The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare, 1564-1616

HERMIONE You gods, look down

And from your sacred vials pour your graces

Upon my daughter’s head! Tell me, mine own.

Where hast thou been preserved? where lived? how found

Thy father’s court? for thou shalt hear that I,

Knowing by Paulina that the oracle

Gave hope thou wast in being, have preserved

Myself to see the issue.

PAULINA There’s time enough for that;

Lest they desire upon this push to trouble

Your joys with like relation. Go together,

You precious winners all; your exultation

Partake to every one. I, an old turtle,

Will wing me to some wither’d bough and there

My mate, that’s never to be found again,

Lament till I am lost.

LEONTES O, peace, Paulina!

Thou shouldst a husband take by my consent,

As I by thine a wife: this is a match,

And made between’s by vows. Thou hast found mine;

But how, is to be question’d; for I saw her,

As I thought, dead, and have in vain said many

A prayer upon her grave. I’ll not seek far–

For him, I partly know his mind–to find thee

An honourable husband. Come, Camillo,

And take her by the hand, whose worth and honesty

Is richly noted and here justified

By us, a pair of kings. Let’s from this place.

What! look upon my brother: both your pardons,

That e’er I put between your holy looks

My ill suspicion. This is your son-in-law,

And son unto the king, who, heavens directing,

Is troth-plight to your daughter. Good Paulina,

Lead us from hence, where we may leisurely

Each one demand an answer to his part

Perform’d in this wide gap of time since first

We were dissever’d: hastily lead away.


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