Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carré

‘If you say so, Roddy.’

‘I do. I say more than that. Far more.’

As Martindale drew closer Smiley caught the odour of one of Trumper’s most sensitive creations.

‘I say something else: Control never died at all. He’s been seen.’ With a fluttering gesture he silenced Smiley’s protests. ‘Let me finish. Willy Andrewartha walked straight into him in Jo’burg airport, in the waiting room. Not a ghost. Flesh. Willy was at the bar buying a soda for the heat, you haven’t seen Willy recently but he’s a balloon. He turned round and there was Control beside him dressed up like a ghastly Boer. The moment he saw Willy he bolted. How’s that? So now we know. Control never died at all. He was driven out by Percy Alleline and his three-piece band so he went to ground in South Africa, bless him. Well, you can’t blame him, can you? You can’t blame a man for wanting a drop of peace in the evening of his life. I can’t.’

The monstrosity of this, reaching Smiley through a thickening wall of spiritual exhaustion, left him momentarily speechless.

‘That’s ridiculous! That’s the most idiotic story I ever heard! Control is dead. He died of a heart attack after a long illness. Besides he hated South Africa. He hated everywhere except Surrey, the Circus and Lord’s Cricket Ground. Really, Roddy, you mustn’t tell stories like that.’ He might have added: I buried him myself at a hateful crematorium in the East End, last Christmas eve, alone. The parson had a speech impediment.

‘Willy Andrewartha was always the most God-awful liar,’ Martindale reflected, quite unruffled. ‘I said the same to him myself: “The sheerest nonsense, Willy, you should be ashamed of yourself.” ‘ And straight on as if never by thought or word had he subscribed to that silly view: ‘It was the Czech scandal that put the final nail into Control’s coffin, I suppose. That poor fellow who was shot in the back and got himself into the newspapers, the one who was so thick with Bill Haydon always, so we hear. Ellis, we’re to call him, and we still do, don’t we, even if we know his real name as well as we know our own.’

Shrewdly Martindale waited for Smiley to cap this, but Smiley had no intention of capping anything so Martindale tried a third tack.

‘Somehow I can never quite believe in Percy Alleline as Chief, can you? Is it age, George, or is it just my natural cynicism? Do tell me, you’re so good at people. I suppose power sits poorly on those we’ve grown up with. Is that a clue? There are so few who can carry it off for me these days and poor Percy’s such an obvious person, I always think, specially after that little serpent, Control. That heavy good fellowship; how can one take him seriously? One has only to think of him in the old days lolling in the bar of the Travellers’, sucking away on that log pipe of his and buying drinks for the moguls; well, really, one does like one’s perfidy to be subtle, don’t you agree? Or don’t you care as long as it’s successful? What’s his knack, George, what’s his secret recipe?’ He was speaking most intently, leaning forward, his eyes greedy and excited. Only food could otherwise move him so deeply. ‘Living off the wits of his subordinates; well, maybe that’s leadership these days.’

‘Really, Roddy, I can’t help you,’ said Smiley weakly. ‘I never knew Percy as a force, you see. Only as a-‘ He lost the word.

‘A striver,’ Martindale suggested, eyes glistening. ‘With his sights on Control’s purple, day and night. Now he’s wearing it and the mob loves him. So who’s his strong left arm, George? Who’s earning him his reputation? Wonderfully well he’s doing, we hear it from all sides. Little reading rooms at the Admiralty, little committees popping up with funny names, red carpet for Percy wherever he goes in the Whitehall corridors, junior ministers receiving special words of congratulation from on high, people one’s never heard of getting grand medals for nothing. I’ve seen it all before, you know.’

‘Roddy, I can’t help you,’ Smiley insisted, making to get up. ‘You’re out of my depth, truly.’ But Martindale was physically restraining him, holding him at the table with one damp hand while he talked still faster.

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Categories: John Le Carre