The Kif Strike Back by CJ Cherryh

“You listen.” Jik looked her in the eyes and jabbed her in the chest with a blunt-clawed finger. “I tell you truth, tell you truth, hani and mahendo’sat be longtime friend, a? Stsho friend only to stsho, same like kif. We got Sikkukkut, got same this fellow in the loo, a? We got lot sfik, this kif Sikkukkut get some from us; he go be number one kif. Safe kif.”

“I’m not so sure he is.”

“I tell you this: Sikkukkut got same interest we got. He want keep thing lot same like now. Want make quiet. Sure, he lot dangerous. But you respect him, he got sfik, not need kill you. This Akkhtimakt, he oppose Sikkukkut: he got kill all Sikkukkut deal with. That be long list, a? Sikkukkut enemy all- be kif; but I tell you, Pyanfar-lot people be Akkhtimakt enemy who not be kif. Whole damn Compact. Humanity. Where he stop, huh? And we already got knnn trouble. How much trouble we need?”

“They’re all crazy.”

“You hani, you like too much law. Kif, they got Personage. Sen-si-ble, like mahendo’sat. Make life more simple.” He touched her shoulder again. “You see why I want you ‘live? You don’t cross Vigilance, a?”

A clank sounded from outside, the noise of the line connections being withdrawn.

“This fancy ID system I’m not supposed to ask if you got-any chance it can fool the beacon at Kefk?”

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and gave her an anxious glance. “I not say got.” ‘

“Can you?”

“Maybe I run-little ahead main group. Maybe we get beacon. One good look all I need.”

“Maybe! Kite in there alone?”

“A, got good kif friend, good friend Vigilance follow real close.”

“Sure, sure.”

“Hey, you no worry-you damn smart pilot, a?”

“Sure. No worry. No worry. Gods rot it, that’s a binary system, Jik, and that’s a kif you’ve got to rely on!”

“Got you come.”

“Gods, what do you think I am? You’re crazy, you know that? This whole thing is crazy! You’re going to trip that zenith guardpost all alone out there-”

“Ana be right. You got nice eyes.”


“Hey, I got go,” Jik said, holding up his hands. And with a lift of brows: “A.” He reached into one of his belt-pockets and pulled out a small square packet. “Want give you this.”

“What?” Her ears went down flat. “Gods-be, Jik, no more tricks! No more-”

“You take.” He pulled her hand forward and slapped the packet into her palm. “Things go bad you take, run, go Meetpoint, find help.”

“What is this thing?”

“Record. Got same microfiche. You don’t worry.” A blithe mahen grin. “All code.”


“I trust.” The Pride’s bow rang to a second thump; the ventilation fans died and started up with a different, more rapid sound. They were on their own. “I got hurry, Pyanfar. They take ramp soon.” He started away down the corridor and looked back. “You be smart, Pyanfar.”

“Go on, you’ll miss the ramp.” She pocketed the microfiches and picked up the pocket com. “Haral. Stand by to let Jik out. His people still outside?”

“Still there. I’ve been keeping an eye on them, captain. They’re all right.”

“Huh. Good.” She broke the contact and walked back the other way, not without a misgiving glance at the washroom door.

More thumps from the bow. The dockers were working fast. Anxious to get them out, one guessed.

Pyanfar headed for the lift. A cold lump had settled in her stomach, indigestible.

Gods, gods, and Jik himself never told all the truth Not ever the part that told what he would do.


It was chaos, in the bridgeward corridor as Pyanfar headed out of the lift. Tully was there with Hilfy, doing final latch-check on doors, which meant Khym was busy somewhere and not doing that. Tirun came running to catch the lift door with a covered bowl in either hand.

“Hurry it,” Pyanfar yelled as Tirun darted past.

“Aye,” Tirun said.

“And don’t go in with it!”

The door shut. Upship, Chur was at her cabin door, with Geran; she had a new and tightly wrapped bandage round her middle. There was a crash from lowerdecks, another seal in place. “You sure about this,” Pyanfar said in passing.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J