The Sands of Time by Sidney Sheldon

Jaime looked at his watch. “The circus should be starting,” he said. “Let’s go.”

At police headquarters in Logroño, Colonel Ramon Acoca was finalizing his plans.

“Are the men deployed around the convent?”

“Yes, Colonel. Everything is in place.”


Acoca was in an expansive mood. The trap he had set was foolproof, and there would be no bungling policemen to spoil his plans this time. He was personally conducting the operation. The OPUS MUNDO was going to be proud of him. He went over the details with his officers once again.

“The nuns are traveling with Miró and his men. It’s important that we catch them before they walk into the convent. We’ll be spread out in the woods around it. Don’t move until I give the signal to close in.”

“What are our orders if Jaime Miró resists?”

Acoca said softly, “I hope he does try to resist.”

An orderly came into the room. “Excuse me, Colonel. There is an American here who would like to speak to you.”

“I have no time now.”

“Yes, sir.” The orderly hesitated. “He says it’s about one of the nuns.”

“Oh? An American, did you say?”

“Yes, Colonel.”

“Send him in.”

A moment later, Alan Tucker was ushered in.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Colonel. I’m Alan Tucker. I’m hoping you can help me.”

“Yes? How, Mr. Tucker?”

“I understand that you’re looking for one of the nuns from the Cistercian convent—a Sister Megan.”

The colonel sat back in his chair, studying the American. “How does that concern you?”

“I’m looking for her too. It’s very important that I find her.”

Interesting, Colonel Acoca thought. Why is it so important for this American to find a nun? “You have no idea where she is?”

“No. The newspapers—”

The goddamn press again. “Perhaps you could tell me why you are looking for her.”

“I’m afraid I can’t discuss that.”

“Then I’m afraid I can’t help you.”

“Colonel—could you let me know if you find her?”

Acoca gave him a thin smile. “You’ll know.”

The whole country was following the hegira of the nuns. The press had reported the narrow escape of Jaime Miró and one of the nuns in Vitoria.

So they’re heading north, Alan Tucker thought. Their best bet to get out of the country is probably San Sebastián. I’ve got to get hold of her. He sensed that he was in trouble with Ellen Scott. I handled that badly, he thought. I can make up for it by bringing her Megan.

He placed a call to Ellen Scott.

The Cirque Japon was held in a huge tent in an outlying district of Logroño. Ten minutes before the circus was to begin, the tent was filled to capacity. Megan, Jaime, Amparo, and Felix made their way down the crowded aisle to their reserved seats. There were two empty seats next to Jaime.

He stared at them and said, “Something’s wrong. Ricardo and Sister Graciela were supposed to be here.” He turned to Amparo. “Did you—?”

“No. I swear it. I know nothing about it.”

The lights dimmed and the show began. There was a roar from the crowd, and they turned to look at the arena. A bicycle rider was circling the ring, and as he pedaled an acrobat leaped onto his shoulder. Then, one by one, a swarm of other performers jumped on, clinging to the front and back and sides of the bicycle until it was invisible. The audience cheered.

A trained-bear act was next, and then a tightrope walker. The audience was enjoying the show tremendously, but Jaime and the others were too nervous to pay any attention. Time was running out.

“We’ll wait another fifteen minutes,” Jaime decided. “If they’re not here by then—”

A voice said, “Excuse me—are these seats taken?”

Jaime looked up to see Ricardo and Graciela, and grinned. “No. Please sit down.” And then, in a relieved whisper, “I’m damned glad to see you.”

Ricardo nodded at Megan and Amparo and Felix. He looked around. “Where are the others?”

“Haven’t you seen the newspapers?”

“Newspapers? No. We’ve been in the mountains.”

“I have bad news,” Jaime said. “Rubio is in a prison hospital.”

Ricardo stared at him. “How—?”

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon