Really, my imagination is going off in some strange directions.

Putting a hand on each side of Sylvie’s face, he held her back slightly. Then he smiled at her. He intended it to be a smile of thanks. She was the first person in many a year who’d shown such confidence in him… maybe the only one since his mother… and he wanted her to know that he appreciated her kindness.

“Don’t smile,” she said.

He tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

“Your smiles make me…”

When she refused to go on—that blasted shyness again—he prodded, “My smiles make you what?”

“Breathless,” she confessed.

He groaned. Then it was Luc who could barely breathe.

No longer fighting his longing, he decided then and there that he would kiss her. Not just a kiss, though. Luc loved kissing… long, short, slow, fast, deep… yeah, especially deep… and gentle, and devouring; it didn’t matter which. And he was a damn good kisser, as a result. He knew he was. Yeah, he’d like to give Sylvie one unending kiss to show her his feelings. He wanted her to become one with his body, through the kiss. Now, there’s a thought. Then she would know, as well as he, how it felt to be under a love spell. Payback was gonna be hell.

At least, that was why he had this overwhelming desire to kiss Sylvie, he told himself.

“I’m powerless to resist you,” he informed her in a voice gravelly with desire.

“I don’t want you to resist,” she answered candidly. “Not anymore.” He could swear her voice was gravelly with desire, too.

Almost as if he stood outside his own body, Luc watched his head descending, inch by inch. Sylvie stared at him with wide eyes and parted lips. In fact, in the end, she leaned forward to meet him partway. A giant leap from shyness.

He tried to be gentle at first, to control the incessant drumbeat of arousal thrumming through his body. With just the barest of skin contact, he settled his lips against hers. Then he allowed himself the intense pleasure of moving his mouth this way and that till they fitted perfectly.

She sighed against his open mouth.

He sighed back.

Gently, gently, gently, he increased the pressure, moving over her lips with an almost reverent caress. That exercise lasted about a millisecond, but red stars exploded behind his eyelids. He drew back slightly and panted for breath.

“Sylvie,” he whispered hoarsely. That was all he said, but apparently it was enough because Sylvie whispered back, “Luc.” There was such a poignant tremor in her voice that Luc feared tears might be welling in his eyes in reaction.

But this was too much of a stroke of good fortune to waste. He didn’t want to give her a chance for second thoughts. Any second thoughts he might have considered had already drowned in the quicksand of his raging excitement. So his mouth came down hard now, demanding a response from her.

Not to worry. Her lips went immediately pliant, opening for him. It was a gesture of utter surrender that reached down into his soul and tugged at that part of himself he’d always kept apart from everyone. Oddly, her ardor did not surprise him. Had he known on some instinctive level all these years that they would be so well suited as lovers?

When he pushed his tongue slowly into her mouth, relishing the sweet drag of each fraction of an inch’s progress, she drew on him in welcome. Thank you, God!

Sylvie was a good kisser, too, he realized then. Was it from experience, or just that they were so perfectly matched? For some reason, he hoped it was the latter.

Luc’s mind went blank, and he lost control then. As his tongue began a rhythm of thrust-withdraw-thrust-withdraw, his hands roamed everywhere. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her… stroking her back, kneading her buttocks, palming a breast, combing his fingers through her silk-fine hair. And Sylvie appeared to feel the same, moaning into his mouth, around his tongue, her hands touching him wherever she could reach.

There were some other places he would like her to touch, as well… places that were unreachable at the moment because there wasn’t an inch of space between them… but not yet. No, that particular pleasure he could postpone till his rocket was less likely to launch. Besides, there were a whole lot of places he wanted to touch her, too. A whole lot!

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Categories: Hill, Sandra