The Sands of Time by Sidney Sheldon


The report of the bank robbery was handled through regular police channels, and it was not until two hours after the robbery occurred that a police lieutenant notified Colonel Acoca about it.

An hour later, Acoca was in Valladolid. He was furious at the delay.

“Why wasn’t I informed immediately?”

“I’m sorry, Colonel, but it never occurred to us that—”

“You had him in your hands and you let him get away!”

“It wasn’t our—”

“Send in the bank teller.”

The teller was filled with a sense of self-importance. “It was my window he came to. I could tell he was a killer by the look in his eye. He—”

“There is no doubt in your mind that the man who held you up was Jaime Miró?”

“None. He even showed me a wanted poster of himself. It was—”

“Did he come into the bank alone?”

“Yes. He pointed to a woman in the line and he said she was a member of his gang, but after Miró left I recognized her. She’s a secretary who’s a regular customer and—”

Colonel Acoca said impatiently, “When Miró left, did you see in which direction he went?”

“Out the front door.”

The interview with the traffic policeman was no more helpful.

“There were four of them in the car, Colonel. Jaime Miró and another man and two women in the back.”

“In what direction were they headed?”

The policeman hesitated. “They could have gone in any direction, sir, once they got off the one-way street.” His face brightened. “I can describe the car, though.”

Colonel Acoca shook his head in disgust. “Don’t bother.”

She was dreaming, and in her dream there were the voices of a mob, and they were coming for her to burn her at the stake for robbing a bank. It wasn’t for me. It was for the cause. The voices grew louder.

Megan opened her eyes and sat up, staring at the unfamiliar castle walls. The sound of voices was real. It was coming from outside.

Megan rose and hurried over to the narrow window. Directly below, in front of the castle, was an encampment of soldiers. She was filled with a sudden panic. They’ve caught us. I have to find Jaime.

She hurried to the room where he and Amparo had slept and looked inside. It was empty. She ran down the steps to the reception hall on the main floor. Jaime and Amparo were standing near the bolted front door, whispering.

Felix ran up to them. “I checked the back. There’s no other way out of here.”

“What about the back windows?”

“Too small. The only way out is through the front door.”

Where the soldiers are, Megan thought. We’re trapped.

Jaime was saying, “It’s just our damned bad luck that they picked this place to camp.”

“What are we going to do?” Amparo whispered.

“There’s nothing we can do. We’ll have to stay here until they leave. If—”

And at that moment there was a loud knock at the front door. An authoritative voice called out, “Open up in there.”

Jaime and Felix exchanged a quick look, and without a word drew their guns.

The voice called out again, “We know there’s someone in there. Open up.”

Jaime said to Amparo and Megan, “Get out of the way.”

It’s hopeless, Megan thought as Amparo moved behind Jaime and Felix. There must be two dozen armed soldiers out there. We haven’t got a chance.

Before the others could stop her, Megan moved swiftly to the front door and opened it.

“Thank the Lord you’ve come!” Megan exclaimed. “You must help me.”


The army officer stared at Megan. “Who are you? What are you doing in there? I’m Captain Rodriguez, and we’re looking for—”

“You’re just in time, Captain.” She grabbed his arm. “My two little sons have typhoid fever, and I have to get them to a doctor. You must come in and help me with them.”

“Typhoid fever?”

“Yes.” Megan was pulling on his arm. “It is terrible. They are burning up. They are covered with sores and are very sick. Bring your men in and help me carry them out to—”

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon