body’s honorableness, because he ain’t got none of his

own. I reckon there’s lots of people like that dervish.

They swindle, right and left, but they always make the

other person SEEM to swindle himself. They keep inside

of the letter of the law all the time, and there ain’t no

way to git hold of them. THEY don’t put the salve on

— oh, no, that would be sin; but they know how to

fool YOU into putting it on, then it’s you that blinds

yourself. I reckon the dervish and the camel-driver

was just a pair — a fine, smart, brainy rascal, and a

dull, coarse, ignorant one, but both of them rascals,

just the same.”

“Mars Tom, does you reckon dey’s any o’ dat kind

o’ salve in de worl’ now?”

“Yes, Uncle Abner says there is. He says they’ve

got it in New York, and they put it on country people’s

eyes and show them all the railroads in the world, and

they go in and git them, and then when they rub the

salve on the other eye the other man bids them good-

bye and goes off with their railroads. Here’s the

treasure-hill now. Lower away!”

We landed, but it warn’t as interesting as I thought

it was going to be, because we couldn’t find the place

where they went in to git the treasure. Still, it was

plenty interesting enough, just to see the mere hill

itself where such a wonderful thing happened. Jim

said he wou’dn’t ‘a’ missed it for three dollars, and I

felt the same way.

And to me and Jim, as wonderful a thing as any was

the way Tom could come into a strange big country

like this and go straight and find a little hump like that

and tell it in a minute from a million other humps that

was almost just like it, and nothing to help him but

only his own learning and his own natural smartness.

We talked and talked it over together, but couldn’t

make out how he done it. He had the best head on

him I ever see; and all he lacked was age, to make a

name for himself equal to Captain Kidd or George

Washington. I bet you it would ‘a’ crowded either of

THEM to find that hill, with all their gifts, but it warn’t

nothing to Tom Sawyer; he went across Sahara and

put his finger on it as easy as you could pick a nigger

out of a bunch of angels.

We found a pond of salt water close by and scraped

up a raft of salt around the edges, and loaded up the

lion’s skin and the tiger’s so as they would keep till Jim

could tan them.



WE went a-fooling along for a day or two, and then

just as the full moon was touching the ground

on the other side of the desert, we see a string of little

black figgers moving across its big silver face. You

could see them as plain as if they was painted on the

moon with ink. It was another caravan. We cooled

down our speed and tagged along after it, just to have

company, though it warn’t going our way. It was a

rattler, that caravan, and a most bully sight to look at

next morning when the sun come a-streaming across

the desert and flung the long shadders of the camels

on the gold sand like a thousand grand-daddy-long-

legses marching in procession. We never went very

near it, because we knowed better now than to act like

that and scare people’s camels and break up their cara-

vans. It was the gayest outfit you ever see, for rich

clothes and nobby style. Some of the chiefs rode on

dromedaries, the first we ever see, and very tall, and

they go plunging along like they was on stilts, and

they rock the man that is on them pretty violent and

churn up his dinner considerable, I bet you, but they

make noble good time, and a camel ain’t nowheres with

them for speed.

The caravan camped, during the middle part of the

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Categories: Twain, Mark