The Prince by Jerry Pournelle and S.M. Stirling

“We got some reserve fuel with the guns,” Sergeant Major Calvin reminded him. The big RSM sat in the turret of the command caravan and at frequent intervals fondled the thirty-mm cannon there. It wasn’t much of a weapon, but it had been a long time since the RSM was gunner in an armored vehicle. He was hoping to get in some fighting.

“No. Those guns have to move east to the passes. They’re sure to send a reaction force from the capital, Top Soldier.”

But would they? Falkenberg wondered. Instead of moving northwest from the capital to reinforce the fortress at Doak’s Ferry, they might send troops by sea to retake Astoria. It would be a stupid move, and Falkenberg counted on the Confederates acting intelligently. As far as anyone knew, the Astoria Fortress guns dominated the river mouth.

A detachment of Weapons Battalion remained there with antiaircraft rockets to keep reconnaissance at a distance, but otherwise Astoria was held only by a hastily raised Patriot force stiffened with a handful of mercenaries. The Friedlander guns had been taken out at night.

If Falkenberg’s plan worked, by the time the Confederates knew what they faced, Astoria would be strongly held by Valley Patriot armies, and other Patriot forces would have crossed the water to hold Allansport. It was a risky battle plan, but it had one merit: it was the only one that could succeed.

Leading elements of the regiment covered half the six hundred kilometers north to Doak’s Ferry in ten hours. Behind Falkenberg’s racing lead groups the main body of the regiment moved more ponderously, pausing to blast out pockets of resistance where that could be quickly done, otherwise bypassing them for the Patriot irregulars to starve into submission. The whole Valley was rising, and the further north Falkenberg went the greater the number of Patriots he encountered. When they reached the four-hundred-kilometer point, he sent Glenda Ruth Horton eastward toward the passes to join Major Savage and the Friedland artillery. Like the regiment, the ranchers moved by a variety of means: helicopters, GEM’s, trucks, mules, and on foot.

“Real boot straps,” Hiram Black said. Black was a short, wind-browned rancher commissioned colonel by the Free States Council and sent with Falkenberg to aid in controlling rebel forces. Falkenberg liked the man’s dry humor and hard realism. “General Falkenberg, we got the damnedest collection in the history of warfare.”

“Yes.” There was nothing more to say. In addition to the confused transport situation, there was no standardization of weapons: they had hunting pieces, weapons taken from the enemy, the regiment’s own equipment, and stockpiles of arms smuggled in by the Free States before Falkenberg’s arrival. “That’s what computers are for,” Falkenberg said.

“Crossroad coming up,” the driver warned. “Hang on.” The crossing was probably registered by the guns of an untaken post eight kilometers ahead. Frazer’s cavalry had blinded its hilltop observation radars before passing it by, but the battery would have had brief sights of the command car.

The driver suddenly halted. There was a sharp whistle, and an explosion rocked the caravan. Shrapnel rattled off the armored sides. The car bounded into life and accelerated.

“Ten credits you owe me, Sergeant Major,” the driver said. “Told you they’d expect me to speed up.”

“Think I wanted to win the bet, Carpenter?” Calvin asked.

They drove through rolling hills covered with the golden tassels of corn plants. Genetic engineering had made New Washington’s native grain one of the most valuable food crops in space. Superficially similar to Earth maize, this corn had a growing cycle of two local years. Toward the end of the cycle hydrostatic pressures built up until it exploded, but if harvested in the dry period New Washington corn was high-protein dehydrated food energy, palatable when cooked in water, and good fodder for animals as well.

“Ought to be getting past the opposition now,” Hiram Black said. “Expect the Feddies’ll be pulling back to the fort at Doak’s Ferry from here on.”

His estimate was confirmed a half hour later when Falkenberg’s comm set squawked into action. “We’re in a little town called Madselin, Colonel,” Frazer said. “Used to be a garrison here, but they’re running up the road. There’s a citizen’s committee to welcome us.”

“To hell with the citizen’s committee,” Falkenberg snapped. “Pursue the enemy!”

“Colonel, I’d be very pleased to do so, but I’ve no petrol at all.”

Falkenberg nodded grimly. “Captain Frazer, I want the scouts as far north as they can get. Isn’t there any transport?”

There was a long silence. “Well, sir, there are bicycles . . .”

“Then use bicycles, by God! Use whatever you have to, Captain, but until you are stopped by the enemy you will continue the advance, bypassing concentrations. Snap at their heels. Ian, they’re scared. They don’t know what’s chasing them, and if you keep the pressure on they won’t stop to find out. Keep going, laddie. I’ll bail you out if you get in trouble.”

“Aye, aye, Colonel. See you in Doak’s Ferry.”

“Correct. Out.”

“Can you keep that promise, General?” Hiram Black asked.

Falkenberg’s pale blue eyes stared through the rancher. “That depends on how reliable your Glenda Ruth Horton is, Colonel Black. Your ranchers are supposed to be gathering along the Valley. With that threat to their flanks the Confederates will not dare form a defense line south of Doak’s Ferry. If your Patriots don’t show up then it’s another story entirely.” He shrugged. Behind him the Regiment was strung out along three hundred kilometers of roads, its only flank protection its speed and the enemy’s uncertainties. “It’s up to her in more ways than one,” Falkenberg continued. “She said the main body of Friedland armor was in the capital area.”

Hiram Black sucked his teeth in a very unmilitary way. “General, if Glenda Ruth’s sure of something, you can damn well count on it.”

Sergeant Major Calvin grunted. The noise spoke his thoughts better than words. It was a hell of a thing when the life of the Forty-second had to depend on a young colonial girl.

“How did she come to command the Valley ranchers, anyway?” Falkenberg asked.

“Inherited it,” Black answered. “Her father was one hell of a man, General. Got himself killed in the last battle of the first revolution. She’d been his chief of staff. Old Josh trusted her more’n he did most of his officers. So would I, if I was you, General.”

“I already do.” To Falkenberg the regiment was more than a mercenary force. Like any work of art, it was an instrument perfectly forged—its existence and perfection its own reason for existence.

But unlike any work of art, because the regiment was a military unit, it had to fight battles and take casualties. The men who died in battle were mourned. They weren’t the regiment, though, and it would exist when every man now in it was dead. The Forty-second had faced defeat before and might find it again—but this time the regiment itself was at hazard. Falkenberg was gambling not merely their lives, but the Forty-second itself.

He studied the battle maps as they raced northward. By keeping the enemy off balance, one regiment could do the work of five. Eventually, though, the Confederates would no longer retreat. They were falling back on their fortress at Doak’s Ferry, gathering strength and concentrating for a battle that Falkenberg could never win. Therefore that battle must not be fought until the ranchers had concentrated. Meanwhile, the regiment must bypass Doak’s Ferry and turn east to the mountain passes, closing them before the Friedland armor and Covenant Highlanders could debauch onto the western plains.

“Think you’ll make it?” Hiram Black asked. He watched as Falkenberg manipulated controls to move symbols across the map tank in the command car. “Seems to me the Friedlanders will reach the pass before you can.”

“They will,” Falkenberg said. “And if they get through, we’re lost.” He twirled a knob, sending a bright blip representing Major Savage with the artillery racing diagonally from Astoria to Hillyer Gap, while the main force of the regiment continued up the Columbia, then turned east to the mountains, covering two legs of a triangle. “Jerry Savage could be there first, but he won’t have enough force to stop them.” Another set of symbols crawled across the map. Instead of a distinctly formed body, this was a series of rivulets coming together at the pass. “Miss Horton has also promised to be there with reinforcements and supplies—enough to hold in the first battle, anyway. If they delay the Friedlanders long enough for the rest of us to get there, we’ll own the entire agricultural area of New Washington. The revolution will be better than half over.”

“And what if she can’t get there—or they can’t hold the Friedlanders and Covenant boys?” Hiram Black asked.

Sergeant Major Calvin grunted again.


Hillyer Gap was a six-kilometer-wide hilly notch in the high mountain chain. The Aldine Mountains ran roughly northwest to southeast, and were joined at their midpoint by the southward stretching Temblors. Just at the join was the Gap that connected the capital city plain to the east with the Columbia Valley to the west.

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Categories: Pournelle, Jerry