The Master Harper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey. Part eight

Then, to emphasize F’lon’s indignation, Simanith rose from his perch on the heights and spread his wings, bugling.

“Larad requires an apology,” F’lon insisted. “That lout deliberately knocked into him.”

“This is a Gather, F’lon,” Robinton said urgently, scanning the growing crowd for anyone he could call upon for assistance.

Looking beyond to see if he could spot Lord Tarathel near by, he was relieved to catch a glimpse of Nip and jerked his head. He saw Nip raise a hand in reply and dash off. “Accidents can occur when folk are sometimes less careful in this relaxed atmosphere.”

“Enough,” F’lon said, shaking off Robinton’s restraining hand.

“It was as deliberate as the slurs on dragonriders.” “Ha! Dragonwomen!” the captain said in a scathing tone.

That insult inflamed F’lon. “I’ll show you dragonwomen,” he said and drew the knife from his belt.

The captain’s knife seemed to appear in his hand with uncanny speed and Robinton’s fears increased. He made another attempt to gain control of the situation.

“This is a Gather,” he repeated, stepping between the two men who had eyes for no one but each other.

“Out of the way, Harper,” the captain snarled. “Your colour doesn’t protect you or him.”

The crowd had backed away the moment the flash of steel was seen and formed a circle around the five. The next moment, Kepiru barged out of the way and disappeared from sight.

“Move off, Robinton. This is not your fight,” said F’lon, crouching as he shoved Robinton out of the way.

“Wait! The Lord Holder has been summoned!”

“Then let him watch the Weyrleader die!” the captain cried, a wild smile on his face. Crouching, he stepped sideways, not towards the dragonrider but close enough to Robinton so that when he moved, it was the MasterHarper his blade scored. Robinton clutched at his arm, blood oozing out of the long gash.

F’lon let out an inarticulate cry of rage and rushed the captain.

“I’ll see he regrets that, Rob!”

“Harpers, dragonwomen, much the same cowardly clutch.” “Keep your head,” Robinton called to F’lon. He was too alarmed to feel pain and was grateful when someone wrapped a kerchief around the bleeding wound.

Simanith continued to bugle, and the other dragons picked up the challenge at the top of their lungs. If this didn’t bring the other riders to help, surely the calls would alert the Lord Holder and he would be able to stop the fight before more blood was shed.

Perhaps that was why the captain surged forward, determined to finish before he could be interrupted. He was fast, he was clever with the blade, and he was determined. F’lon was equally quick on his feet, but he was livid with anger at the attack on the MasterHarper.

The captain drew first blood, slicing F’lon across the midriff through the loose shirt, causing a hiss of surprise and pain to escape F’lon’s lips. At that F’lon lost all caution, rushing in to grapple his opponent’s knife hand, trying to sink his blade in wherever he could. But the captain was stronger and far cooler.

F’lon was accustomed to fair fighting and opponents who would not risk the life of a dragonrider. The captain had no such inhibitions, and displayed a knowledge of tricks which had probably brought him victory in other brawls. He was also heavier and, letting fly a kick which had the crowd gasping out “foul play’, he unbalanced F’lon and flung him breathless to the dirt. Diving on the prone dragonrideronwomen, much the same cowardly clutch.” “Keep your head,” Robinton called to F’lon. He was too alarmed to feel pain and was grateful when someone wrapped a kerchief around the bleeding wound.

Simanith continued to bugle, and the other dragons picked up the challenge at the top of their lungs. If this didn’t bring the other riders to help, surely the calls would alert the Lord Holder and he would be able to stop the fight before more blood was shed.

Perhaps that was why the captain surged forward, determined to finish before he could be interrupted. He was fast, he was clever with the blade, and he was determined. F’lon was equally quick on his feet, but he was livid with anger at the attack on the MasterHarper.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne