The Winner by David Baldacci

“Yeah, but they all won by cheating too,” Charlie retorted.

“Well, the government isn’t about to announce that to the world. They make billions off the lottery. Telling the truth might just mess that up, don’t you think?”

“How about all the millions she gave to charity, doesn’t that count for something?” Charlie said angrily.

“The IRS applauded LuAnn’s generosity but said they really couldn’t help on that because she had never filed a return. I’m telling you it’s not a bad deal. She could have gone to prison for a long time over this. Except for that fact, she probably could have kept some of the money. But that was a very real threat over her head. Sheriff Harvey didn’t go away very easily.”

“I can’t believe this crap. After all she’s been through. She broke up Crane’s worldwide criminal syndicate, the FBI looks like heroes, they confiscated all his property, billions of bucks into the Treasury, and she winds up with nothing. Not even a pat on the back. It’s not fair!”

LuAnn put a hand on a seething Charlie’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Charlie. I didn’t deserve any of that money. And I wanted to pay what I owed. I just want to be LuAnn Tyler again. I told Matthew that. But I didn’t murder anyone. All the charges against me are gone, right?” She looked at Riggs for confirmation.

“That’s right. Federal, state, everything. Free as a bird.”

“Yeah, and poor as a church mouse,” Charlie added angrily.

“Is that it, Matthew? They can’t come back on me later? The IRS, I mean? For more money?”

“All the papers are signed. They dropped everything. It’s over. They confiscated all your accounts, they foreclosed on the house. Anyway, even if they came after you, which they can’t, you don’t have any more money.”

Lisa looked at him. “Maybe we can move in here, Mom.” She added quickly, “I mean for a little while.” She looked between LuAnn and Riggs nervously. LuAnn smiled at Lisa. Telling her daughter the entire truth had been the hardest thing she had ever had to do. But the second she had finished, she had never felt greater relief. Lisa had taken the news admirably. Now at least their relationship could take on a semblance of normalcy.

Riggs looked at LuAnn, a little nervous himself. “I was thinking along those lines myself.” He swallowed hard. “Can you excuse us for a minute?” he asked Charlie and Lisa.

He took LuAnn by the arm and they left the room. Charlie and Lisa watched them go and then exchanged smiles.

* * *

Riggs sat LuAnn down by the fireplace and stood in front of her. “I’d love for all of you to move in here. There’s plenty of room. But—” He looked down.

“But what?” she asked.

“I was thinking about a more permanent arrangement.”

“I see.”

“I mean, I earn a good living and, well, now that you don’t have all that money.” She cocked her head at him as he blew out a deep breath. “I just never wanted you to think I was after you because of your wealth. It would’ve driven me crazy. It was like this big roadblock I couldn’t get around. I don’t want you to think that I’m happy you’re not rich anymore. If there had been some way for you to keep the money, that would’ve been great. But, now that you don’t have it, I just want you to know . . .” Here he stumbled again, unable to continue, suddenly terrified at the deep waters he had ventured into.

“I love you, Matthew,” LuAnn said simply.

Riggs’s features fully relaxed. He didn’t look terrified anymore. In fact, he couldn’t remember ever being this happy before. “I love you too, LuAnn Tyler.”

“Have you ever been to Switzerland?” she asked.

He looked surprised. “No. Why?”

“I always thought about honeymooning there. It’s so romantic, so beautiful. Especially at Christmas time.”

Riggs looked troubled. “Well, sweetie, I work hard, but small-town, one-man-shop general contractors don’t make enough money to do those sorts of things. I’m sorry.” He licked his lips nervously. “I’ll understand if you can’t accept that, after all these years of being so rich.”

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Categories: Baldacci David