Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carré

‘So who came in for the tripe precisely?’

Mainly Roy Bland, said Jim sullenly. How did Bland reconcile his left-wing leanings with the work of the Circus? He hasn’t got any left-wing leanings, said Jim, that’s how. What was Bland’s standing with Esterhase and Alleline? What did Bland think of Bill’s paintings? Then how much Roy drank and what would become of him if Bill ever withdrew his support for him? Jim gave meagre answers to these questions.

‘Was anyone else mentioned?’

‘Esterhase,’ Jim snapped, in the same taut tone. ‘Bloody man wanted to know how anyone could trust a Hungarian.’

Smiley’s next question seemed, even to himself, to cast an absolute silence over the whole black valley.

‘And what did he say about me?’ He repeated: ‘What did he say about me?’

‘Showed me a cigarette lighter. Said it was yours. Present from Ann. “With all my love”. Her signature. Engraved.’

‘Did he mention how he came by it? What did he say, Jim? Come on, I’m not going to weaken at the knees just because some Russian hood made a bad joke about me.’

Jim’s answer came out like an army order. ‘He reckoned that after Bill Haydon’s fling with her, she might care to redraft the inscription.’ He swung away towards the car. ‘I told him,’ he shouted furiously. ‘Told him to his wrinkled little face. You can’t judge Bill by things like that. Artists have totally different standards. See things we can’t see. Feel things that are beyond us. Bloody little man just laughed. “Didn’t know his pictures were that good,” he said. I told him, George. “Go to hell. Go to bloody hell. If you had one Bill Haydon in your damned outfit, you could call it set and match.” I said to him: “Christ Almighty,” I said, “what are you running over here? A service or the bloody Salvation Army?” ‘

‘That was well said,’ Smiley remarked at last, as if commenting on some distant debate. ‘And you’d never seen him before?’


‘The little frosty chap. He wasn’t familiar to you – from long ago for instance? Well, you know how we are. We’re trained to see a lot of faces, photographs of Centre personalities, and sometimes they stick. Even if we can’t put a name to them any more. This one didn’t anyway. I just wondered. It occurred to me you had a lot of time to think,’ he went on, conversationally. ‘You lay there recovering, waiting to come home, and what else had you to do, but think?’ He waited. ‘So what did you think of, I wonder? The mission. Your mission, I suppose.’

‘Off and on.’

‘With what conclusions? Anything useful? Any suspicions, insights, any hints for me to take away?’

‘Damn all, thank you,’ Jim snapped, very hard. ‘You know me, George Smiley, I’m not a juju man, I’m a-‘

‘You’re a plain fieldman who lets the other chaps do his thinking. Nevertheless: when you know you have been led into a king-sized trap, betrayed, shot in the back, and have nothing to do for months but lie or sit on a bunk, or pace a Russian cell, I would guess that even the most dedicated man of action’ – his voice had lost none of its friendliness – ‘might put his mind to wondering how he landed in such a scrape. Let’s take Operation Testify a minute,’ Smiley suggested to the motionless figure before him. ‘Testify ended Control’s career. He was disgraced and he couldn’t pursue his mole, assuming there was one. The Circus passed into other hands. With a sense of timeliness, Control died. Testify did something else too. It revealed to the Russians – through you, actually – the exact reach of Control’s suspicions. That he’d narrowed the field to five, but apparently no further. I’m not suggesting you should have fathomed all that for yourself in your cell, waiting. After all you had no idea, sitting in the pen, that Control had been thrown out – though it might have occurred to you that the Russians laid on that mock battle in the forest in order to raise a wind. Did it?’

‘You’ve forgotten the networks,’ said Jim dully.

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Categories: John Le Carre