The Prince by Jerry Pournelle and S.M. Stirling

Falkenberg stood to be introduced and offered his hand, which Roger Hastings ignored. Ardway stood rigid for a second, then extended his own. “I won’t say I’m pleased to meet you, Colonel Falkenberg, but my compliments on an operation well conducted.”

“Thank you, Colonel. Gentlemen, please be seated. You have met Captain Svoboda, my Provost?” Falkenberg indicated a lanky officer in battledress who’d come in with them. “Captain Svoboda will be in command of this town when the Forty-second moves out.”

Ardway’s eyes narrowed with interest. Falkenberg smiled. “You’ll see it soon enough, Colonel. Now, the rules of occupation are simple. As mercenaries, gentlemen, we are subject to the CoDominium’s Laws of War. Public property is seized in the name of the Free States. Private holdings are secure, and any property requisitioned will be paid for. Any property used to aid resistance, whether directly or as a place to make conspiracy, will be instantly confiscated.”

Ardway and Hastings shrugged. They’d heard all this before. At one time the CD tried to suppress mercenaries. When that failed the Fleet rigidly enforced the Grand Senate’s Laws of War, but now the Fleet was weakened by budget cuts and a new outbreak of U.S.-Soviet hatred. New Washington was isolated and it might be years before CD Marines appeared to enforce rules the Grand Senate no longer cared about.

“I have a problem, gentlemen,” Falkenberg said. “This city is Loyalist, and I must withdraw my regiment. There aren’t any Patriot soldiers yet. I’m leaving enough force to complete the conquest of this peninsula, but Captain Svoboda will have few troops in Allansport itself. Since we cannot occupy the city, it can legitimately be destroyed to prevent it from becoming a base against me.”

“You can’t!” Hastings protested, jumping to his feet, shattering a glass ashtray. “I was sure all that talk about preserving private property was a lot of crap!” He turned to Bannister. “Howard, I told you last time all you’d succeed in doing was burning down the whole goddamn planet! Now you import soldiers to do it for you! What in God’s name can you get from this war?”

“Freedom,” Bannister said proudly. “Allansport is a nest of traitors anyway.”

“Hold it,” Falkenberg said gently.

“Traitors!” Bannister repeated. “You’ll get what you deserve, you—

“TENSH-HUT!” Sergeant Major Calvin’s command startled them. “The Colonel said you was to hold it.”

“Thank you,” Falkenberg said quietly. The silence was louder than the shouts had been. “I said I could burn the city, not that I intended to. However, since I won’t I must have hostages.” He handed Roger Hastings a computer typescript. “Troops are quartered in homes of these persons. You will note that you and Colonel Ardway are at the top of my list. All will be detained, and anyone who escapes will be replaced by members of his family. Your property and ultimately your lives are dependent on your cooperation with Captain Svoboda until I send a regular garrison here. Is this understood?”

Colonel Ardway nodded grimly. “Yes, sir. I agree to it.”

“Thank you,” Falkenberg said. “And you, Mr. Mayor?”

“I understand.”

“And?” Falkenberg prompted.

“And what? You want me to like it? What kind of sadist are you?”

“I don’t care if you like it, Mr. Mayor. I am waiting for you to agree.”

“He doesn’t understand, Colonel,” Martine Ardway said. “Roger, he’s asking if you agree to serve as a hostage for the city. The others will be asked as well. If he doesn’t get enough to agree he’ll burn the city to the ground.”

“Oh.” Roger felt a cold knife of fear. What a hell of a choice.

“The question is,” Falkenberg said, “will you accept the responsibilities of the office you hold and keep your damn people from making trouble?”

Roger swallowed hard. I wanted to be mayor so I could erase the hatreds of the rebellion. “Yes. I agree.”

“Excellent. Captain Svoboda.”


“Take the mayor and Colonel Ardway to your office and interview the others. Notify me when you have enough hostages to ensure security.”

“Yes, sir. Gentlemen?” It was hard to read his expression as he showed them to the door. The visor of his helmet was up, but Svoboda’s angular face remained in shadow. As he escorted them from the room the intercom buzzed.

“The satellite’s overhead,” Major Savage reported. “All correct, John Christian. And we’ve secured the passengers off that train.”

The office door closed. Roger Hastings moved like a robot across the bustling city council chamber room, only dimly aware of the bustle of headquarters activities around him. The damn war, the fools, the bloody damned fools—couldn’t they ever leave things alone?


A dozen men in camouflage battledress led a slim pretty girl across hard-packed sands to the water’s edge. They were glad to get away from the softer sands above the highwater mark nearly a kilometer from the pounding surf. Walking in that had been hell, with shifting powder sands infested with small burrowing carnivores too stupid not to attack a booted man.

The squad climbed wordlessly into the waiting boat while their leader tried to assist the girl. She needed no help. Glenda Ruth wore tan nylon coveralls and an equipment belt, and she knew this planet and its dangers better than the soldiers. Glenda Ruth Horton had been taking care of herself for twenty-four of her twenty-six years.

White sandy beaches dotted with marine life exposed by the low tide stretched in both directions as far as they could see. Only the boat and its crew showed that the planet had human life. When the coxswain started the boat’s water jet the whirr sent clouds of tiny sea birds into frantic activity.

The fast packet Maribell lay twelve kilometers offshore, well beyond the horizon. When the boat arrived deck cranes dipped to seize her and haul the flatbottomed craft to her davits. Captain Ian Frazer escorted Glenda Ruth to the chart room.

Falkenberg’s battle staff waited there impatiently, some sipping whiskey, others staring at charts whose information they had long since absorbed. Many showed signs of seasickness: the eighty-hour voyage from Allansport had been rough, and it hadn’t helped that the ship pushed along at thirty-three kilometers an hour, plowing into big swells among the islands.

Ian saluted, then took a glass from the steward and offered it to Glenda Ruth. “Colonel Falkenberg, Miss Horton. Glenda Ruth is the patriot leader in the Columbia Valley. Glenda Ruth, you’ll know Secretary Bannister.”

She nodded coldly as if she did not care for the rebel minister, but she put out her hand to Falkenberg and shook his in a thoroughly masculine way. She had other masculine gestures, but even with her brown hair tucked neatly under a visored cap no one would mistake her for a man. She had a heart-shaped face and large green eyes, and her weathered tan might have been envied by the great ladies of the CoDominium.

“My pleasure, Miss Horton,” Falkenberg said perfunctorily. “Were you seen?”

Ian Frazer looked pained. “No, sir. We met the rebel group and it seemed safe enough, so Centurion Michaels and I borrowed some clothing from the ranchers and let Glenda Ruth take us to town for our own look.” Ian moved to the chart table.

“The fort’s up here on the heights.” Frazer pointed to the coastal chart. “Typical wall and trench system. Mostly they depend on the Friedlander artillery to control the city and river mouth.”

“What’s in there, Ian?” Major Savage asked.

“Worst thing is artillery,” the Scout Troop commander answered. “Two batteries of 105’s and a battery of 155’s, all self-propelled. As near as we can figure it’s a standard Friedland detached battalion.”

“About six hundred Friedlanders, then,” Captain Rottermill said thoughtfully. “And we’re told there’s a regiment of Earth mercenaries. Anything else?”

Ian glanced at Glenda Ruth. “They moved in a squadron of Confederate Regular Cavalry last week,” she said. “Light armored cars. We think they’re due to move on, because there’s nothing for them to do here, but nobody knows where they’re going.”

“That is odd,” Rottermill said. “There’s not a proper petrol supply for them here—where would they go?”

Glenda Ruth regarded him thoughtfully. She had little use for mercenaries. Freedom was something to be won, not bought and paid for. But they needed these men, and at least this one had done his homework. “Probably to the Snake Valley. They’ve got wells and refineries there.” She indicated the flatlands where the Snake and Columbia merged at Doak’s Ferry six hundred kilometers to the north. “That’s Patriot country and cavalry could be useful to supplement the big fortress at the Ferry.”

“Damn bad luck all the same, Colonel,” Rottermill said. “Nearly three thousand men in that damned fortress and we’ve not a lot more. How’s the security, Ian?”

Frazer shrugged. “Not tight. The Earth goons patrol the city, doing MP duty, checking papers. No trouble avoiding them.”

“The Earthies make up most of the guard details too,” Glenda Ruth added. “They’ve got a whole rifle regiment of them.”

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Categories: Pournelle, Jerry