day, and then started again about the middle of the

afternoon. Before long the sun begun to look very

curious. First it kind of turned to brass, and then to

copper, and after that it begun to look like a blood-

red ball, and the air got hot and close, and pretty soon

all the sky in the west darkened up and looked thick

and foggy, but fiery and dreadful — like it looks

through a piece of red glass, you know. We looked

down and see a big confusion going on in the caravan,

and a rushing every which way like they was scared;

and then they all flopped down flat in the sand and

laid there perfectly still.

Pretty soon we see something coming that stood up

like an amazing wide wall, and reached from the Desert

up into the sky and hid the sun, and it was coming

like the nation, too. Then a little faint breeze struck

us, and then it come harder, and grains of sand begun

to sift against our faces and sting like fire, and Tom

sung out:

“It’s a sand-storm — turn your backs to it!”

We done it; and in another minute it was blowing a

gale, and the sand beat against us by the shovelful, and

the air was so thick with it we couldn’t see a thing. In

five minutes the boat was level full, and we was setting

on the lockers buried up to the chin in sand, and only

our heads out and could hardly breathe.

Then the storm thinned, and we see that monstrous

wall go a-sailing off across the desert, awful to look at,

I tell you. We dug ourselves out and looked down,

and where the caravan was before there wasn’t any-

thing but just the sand ocean now, and all still and

quiet. All them people and camels was smothered and

dead and buried — buried under ten foot of sand, we

reckoned, and Tom allowed it might be years before

the wind uncovered them, and all that time their friends

wouldn’t ever know what become of that caravan.

Tom said:

“NOW we know what it was that happened to the

people we got the swords and pistols from.”

Yes, sir, that was just it. It was as plain as day

now. They got buried in a sand-storm, and the wild

animals couldn’t get at them, and the wind never un-

covered them again until they was dried to leather and

warn’t fit to eat. It seemed to me we had felt as sorry

for them poor people as a person could for anybody,

and as mournful, too, but we was mistaken; this last

caravan’s death went harder with us, a good deal

harder. You see, the others was total strangers, and

we never got to feeling acquainted with them at all,

except, maybe, a little with the man that was watching

the girl, but it was different with this last caravan. We

was huvvering around them a whole night and ‘most a

whole day, and had got to feeling real friendly with

them, and acquainted. I have found out that there

ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people

or hate them than to travel with them. Just so with

these. We kind of liked them from the start, and

traveling with them put on the finisher. The longer

we traveled with them, and the more we got used to

their ways, the better and better we liked them, and

the gladder and gladder we was that we run across

them. We had come to know some of them so well

that we called them by name when we was talking

about them, and soon got so familiar and sociable that

we even dropped the Miss and Mister and just used

their plain names without any handle, and it did not

seem unpolite, but just the right thing. Of course, it

wasn’t their own names, but names we give them.

There was Mr. Elexander Robinson and Miss Adaline

Robinson, and Colonel Jacob McDougal and Miss

Harryet McDougal, and Judge Jeremiah Butler and

young Bushrod Butler, and these was big chiefs mostly

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Categories: Twain, Mark