TriPoint, a Union Alliance novel by Caroline J. Cherryh

The ship skimmed the interface again. Major pulse, momentary grey-out.

Then red, red, red, and red, dammit! then green flashes… splashes of sound and vibration…

The stomach tried to turn itself inside out. Terror… did that to you.

Capella. Guy with the snakes. Green and purple snakes. Crawling all over him. Capella and the snakes, climbing up his legs, holding him down, the bars weren’t there anymore.

Sensation that wasn’t part of any subspace dream he’d ever had…

Sexual high, and raw terror.

Then down again. Skuzzy, scarred walls. Mattress under his back. Nice, safe bars, between him and the nightmares.

Breathe. Drink the fluids. Don’t throw up.

Please, God. He didn’t want their medics. Didn’t want their crew in here, didn’t want that grid opened…

Next sip. Didn’t see any snakes, didn’t feel them slithering around him.

Couldn’t remember what it felt like now. It had been vivid, before.

He was coming out of it. Winning against the pulses that sent him back to illusions, and physiological…

Shit. Shit…

God. God, God, God…

Calm. Quiet. Breathe.

Easier if you had the output of instruments in front of you. Lying here scared stiff and with the sweat chilling in the current from the air ducts… you didn’t know where the ship was… you didn’t have any information what was going on, they didn’t even signal you…

He wasn’t used to that kind of sloppiness. Wasn’t the way Sprite did business. Made him mad.

Wasn’t used to the signals when they did give them. Damn sirens. No human word out of anybody. Wasn’t a way to run a ship.

His biological father was in charge up on this bridge. Marie wasn’t down in cargo. The condition of the universe had done a total reverse. He wasn’t going back. Ever. He didn’t know where he was going. His head was starting to ache, right between the eyes.

Second… or was it third…? skip at the interface.

Long, long skip. Erotic feelings ran up and down his body, found center… God, he couldn’t stand it. Couldn’t stop it.

Scratches healed and otherwise… both? How did you do that to yourself?

He shut his eyes, pressed fingers against the sinuses. Kept feeling the scrapes on his skin, stinging with the sweat, aftermath of pure stupidity. He tried to be mad. Mad was the way to get through things. Marie said.

Stupid thing to do. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hell of a nightmare. Jerk off in jump-space and you were lucky you didn’t do worse… deserved everything he got, absolutely, he’d learned better, if he could just stop the physiological reactions…

Maybe the trank was a brand he hadn’t used, and he was having a drug reaction, he didn’t know. He damned sure meant to ask, if he could find anybody on this ship disposed to care about details like that.

Long quiet, then. But you couldn’t trust they weren’t going to dump down again, you couldn’t trust anything. Just try to make the feelings go away.

The siren blew two blasts, then. God, how was he supposed to know what it was? Impending evasive action? Impending impact with a rock? Considering the headache, he wasn’t sure he gave an effective damn.

But after the echoes died, he heard that indefinable stirring of life in the ship’s guts that meant definitive all-clear, distant, ordinary sounds, confirming the ship was about its routines, safe, and crew was moving about.

Safe as this ship ever was. Safe as the crew could make this ship. Not for him, maybe. But at least they were alive together. At least it was down to human motives and human reasons.

His father’s ship.

His father’s say-so and his father’s set of laws, amen.

He lay there and drank the nutri-packs, two of them, before his stomach decided it wasn’t going to heave everything up, and before his head decided it wasn’t going to explode. He let the belts go when he’d come to that conclusion, lay still with one knee up and an arm under his head, finding no reason to venture more than that. The noises in the ship now were noises he understood, mostly, somebody banging around with a service panel, checking on filters or plumbing. Somebody was shouting at somebody else about schedules, except you didn’t shout obscenities like that down Sprite’s corridors. It occurred to him he’d never heard a stream of profanity like that in his life, and Marie was no prude when she was pissed. It actually attained meter and art.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J