The Rivan Codex by David Eddings

choose shall endure until the end of days.




Now These are the Generations of the Seers:

KNOW BEFORE ALL ELSE that thou art not

exalted above others by the sight. We know not

from whence it comes; we know not why some

are chosen to receive it and others are not. Know also that

the sight is not the instrument. Thou art but the tool of

the sight, and it will use thee for its own purpose, and

thou wilt never know what that purpose may be. Submit,

therefore, in humility and in patience.

The sight first came to the woman called Ninal. Now

Ninal had been a wife and a mother, but when the sight

came to her, she turned forever from her husband and

children. And the rapture of seeing brought her to her feet,

and to darken her eyes against the common light of day

that she might more clearly see what the sight revealed to

her, she bound a cloth about her eyes. And from that day

until her last, Ninal never again unbound her eyes. And

she spake unto the people of what had been revealed to

her. And the people listened in wonder as she told them of

the Feast of Life and of the Beloved Guest who would one

day come. And all knew that her words were truth

because of the way her voice reached into their hearts.

And when Ninal had finished speaking, the people stood

in awe of her – all save one.

Among the people at that time there was an unfortunate

man called jord. And he was taller than any other man

and his thews were mighty But Jord had never spoken or

uttered a single sound since the day of his birth- And Jord

took up a staff from the earth and went with it to Ninal and

put her hand upon the staff and led her out from the midst

of the people. And ever after, Ninal and Jord dwelt apart

from the people, and he cared for her and protected her

from all harm, and though she may have revealed many

secrets to him, those secrets were forever locked behind his

silent lips. And it hath ever been thus: for every Seer upon

whom the sight descends there is a mute to be the guide

and protector.

In the years that followed the great revelation, the

Seeress Ninal spoke unto the people many times, and the

words she spoke were sometimes clear and sometimes

dark and obscure. And in time the Sight descended upon

others, and they too bound their eyes against the common

light that they might better see; and for each of them as

well a mute came forth to guide and protect. Now some of

the Seers spoke of the revelation which had come to Ninal,

and others spoke to other matters. Some spoke clearly

while the words of others were a mystery.

But because she was the first and because the great

revelation came first to her, the Seers of the First Age of

man are called the Generations of Ninal in her honor. And

when she was old and filled with years, the Seeress Ninal

died, and within the same hour mute jord also passed

from this earth, and they were buried side by side in great


And the Seers aided the scholars who sought to read the

Book of the Heavens and those who sought to translate the

words spoken in the voices of the rocks. And we

discovered that the Seers could speak to each other over great

distances and that they seemed all to share in one


soul which was the source of the Sight; but they spoke

not of this, and our questions remained unanswered.

Now it came to pass that the Generations of Ninal

ended with the end of the First Age, and the Generations

of Vigun began. The Seer Vigun arose and spoke to us

upon the day when the Dragon God of Angarak raised the

stone which he called Cthrag-Yaska and by its power

cracked the earth asunder.. And with the cracking of the

earth the First Age ended and the First Fate and the First

Task, and it became the concern of the Second Generation

to seek out the children of the Gods to learn from them the

things which they knew of the Gods and of the two Fates

which contended for the mastery of creation.

And the Seers of the Generations of Vigun were called

the searchers, for they wandered up and down the world,

touching the minds of the children of the Gods to learn

from them. And the searchers found many strange things

concerning the Gods, for Behold! Each God was so caught

UP in a single idea that he was in all other ways

incomplete. But when at last the searchers went up unto the Vale

where the God Aldur dwelt with his Disciples, they found

a God caught up with the idea of knowing, and the

despair which had descended upon them was banished as

they came into contact with the mind of Aldur. And Aldur

comforted them with his wisdom and counseled them to

endure the coming of the Angaraks, who would soon

invade their lands. And when they went away, one of

their number remained behind for a time. And this was

the Seeress Kammah, who awaited the return of the first

Disciple of Aldur and she who was to be his wife. And

when Belgarath, his task completed, returned to the Vale,

his only companion was a snowy owl. And Kammah

perceived this in wonder and even unbound her eyes so

that they might confirm by common sight what that other

Sight had revealed. And Behold! Poledra was an owl, and

the Sight revealed to Kammah that she was also a wolf,

but that one day she would become a woman and wife to

Belgarath. And Kammah began to tremble and she fell

down upon the earth in the presence of Poledra, for the

vision which came to her shook her very soul. Kammah

knew in that instant that Poledra would bear two

daughters, and that the one would wed the King who would be

the Guardian of the stone called the Orb, and that from

their line would spring the Godslayer whom men would

call ‘Belgarion’. The other daughter of Poledra, Kammah

perceived, would be the mightiest Sorceress the world

would ever know, and the name ‘Polgara’ would be

inscribed beside that of ‘Belgarath’ in the Book of the

Heavens. But it was not Polgara’s power which so awed

Kammah. Rather it was the knowledge that the childless

Sorceress would be mother to Belgarion, and even more

so to the Beloved Guest who would one day come to the

Feast of Life.

And of all the things which were learned by the Seers

of the Generations of Vigun, this was the most important.

And the Seers of the lands of the east and of the lands of

the west contemplated it in wonder until the end of the

Second Age.

Now, as all men know, the Third Age began when

ancient Belgarath, in the company of the King of the

Alorns and the King’s three sons, went up unto Cthol

Mishrak, the City of Endless Night, to reclaim the Orb of

Aldur from the iron tower of the maimed God of Angarak.

But what some men do not know is that at the same time

indeed within the same moment – another EVENT of

equal importance took place half around the world in the

Vale of Aldur. There it was at that particular time that

Poledra, Wolf-wife to Belgarath, labored and brought forth

twin daughters and died in bearing them. And the birth of

Polgara and Beldaran and the death of Poledra shaped the

future as much as did the recapture of the Orb. And as we

read in wonder of these EVENTS in the Book of the

Heavens, a strange Seeress came down to us from the

mountains above Darshiva, and she spake unto us, laying

upon us the task of gathering. And we went up and down

in the world, gathering the Prophecies whispered into the

hearts of diverse men by the two Fates which rule creation.

And Behold, there arose yet another generation of Seers

to consider the Prophecies and to speak of their meaning.

And these were the Generations of the unknown Seeress,

whom men called the Speakers. And we carried to the

Speakers both Prophecy and the ravings of the demented,

for we determined that no possible word of either Fate

should escape us. And the Speakers who were of the

Generations of the unknown Seeress went down to the

city of Kell, where the priests of the God of Angarak

feared to come, and there they received what we had

gathered. And we beheld there a wonder, for the

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Categories: Eddings, David