The Winner by David Baldacci

LuAnn leaned over and hugged him. “Damn you, Charlie, you almost got yourself killed for her. And for me.”

Charlie wrapped his big arms around her while Riggs watched in respectful silence as the two shook and swayed together.

“Lisa will be okay, Charlie.” She sounded a lot more confident than she actually felt. However, it would do Lisa no good if LuAnn allowed herself to become hysterical and thus useless.

“LuAnn, you know that guy. He could do anything to her.”

“He wants me, Charlie. His whole world is falling apart. The Feds are on to him, he killed Donovan and Bobbie Jo Reynolds and probably his own sister as well. And I know he thinks I’m the cause for all of it.”

“That’s nuts.”

“It’s not nuts if he believes it.”

“Well, you can’t just walk in there and give yourself to him.”

Riggs piped in, “My sentiments exactly. You can’t just call the guy up and say ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be right over so you can kill me.’ ”

LuAnn didn’t answer him.

“He’s right, LuAnn,” Charlie said. He started to get up.

“What the hell are you doing?” she said sharply.

“Getting dressed.”

“Excuse me, didn’t you hear the doctor?”

“I’m old, my hearing’s going. And so am I. Going, that is.”


“Look,” he said angrily as he stumbled trying to get his pants on. LuAnn gripped his good arm, while Riggs steadied him on the other side. “I’m not going to lie here in this bed while that son of a bitch has Lisa. If you don’t understand that, I really don’t care.”

LuAnn nodded in understanding and helped him get his pants on. “You’re a big old ornery bear, you know that?”

“I’ve got one good arm, and just let me get it around that guy’s neck.”

Riggs held up his own injured arm. “Well, between us we have two good arms. I owe the guy too.”

LuAnn put her hands on her hips and looked around. “There’s a cop outside.”

“I can take care of him,” Riggs said.

LuAnn picked up the rest of Charlie’s belongings, including the portable cell phone, and put them in a plastic hospital bag.

When Charlie was finished dressing, Riggs stepped out the door and spoke to Billy.

“Billy, you mind going down to the cafeteria and getting a couple of coffees and maybe some stuff to munch on? I’d go but I can’t carry anything with this bum arm.” He jerked his head toward the room. “And she’s pretty hysterical right now. I don’t want to leave her.”

“I’m really not supposed to leave my post, Matt.”

“I’ll hang out here, Billy, it’ll be okay.” Riggs held up some money. “Here, get yourself something too. Last time we played hoops I remember you eating a whole pizza by yourself afterward.” He eyed Billy’s healthy dimensions. “I don’t want you to wilt away to nothing.”

Billy took the money and laughed. “You sure know the way to a fella’s heart.”

As soon as Billy got into the elevator and the doors closed, Charlie, LuAnn, and Riggs left the room and made their way out by the back stairs. With LuAnn and Riggs supporting Charlie, they quickly walked through the pouring rain to the car. With the thick clouds, it was already dark and the visibility was getting worse every minute.

Shortly, the three of them were in the car heading down Route 29. Charlie used the opportunity to tell them everything that had happened at the motel, including the fact that Jackson had had another man with him. After he finished, Charlie leaned forward from the back seat. “So what’s the plan?” He winced as the car bounced over a pothole and jostled his arm.

LuAnn pulled into a gas station. She pulled out a slip of paper from her pocket. “I’m going to call him.”

“And then what?” Riggs asked.

“I’ll let him tell me,” she replied.

“You know what the hell he’s going to say,” Charlie rejoined. “He’s going to set up a meeting, just you and him. And if you go, he’s going to kill you.”

“And if I don’t go, he’s going to kill Lisa.”

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Categories: Baldacci David