Then, as his eyes drifted shut in utter depletion, he thought he heard someone say, “I love you.”

The alarming thing was, he didn’t know if the words were spoken by him, or her, or if he’d imagined them.

Chapter Thirteen

“Hey, Luc, I just got a great idea for promoting JBX. A surefire side effect that will blast this product off the shelves.”

Luc, who was still plastered heavily atop her body, murmured into her neck, “Uh-oh. Beware of women with great ideas immediately following sex.”

She pounded him lightly on the back with a closed fist.

But whoa! Now that she’d “awakened” the sleeping beast, he was nibbling at the smooth skin of her shoulder, and squirming. The squirming was the worst part, or the best part, depending on one’s position, she supposed. For sure, there were some specific erotic zones on her body that were being given a “Howdy” wake-up call.

“Well, what’s the great idea for promoting JBX?” Luc inquired, then began doing the most astonishing things with his tongue in her ear. It involved a fluttering tongue tip, wetness, and blowing.

So distracted was she that, at first, his question didn’t penetrate her brain. Oh, that’s right, she’d told him she had a great idea for promoting JBX. He’d just sucked her earlobe into his mouth, so her answer came out with a little squeal. “Super sex.”

“Well, thanks a bunch, babe. You were pretty spectacular yourself. But you still haven’t told me about this great side effect of JBX.”

“Super sex,” she repeated.

A gurgling sound came from his mouth, which she took for strangled laughter. Then he raised his head enough to look at her through those dancing Cajun eyes of his. “Are you saying I give super sex?”


His dancing eyes danced some more, this time with mischief. “What makes you think the love potion is responsible? Maybe I give super sex all the time.”

“Do you?”

“Mais oui.”

She thought a moment and was slightly disappointed. She tried to tell herself it was because JBX didn’t play a part in his performance, but she knew it was more than that. She wanted the sex between them to have been special because she’d been special… to him.

“Just kidding, darlin’,” he said, taking a tiny nip at her chin. “I’ve never been this super in all my life. Honest.”

Pleasure soared through Sylvie at those words, even though he was probably lying through his teeth.

With an expertise she was coming to expect from Luc, he rolled over onto his back, taking her with him. In fact, his semi-limp member was still imbedded in her. Anyone else would have landed them smack-dab on the floor with such a maneuver. Now she was splatted all over the top of him.

She had to admit, splatting had its good points.

“Hey, Sylv,” he said with sudden, and suspicious, brightness, “you’re not the only one with good ideas tonight.”

“Oh, my,” she said as he sat up abruptly. She wasn’t sure if she’d said, “Oh, my,” because of what his sitting-up did to her insides, or because he’d had an idea. Probably both.

” ‘Oh, my’ just about says it all,” he choked out. That part of him that was still inside her had sprung to full life with his movement. With Sylvie on her knees now, perched on his lap, he wriggled his behind toward the edge of the table, taking her with him. Then he stood in one fluid move—a testament to his excellent physical condition—causing her to clutch his shoulders tightly and wrap her legs around his waist.

With a smile of self-satisfaction, Luc looked down at her breasts, which were nestled against his chest. Sylvie felt her face go hot with belated embarrassment, and she tried to press her upper body closer to hide her nakedness.

“Don’t you dare go shy on me now, Sylv. The things I have in mind for you require more than a little… boldness,” Luc warned.

“Boldness? Me?”

“In spades,” Luo emphasized with a swat on her tush as he walked them toward the screen door at the front of the cabin and out onto the porch.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra