The Kif Strike Back by CJ Cherryh

Pyanfar turned and kept walking at the pace their guide set. This time there were stares from passers-by, curiosity at last-recalculation what kind of game was being played here, she reckoned. What kind and by whom.

“That damn fool,” Jik said over com. “She no do, she no do-”

And broke contact abruptly. That was Jik’s comment on Rhif Ehrran’s decision to go out on Kefk docks. Hilfy heard it along with the rest, and looked to her right as captain Dur Tahar arrived on the bridge at a fast pace.

“What’s this about my crew?” Tahar said forthwith, out of breath.

“We’re working on it,” Hilfy said, and got out of her seat, scan set to alarm. Dur Tahar on The Pride’s bridge deserved at least one crew member on her feet to fend her off Tirun’s neck, and Khym had just risen to appoint himself-not the best situation.

“So what’s going on?” Tahar asked, casting a look toward Command, where Tirun, in urgent communication with Goldtooth, had no time for talking. “What’s the trouble?”

“-Well, what do they say?” the gist of that conversation ran from Tirun’s side. “The hakkikt got any good reason why we just got our airlock shot up? Why we got gods-be vermin running loose all over our lowerdeck? Where’s our captain, huh? They know?”

What Mahijiru command had to say to that was inaudible.

“Captain’s out trying to get your crew released,” Hilfy said to Tahar. “Meanwhile we just got shot at. You want to take a crew post, captain? We’re up to our noses in problems. Scan would be real helpful just now. Tully doesn’t read real good.”

She expected objection of rank. Tahar lowered her ears and started for the indicated post with never an objection. But Tirun swung her chair about before Tahar could get to it. “Belay that. Goldtooth says he can’t reach Sikkukkut. Kif are being obstinate. They’re stalling. It wasn’t any accident.” Tirun got out of Haral’s chair and with a wave at Dur Tahar, hurled herself into Pyanfar’s instead. “Sit,” she said, hitting the seat’s turn-control. “Take number two, Tahar. I’ll fill you in. Hilfy- Khym. Get that by the gods kif up here. I want to talk to him right now.”

Hilfy caught Khym by the arm and moved.

No one sat in Pyanfar’s place. But it was being done. No foreign clan sat in The Pride’s seats. But they did that too-they did anything that gave them a better chance.

They pelted down the main corridor; and of a sudden there was the electric thump of the generators coming up, a vibration all down The Pride’s steel spine. Khym skidded on one foot and stopped, turning back before Hilfy grabbed him by the arm.

“That’s power-up!” Khym cried.

“That’s precaution,” Hilfy said, and hauled him about again into a run for the lift. “We’re not pulling out. Tirun wouldn’t do that. For godssakes follow orders.”

So our systems are all the way hot. So the kif know we can move. Or shoot. They can take us out. We can take Kefk Out with us, if it comes to that. That’s what Tirun’s letting them know.

“Kkkt,” the kif said, on guard at Harukk’s lock-“kkkkt:” when it saw what it faced, softly and with an edge a hani could read. Pyanfar kept her hand near her gun and flattened her ears as it looked like challenge.

Then the guard waved them on with the dark flourish of a sleeve. Pyanfar strode out into the chill of the access and turned abruptly, with a scowl for the kif and a concern that all their party made it out clear.

The Tahar crewwomen walked as best they could, Gilan on her own, Naun and Vihan doing the best they could to support Haury between them. Nif and Canfy with Tav. Haral came last, dour and grim-no bending, no show of weakness. Sikkukkut had not forgotten them; Sikkukkut would be curious what they would do, would be suspicious of connivance-

-would cut their throats at the first hint things were not as represented to him; or at the first suspicion hani motives had confounded him.

Come on, keep it moving-Pyanfar put impatience into a scowl at Gilan Tahar and spun on her heel the instant Haral cleared the lock, outbound and down bound for the docks.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J