The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part eight

“Yes,” Robinton agreed, dispassionately watching the beast’s antics. He felt for a sweetener lump in his pocket and, finding one, stepped forward, speaking in soothing tones and reaching for the reins as a very wary Jez circled.

“Easy now, there’s a fine lad.” His voice got through to Big Black and the animal extended his nose towards the MasterHarper, seeking the treat he expected.

“Quite a handful,” Kale remarked.

“Until you’re in the saddle,” Robinton said, rather pleased he could say that honestly in front of a noted rider like Lord Kale.

Kale chuckled. “Now, Macester, if you’ll have your men lead

your mounts up to the beasthold’ – he pointed up the lane to the left – “we’ll see to your comfort.”

“And if your healer would check Master Robinton’s arm,” Macester said, ignoring Robinton’s protest, “I would be easier.”

“Your arm?” Kale was all concern. “Surely it was only a glancing blow …”

“Which required seven stitches,” Macester said in a growl.

So Kale hurried the Harper back into the Hold and shouted for the healer.

“I had so hoped to hear some new music this evening …” the Lord Holder began wistfully.

“Oh, you will, you will,” said Robinton, dismissing his injury.

“You’ve Struan here—’ He grinned at the prospect of seeing his old dorm-mate, now a very competent journeyman. “And I understand

Lady Adessa plays harp as well as any harper.”

“But your wound …”

“Didn’t touch my throat, Lord Kale.” And mentally Robinton reviewed the sort of songs that might alter Kale’s indolence. He could but try. In ordinary times – and these were definitely not -Kale would be the ideal Lord Holder, tolerant, easy-going and affable, immersed in his Hold’s business and sure of its continuing prosperity.

After Robinton’s wound was tended to, he climbed to the Drum Tower, greeted the young holder on duty there, and asked for and received permission to signal the Harper Hall of his imminent return.

The child, Lessa, appeared briefly at the beginning of the evening’s entertainment, but fell asleep in her father’s lap: Robinton was amused, since he’d been singing a rousing song which had occasioned much stamping of heavy boots and rhythmic clapping. One of the nearby holders who had been invited to the evening meal was clever with spoons and joined the other players.

Ruatha’s main Hall, with its excellent acoustics, was marvellous to play in, though Robinton rather thought the wall-hangings helped. He sat opposite the largest one, a stunning spectacle of dragonriders hovering above what was obviously Ruatha Hold, though the design of the faqade had been improved since the tapestry was hung. There were queens too, their riders carrying long wands from which flame spewed, matching the ones used by the crews on the ground. He could even make out the Fort Hold device on the ground crews’ shoulders, so detailed was the scene.

Lady Adessa had certainly taken Hold here. He recalled the Hall from a previous visit with Lord Ashmichel, and at that time the chamber had been dark and dingy. What was the old saying about new spouses and brooms?

Robinton found a little tune dancing in his head, in competition with the one his fingers were playing. His left arm was not bothered by his playing; he had briefly worried that the muscles or the tendons might have been damaged by Giffien’s knife.

The next morning, after a good sleep in a wide and comfortable bed, Robinton felt well rested for the remainder of his journey. He only wished,inton was amused, since he’d been singing a rousing song which had occasioned much stamping of heavy boots and rhythmic clapping. One of the nearby holders who had been invited to the evening meal was clever with spoons and joined the other players.

Ruatha’s main Hall, with its excellent acoustics, was marvellous to play in, though Robinton rather thought the wall-hangings helped. He sat opposite the largest one, a stunning spectacle of dragonriders hovering above what was obviously Ruatha Hold, though the design of the faqade had been improved since the tapestry was hung. There were queens too, their riders carrying long wands from which flame spewed, matching the ones used by the crews on the ground. He could even make out the Fort Hold device on the ground crews’ shoulders, so detailed was the scene.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne