The Sands of Time by Sidney Sheldon

In the morning, I’ll go to the Bank Leu.

The thought made her nervous. What if something had gone wrong? What if the money was no longer there? What if…?

As the first light of dawn inched over the mountains, Lucia was still awake.

A few minutes before nine, she left the Baur au Lac hotel and stood in front of the bank, waiting for it to open.

A kindly-looking middle-aged man unlocked the door. “Come in, please. I hope you haven’t been waiting long?”

Only a few months, Lucia thought. “No. Not at all.”

He ushered her inside. “What can we do for you?”

Make me rich. “My father has an account here. He asked me to come in and—and take it over.”

“Is it a numbered account?”


“May I have the number, please?”


He nodded. “One moment, please.”

She watched him disappear toward a vault in back. The bank was beginning to fill with customers. It’s got to be there, Lucia thought. Nothing must go—

The man was approaching her. She could read nothing in his face.

“This account—you say it was in your father’s name?”

Her heart sank. “Yes. Angelo Carmine.”

He studied her a moment. “The account carries two names.”

Did that mean she would not be able to touch it? “What—” She could scarcely get the words out. “What’s the other name?”

“Lucia Carmine.”

And in that instant, she owned the world.

The account amounted to a little more than thirteen million dollars.

“How would you like it handled?” the banker asked.

“Could you transfer it to one of your associated banks in Brazil? Rio?”

“Certainly. We’ll send you the documentation by messenger this afternoon.”

It was that simple.

Lucia’s next stop was at a travel agency near the hotel. There was a large poster in the window advertising Brazil.

It’s an omen, Lucia thought happily. She went inside.

“May I help you?”

“Yes. I would like two tickets to Brazil.”

There are no extradition laws there.

She could not wait to tell Rubio how well everything was going. He was in Biarritz waiting for her call. They would be going to Brazil together.

“We can live in peace there for the rest of our lives,” she had told him.

Now everything was finally set. After all the adventure and the dangers…the arrest of her father and brothers and her vengeance against Benito Patas and Judge Buscetta…the police looking for her and her escape to the convent…Acoca’s men and the phony friar…Jaime Miró and Teresa and the gold cross…and Rubio Arzano. Most of all, dear Rubio. How many times had he risked his life for her? He had saved her from the soldiers in the woods…from the raging waters at the waterfall…from the men in the bar at Aranda de Duero. The very thought of Rubio warmed Lucia.

She returned to her hotel room and picked up the telephone, waiting for the operator to answer.

There will be something for him to do in Rio. What? What can he do? He’ll probably want to buy a farm somewhere out in the country. But then what would I do?

An operator’s voice said, “Number, please.”

Lucia sat there staring out the window at the snow-covered Alps. We have two different lives, Rubio and I. We live in different worlds. I’m the daughter of Angelo Carmine.

“Number, please?”

He’s a farmer. That’s what he loves. How can I take him away from that? I can’t do that to him.

The operator was getting impatient. “Can I help you?”

Lucia said slowly, “No. No, thank you.” She replaced the receiver.

Early the following morning, she boarded a Swissair flight to Rio.

She was alone.


The meeting was to take place in the luxurious drawing room of Ellen Scott’s townhouse. She paced back and forth waiting for Alan Tucker to arrive with the girl. No. Not a girl. A woman. A nun. What would she be like? What had life done to her? What have I done to her?

The butler walked into the room. “Your guests have arrived, Madam.”

She took a deep breath. “Show them in.”

A moment later, Megan and Alan Tucker entered.

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon