KEY TO REBECCA 191

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Categories: Follett, Ken