The Sands of Time by Sidney Sheldon

“Can you tell us anything about the backgrounds of the four nuns who escaped, Prime Minister?” asked a reporter from Oggi.

“I’m sorry. I can give you no further information. I repeat, ladies and gentlemen, the government is doing everything in its power to find the nuns.”

“Prime Minister, there have been reports about the brutality of the attack on the convent at Ávila. Would you respond to that?”

It was a sore point with Martinez because it was true. Colonel Acoca had grossly exceeded his authority. But he would deal with the colonel later. This was the time for a show of unity.

He turned to the colonel and said smoothly, “Colonel Acoca can respond to that.”

Acoca said, “I too have heard those unfounded reports. The facts are simple. We received reliable information that the terrorist Jaime Miró and a dozen of his men were hiding in the Cistercian convent and that they were heavily armed. By the time we raided the convent, they had fled.”

“Colonel, we heard that some of your men molested—”

“That is an outrageous accusation.”

Prime Minister Martinez said, “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. That will be all. You will be informed of any further developments.”

When the reporters had left, the prime minister turned to Colonels Acoca and Sostelo. “They’re making us look like savages in the eyes of the world.”

Acoca had not the slightest interest in the prime minister’s opinion. What concerned him was a telephone call he had received in the middle of the night.

“Colonel Acoca?”

It was a voice he was all too familiar with. He was instantly wide awake.

“Yes, sir.”

“We’re disappointed in you. We had hoped to see some results before this.”

“Sir, I’m closing in on them.” He found that he was perspiring heavily. “I ask that you be a little more patient. I won’t disappoint you.” He held his breath, waiting for a response.

“You’re running out of time.”

The line went dead.

Colonel Acoca replaced the receiver and sat there, frustrated. Where is that bastard Miró?


I’m going to kill her, Ricardo Mellado thought. I could strangle her with my bare hands, throw her off the mountain, or simply shoot her. No, I think strangling her would give me the greatest pleasure.

Sister Graciela was the most exasperating human being he had ever encountered. She was impossible. In the beginning, when Jaime Miró had assigned him to escort her, Ricardo Mellado had been pleased. True, she was a nun, but she was also the most ravishing beauty he had ever laid eyes on. He was determined to get to know her, to find out why she had decided to lock up all that exquisite beauty behind convent walls for the rest of her life. Under the skirt and blouse she was wearing, he could discern the rich, nubile curves of a woman. It’s going to be a very interesting trip, Ricardo had decided.

But things had taken a totally unexpected turn. The problem was that Sister Graciela refused to speak to him. She had not said one word since their journey began, and what completely baffled Ricardo was that she did not appear to be angry, frightened, or upset. Not at all. She simply retreated into some remote part of herself and appeared totally uninterested in him and in what was going on around her. They had traveled at a good pace, walking along hot, dusty side roads, past fields of wheat, rippling golden in the sunlight, and fields of barley, oats, and grapevines. They skirted the little villages along the way and went by fields of sunflowers with their wide yellow faces following the sun.

When they crossed the Moros River, Ricardo asked, “Would you like to rest awhile, Sister?”


They were approaching Segovia before heading northeast to the snow-capped Guadarrama mountains. Ricardo kept trying to make polite conversation, but it was completely hopeless.

“We will be at Segovia soon, Sister.”

No reaction.

What could I have done to offend her? “Are you hungry, Sister?”


It was as though he were not there. He had never felt so frustrated in his life. Perhaps the woman is retarded, he thought. That must be the answer. God gave her an unearthly beauty and then cursed her with a feeble mind. But he did not believe it.

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon