The Talisman by Stephen King

Beneath it, Jack could see a torn and rumpled Pendleton shirt.

A dark stain which might have been either blood or vomit was splashed over one side. It was wearing a rumpled blue tie with tiny gold upper-case E’s woven into the rep fabric; a couple of burrs were stuck on it like grotesque tie-tacks.

Only half of this new Etheridge’s face worked right. There

was dirt in its hair and leaves on its clothes.

“Sloat! Give us your passenger!”

Jack looked down at Etheridge’s freakish Twinner again.

He was caught and held by its eyes, which were somehow vi-

brating in their sockets, like tuning forks moving rapidly in their lab-mounts. He had to work to drag his eyes away.

“Richard!” he grunted. “Don’t look in its eyes.”

Richard didn’t reply; he was staring down at the grinning

troll-version of Etheridge with drugged and pallid interest.

Scared, Jack butted his friend with his shoulder.

“Oh,” Richard said. Abruptly he snatched up Jack’s hand

and pressed it against his forehead. “How hot do I feel?” he demanded.

Jack pulled his hand away from Richard’s forehead, which

was a bit warm but no more.

“Pretty hot,” he lied.

“I knew it,” Richard said with real relief. “I’m going to the infirmary pretty soon, Jack. I think I need an antibiotic.”

“Give him to us, Sloat!”

“Let’s get the bureau in front of the window,” Jack said.

“You’re in no danger, Sloat!” Etheridge called. It grinned reassuringly—the right half of its face grinned reassuringly, anyway; the left half only continued its corpselike gape.

“How can it look so much like Etheridge?” Richard asked

with unsettling, eerie calmness. “How can its voice come

through the glass so clearly? What’s wrong with its face?” His voice sharpened a little and recovered some of its earlier dismay as he asked a final question, one which seemed to be at

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that moment the most vital question of all, at least to Richard Sloat: “Where did it get Etheridge’s tie, Jack?”

“I don’t know,” Jack said. We’re back on Seabrook Island for sure, Richie-boy, and I think we’re gonna boogy till you puke.

“Give him to us, Sloat, or we’ll come in and get him!”

The Etheridge-thing showed its single fang in a ferocious

cannibal’s grin.

“Send your passenger out, Sloat, he’s dead! He’s dead and if you don’t send him out soon, you’ll smell him when he starts to stink!”

“Help me move the frigging bureau!” Jack hissed.

“Yes,” Richard said. “Yes, okay. We’ll move the bureau and

then I’ll lie down, and maybe later I’ll go over to the infirmary. What do you think, Jack? What do you say? Is that a

good plan?” His face begged Jack to say it was a good plan.

“We’ll see,” Jack said. “First things first. The bureau. They might throw stones.”


Soon after, Richard began to mutter and moan in the sleep

which had overtaken him again. That was bad enough; then

tears began to squeeze from the corners of his eyes and that was worse.

“I can’t give him up,” Richard moaned in the weepy, be-

wildered voice of a five-year-old. Jack stared at him, his skin cold. “I can’t give him up, I want my daddy, please someone tell me where my daddy is, he went into the closet but he’s not in the closet now, I want my daddy, he’ll tell me what to do, please—”

A rock came crashing through the window. Jack screamed.

It boomed against the back of the bureau in front of the

window. A few splinters of glass flew through the gaps to the left and right of the bureau and shattered into smaller pieces on the floor.

“Give us your passenger, Sloat!”

“Can’t,” Richard moaned, writhing inside the blanket.

“Give him to us!” another laughing, howling voice from outside screamed. “We’ll take him back to Seabrook Island, Richard! Back to Seabrook Island, where he belongs!”

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Another rock. Jack ducked instinctively, although this rock also bounced off the back of the bureau. Dogs howled and

yapped and snarled.

“No Seabrook Island,” Richard was muttering in his sleep.

“Where’s my daddy? I want him to come out of that closet!

Please, please, no Seabrook Island stuff, PLEASE—”

Then Jack was on his knees, shaking Richard as hard as he

dared, telling him to wake up, it was just a dream, wake up, for Christ’s sake, wake up!

“Pleeze-pleeze-pleeze.” A hoarse, inhuman chorus of

voices rose outside. The voices sounded like a chorus of manimals from Wells’s Island of Dr. Moreau.

“Way-gup, way-gup, way-gup!” a second chorus re-


Dogs howled.

A flurry of stones flew, knocking more glass from the win-

dow, bonking against the back of the bureau, making it rock.

“DADDY’S IN THE CLOSET! ” Richard screamed.



“Way-gup, way-gup, way-gup!”

Richard’s hands waving in the air.

Stones flying, striking the bureau; soon a rock big enough

to either punch straight through the cheap piece of furniture or to simply knock it over on top of them would come through the window, Jack thought.

Outside, they laughed and bellowed and chanted in their

hideous troll-voices. Dogs—packs of them now, it seemed—

howled and growled.

“DADEEEEEEEEE—!!” Richard screamed in a chilling,

rising voice.

Jack slapped him.

Richard’s eyes jerked open. He stared up at Jack for a mo-

ment with a dreadful lack of recognition, as if the dream he’d been having had burned away his sanity. Then he pulled in a long, shaking breath and let it out in a sigh.

“Nightmare,” he said. “Part of the fever, I guess. Horrible.

But I don’t remember exactly what it was!” he added sharply, as if Jack might ask him this at any moment.

“Richard, I want us to get out of this room,” Jack said.

“Out of this—?” Richard looked at Jack as though he must

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be crazy. “I can’t do that, Jack. I’m running a fever of . . . it must be a hundred and three at least, might be a hundred and four or five. I can’t—”

“You’ve got a degree of fever at most, Richard,” Jack said

calmly. “Probably not even that—”

“I’m burning up!” Richard protested.

“They’re throwing stones, Richard.”

“Hallucinations can’t throw stones, Jack,” Richard said, as if explaining some simple but vital fact to a mental defective.

“That’s Seabrook Island stuff. It’s—”

Another volley of rocks flew through the window.

“Send out your passenger, Sloat!”

“Come on, Richard,” Jack said, getting the other boy to his feet. He led him to the door and outside. He felt enormously sorry for Richard now—perhaps not as sorry as he had felt

for Wolf . . . but he was getting there.

“No . . . sick . . . fever . . . I can’t . . .”

More rocks thudded against the bureau behind them.

Richard shrieked and clutched at Jack like a boy who is


Wild, cackling laughter from outside. Dogs howled and

fought with each other.

Jack saw Richard’s white face grow whiter still, saw him

sway, and got up in a hurry. But he was not quite in time to catch Richard before he collapsed in Reuel Gardener’s doorway.


It was a simple fainting spell, and Richard came around

quickly enough when Jack pinched the delicate webbings be-

tween his thumbs and forefingers. He would not talk about

what was outside—affected, in fact, not to know what Jack

was talking about.

They moved cautiously down the hallway toward the stairs.

At the common room Jack poked his head in and whistled.

“Richard, look at this!”

Richard looked reluctantly in. The common room was a

shambles. Chairs were overturned. The cushions on the couch had been slashed open. The oil portrait of Elder Thayer on the far wall had been defaced—someone had crayoned a pair of

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devil’s horns poking out of his neat white hair, someone else had added a moustache under his nose, and a third had used a nail-file or similar implement to scratch a crude phallus on his crotch. The glass of the trophy case was shattered.

Jack didn’t much care for the look of drugged, unbelieving

horror on Richard’s face. In some ways, elves trooping up and down the halls in glowing, unearthly platoons or dragons over the quad would have been easier for Richard to take than this constant erosion of the Thayer School he had come to know

and love . . . the Thayer School Richard undoubtedly believed to be noble and good, an undisputed bulwark against a world where nothing could be counted on for long . . . not even,

Jack thought, that fathers would come back out of the closets they had gone into.

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