TriPoint, a Union Alliance novel by Caroline J. Cherryh

“You can’t do that!”

“Oh, I can do it, Tommy, I can do it, and Bianco can probably crack my lock, given an hour or so. But Patrick’ll blow us to hell first. Austin will figure that part with no prompt at all.”

“God, you’re crazy.”

“I’ve been accused of that. But you watch me not talk, Tommy-sweet. Austin can ask me, pretty please. Austin can do what I say. “ A hand brushed his forehead. “I just want somebody but me to know, if it happens. But, listen, if Austin’s the man I think he is, he’ll deliver that damn cargo. That card’s his proof. His credit with the Fleet. Call it old-fashioned honor. I think they still use that word. He’ll fight to keep it.”

“How?” Consciousness came up for a moment. He saw her shadow against the running colors, solid mass, when nothing else was. Voices rang and echoed. Time might have passed. “I don’t understand how you can do this. How. Drop us. Anywhere.”

“Not much else you can control in this space, lover, just the power you can throw into the interface. Or dump off. Yeah, there’s things I can do. Patrick-bastard’s trying to hang back on me, not using the power he’s got. It’s an old trick, ride our wave and try to drop in behind us. He’d like to haul me down, but it’s dangerous as hell, and say he can’t do it without a gravity slope, so we’re safe for the while. Besides, he knows I got to dump down anyway—and I know where and he doesn’t. So when we hit the Tripoint slope, he’ll expect I’ll bobble the field and feint a drop. Wrong. I’ll drop us for real, right out from under him. So if he doesn’t read my mind, he’s potentiating elsewhere. Same event-packet. Puts us time-wise near simultaneous, position-wise as far separate as I can fake him, the gods of physics know where: the variables are hell, and one of ‘em’s Patrick. Wish I knew if that ghosty freighter’s an echo. If it’s real, she’ll come down, too. Just don’t know where.”

He was following it. Didn’t want to, but he was—at least the part that said they were riding close with ships on entry.

Military stuff.

They didn’t have to be boarded. Their own navigator was the breed an honest merchanter was most afraid of.

“Tommy-love, last warning, if Austin balks—h-a-v-o-c is the code he has to input to get us that authorization I need. Key-card in the cargo console slot while you input. Two should know that, down there. Tell him, if he asks, that Capella’s not betrayed him. “ Mouth covered his. Hand went down his side. Gentle touch. “You’re such an honest lad, Tommy-person. And there are so few. Go below when they ask for help. Saby’ll take you. They’ll need every hand they’ve got down in cargo and they damn sure won’t want you up where the computers are. Remember what I’ve said.”


“Saby can get you down to cargo. I want you there. You just insist. G’night, lover. See you. See you otherside. “ Lips touched his again, passionately, deeply, gently. “Sweet, sweet dreams, Tommy.”

Trank was worn thin. Didn’t know long he’d waked, over all. Not long. Not often. Now he couldn’t get his equilibrium. Couldn’t rest, either, after the shadow was gone.

He lay there with sounds running through his brain, in the shifting chaos. Shutting the eyes didn’t stop it. Colors kept going off, flashes, like pressure against the eyes. Thoughts kept going, turning back on each other, and he wanted to believe. Wanted to believe his night-walker was telling, however selectively, the truth.

Didn’t know if it was scrambled logic, or if what you heard when the brain was flashing colors and rumbling with thunder that wasn’t sound… had to stick in your head, and you couldn’t discriminate what was lies.

Distances go down a tunnel, don’t they?

Remember what I’ve said…


SHIP DROPPED. LONG, long sequence. Body ached.

The whole of space seemed to bend.

Supposed to be a hard one, it was all right, it was supposed to be this way.

Then… he began to think it wasn’t going right, that the ship was in trouble.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J