The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg by Mark Twain

than that–it was even PROOF that he had rendered it. Of course.

So that point was settled. . . No, not quite. He recalled with a

wince that this unknown Mr. Stephenson was just a trifle unsure as

to whether the performer of it was Richards or some other–and, oh

dear, he had put Richards on his honour! He must himself decide

whither that money must go–and Mr. Stephenson was not doubting that

if he was the wrong man he would go honourably and find the right

one. Oh, it was odious to put a man in such a situation–ah, why

couldn’t Stephenson have left out that doubt? What did he want to

intrude that for?

Further reflection. How did it happen that RICHARDS’S name remained

in Stephenson’s mind as indicating the right man, and not some other

man’s name? That looked good. Yes, that looked very good. In fact

it went on looking better and better, straight along–until by-and-

by it grew into positive PROOF. And then Richards put the matter at

once out of his mind, for he had a private instinct that a proof

once established is better left so.

He was feeling reasonably comfortable now, but there was still one

other detail that kept pushing itself on his notice: of course he

had done that service–that was settled; but what WAS that service?

He must recall it–he would not go to sleep till he had recalled it;

it would make his peace of mind perfect. And so he thought and

thought. He thought of a dozen things–possible services, even

probable services–but none of them seemed adequate, none of them

seemed large enough, none of them seemed worth the money–worth the

fortune Goodson had wished he could leave in his will. And besides,

he couldn’t remember having done them, anyway. Now, then–now,

then–what KIND of a service would it be that would make a man so

inordinately grateful? Ah–the saving of his soul! That must be

it. Yes, he could remember, now, how he once set himself the task

of converting Goodson, and laboured at it as much as–he was going

to say three months; but upon closer examination it shrunk to a

month, then to a week, then to a day, then to nothing. Yes, he

remembered now, and with unwelcome vividness, that Goodson had told

him to go to thunder and mind his own business–HE wasn’t hankering

to follow Hadleyburg to heaven!

So that solution was a failure–he hadn’t saved Goodson’s soul.

Richards was discouraged. Then after a little came another idea:

had he saved Goodson’s property? No, that wouldn’t do–he hadn’t

any. His life? That is it! Of course. Why, he might have thought

of it before. This time he was on the right track, sure. His

imagination-mill was hard at work in a minute, now.

Thereafter, during a stretch of two exhausting hours, he was busy

saving Goodson’s life. He saved it in all kinds of difficult and

perilous ways. In every case he got it saved satisfactorily up to a

certain point; then, just as he was beginning to get well persuaded

that it had really happened, a troublesome detail would turn up

which made the whole thing impossible. As in the matter of

drowning, for instance. In that case he had swum out and tugged

Goodson ashore in an unconscious state with a great crowd looking on

and applauding, but when he had got it all thought out and was just

beginning to remember all about it, a whole swarm of disqualifying

details arrived on the ground: the town would have known of the

circumstance, Mary would have known of it, it would glare like a

limelight in his own memory instead of being an inconspicuous

service which he had possibly rendered “without knowing its full

value.” And at this point he remembered that he couldn’t swim


Ah–THERE was a point which he had been overlooking from the start:

it had to be a service which he had rendered “possibly without

knowing the full value of it.” Why, really, that ought to be an

easy hunt–much easier than those others. And sure enough, by-and-

by he found it. Goodson, years and years ago, came near marrying a

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Categories: Twain, Mark