The Rivan Codex by David Eddings


which reported our gatherings were delivered into

the hands of the mutes who guarded the Seers, and the

mutes read the documents. And if the Seer spake not, the

document was known to be false. and the mute who had

read it committed it immediately to the fire. But if the

document was truly Prophecy – of either of the two Fates

– the Seer would begin to speak almost as soon as the

mute began to read. And we perceived from this that the

Seers communed with the minds of their silent guides,

and despite the binding of their eyes, they were not blind,

but saw rather through the eyes of their mute protectors.

Now from all that we gathered, but little was truly

Prophecy, and the Prophecies all spake the same story

that one day the Child of Light and the Child of Dark

would meet and that in their meeting would be decided

the Fate of all creation. And this was bitter to us, for we

had known of it before, having read the self-same words

in the Book of the Heavens. But the aged Seer Encoron of

the Generations of the unknown Seeress spake in his last

days, and at last we understood the meaning of what was

taking place and had been since the’beginning of time.

‘Variations,’ quoth Encoron. ‘Each EVENT is but a

variation of the same EVENT which hath repeated itself

innumerable times down through all the ages. The Child of

Light and the Child of Dark will meet – as they have met

times beyond counting before. And they will continue to

meet in these endless variations of this same EVENT until

at one meeting a choice is made between them.’

‘What is the choice, Master?’ we urged him, ‘and who

must make it?’

But he spake not, and his mute guardian sighed and

gently laid his master in a posture of repose. Then he also

laid himself upon the earth beside his master and he also


And at the beginning of the Fourth Age the Seeress

Onatel came, and she also spake of the choice. And the

Seers of the Generations of Onatel probed with their

minds toward the very center of Prophecy and of the

Destiny which was at the core of Prophecy. But the visions

came darkly and seemed without meaning. We saw the

whirling of stars and entire worlds suddenly touched into

fire, but none knew what such visions meant. And at last

came Dallan, a Seer of the Generations of Onatel, and he

spake the great truth unto us, saying:

‘Behold what I have seen. The life of man is but the

winking of an eye, and the life of a star is but a breath in

length. The contention between the two Fates hath endured

throughout eternity, and the outcome will encompass

EVENTS so vast that thine imagining cannot grasp them.

Should the Fate which is EVIL triumph over the other Fate,

the result will not so much rebound upon the lives of men,

but rather shall be seen among the stars. And if the stars

perish, all will perish.’

And then at last we understood. The choice between

GOOD and EVIL was a choice between existence and

destruction for all of creation, and GOOD and EVIL were but

human terms, and had no meaning among the stars. That

which might be foulest evil in the eyes of men might well

be that which would save creation from destruction. And

as we considered this, we grew afraid, for Behold, it was

our stern duty to protect creation – even should our choice

enslave or even destroy mankind.

And thus it was when we saw in the Book of the

Heavens that the time was drawing nigh for the meeting

between the Child of Light and the Child of Dark, sent we

five Seers of the Generations of Onatel to Cthol Mishrak,

the City of Night, to make the choice.

But the moment for the choice came and passed – for lo,

we had believed that the EVENT was to be the meeting

between Belgarion and Torak, but it was not. The EVENT

which slipped so swiftly past us was the spurning of

Torak by Belgarath’s daughter, Polgara.

And, sorrowing that they had failed in their task, the

five Seers of the Generations of Onatel returned to Kell,

and the Fifth Age had already begun.

And the Fifth Age was the Age of the Generations of

Gazad, the stern Seer who berated us that we had failed in

our task. And the Generations of Gazad were to be known

as the Choosers, and they moved into the affairs of this

world as none of us had done before. The necessity for

choice now lay heavily upon us, and the time of

indifferent contemplation of EVENTS had passed. Now is the

time to act, to shape EVENTS rather than to be shaped by

them. We must move the figures on the board of time

ourselves and place them in such fashion that the final

meeting will take place at a time and place of our

choosing. For Behold, should this meeting pass without our

choosing, all that was, is and shall be must surely perish.



Now These are the Five Visions:

* This is the vision of Cyradis.

BEHOLD! A GREAT LIGHT came into mine eyes,

and I was dazzled by it and could not see; but in

time, as mine eyes grew accustomed to the

brilliance, I saw a great table lain with fine cloth and dishes of

gold. And I saw the seven guests at the feast and the

empty seat for the beloved one who had not yet come.

And the seven guests ate that which pleased them and

looked about often for the one who had not yet arrived.

And I looked upon this in puzzlement, for I knew not why

it should be shown to me.

And I became aware of a robed and hooded figure

standing by my left hand and another upon my right,

and both figures insisted with imperious gesture that I

continue to watch the feast. And in time, the seven guests

rose from the table, having eaten their fill, and lo, much of

the feast remained, and still was I filled with wonder and


And then the figure upon my right spake unto me,

saying: ‘This is the Feast of Life, and the seven guests are

the seven Gods, who have chosen that which pleased


And the figure upon my left spake also unto me,

saying: ‘One guest hath not yet arrived at the feast, and

that guest is also a God. And when he cometh, he will

choose all that the other guests have not taken.’

And still I perceived not the meaning of their words,

yet felt I the emnity which stood between them. And

each strove to some great end but failed in its

accomplishment because of the other. And then they turned

their shadowed faces to me and spake unto me in one

voice, saying: ‘The choice is upon thee, for two guests

shall come to the Feast of Life, and thou shalt bid one

stay and the other go, and it shall be as thou shalt decide.

And thy choice shall be for all that was, all that is and all

that is yet to be.’

And I was bowed down by the weight of the burden

they had placed upon me, for now at last I understood the

vision and why it had been sent. The figure upon my right

and the figure upon my left were the Destinies which had

striven the one against the other adown all the endless

corridors of time, and each was as strong as the other, and

they remained locked, each in the grip of the other. And all

that was, all that is, and all that is yet to be is divided

equally between them. So equal is this division that the

weight of my choice between them will tip the balance, and

I will make this choice for all of creation. And I turned to

the figures in anguish to protest the burden, that I was not

wise enough to decide, and they replied, saying: ‘No man

..nor God nor spirit is wise enough for this choice. Thy selection

for this task was at the whim of random chance. We

‘care not how the choice is made, only that it be made. The

‘division strains the very fabric of creation, and if the

division doth not soon end, all of creation will perish. Choose

wisely; choose ill; choose by whim alone – but choose!’

And at these words I fell into a swoon and saw no more.

“All as in a dream I wandered across a barren heath under

,a lowering sky. And by the tokens which tell of such

things I knew that a great storm was approaching and

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Categories: Eddings, David