Trumps of Doom by Roger Zelazny. CHAPTER 5,6

I bit back a reply just in time and felt my pulse begin to race. That last statement had been spoken in Thari. I maintained my silence.

Then: “Well, that didn’t work, and I still don’t really know.”

“What? What don’t you know?” I said.

“Whether he’s from one of those places or whether you.”

“To be as blunt as possible, what’s it to you?” I asked him.

“Because one of you may be in great danger.”

“The one who is from such a place or the one who is not?” I asked.

“I can’t tell you that. I can’t afford another mistake.”

“What do you mean? What was your last one about?”

“You won’t tell me-either for purposes of self preservation, or to help a friend?”

“I might,” I said, “if I knew that that were really the case. But for all I know, it might be you that’s the danger.”

“I assure you I am only trying to help the right person.”

“Words, words, words,” I said. “Supposing we were both from such places?”

“Oh, my!” he said. “No. That couldn’t be.”

“Why not?”

“Never mind. What do I have to do to persuade you?”

“Mm. Wait a minute. Let me think,” I answered. “All right. How about this? I’ll meet you someplace. You name the place. I get a good look at you and we trade information, one piece at a time, till all the cards are on the table.”

There was a pause.

Then: “That’s the only way you’ll do it?”


“Let me think about it. I’ll be back in touch soon.”

“One thing-“


“If it is me, am I in danger right now?”

“I think so. Yes, you probably are. Good-bye.” He hung up.

I managed to sigh and swear at the same time as I recradled the phone.

People who knew about us seemed to be coming out of the woodwork.

Bill came into the kitchen, a very puzzled expression on his face.

“How’d whoever-the-hell-he-is even know you’re here?” were his first words.

“That was my question,” I said. “Think up another.”

“I will. If he wants to set something up, are you really going?”

“You bet. I suggested it because I want to meet this guy.”

“As you pointed out, he may be the danger.”

“That’s okay by me. He’s going to be in a lot of danger, too.”

“I don’t like it.”

“I’m not so happy with it myself. But it’s the best offer I’ve had so far.”

“Well, it’s your decision. It’s too bad there isn’t some way of locating him beforehand.”

“That passed through my mind, too.”

“Listen, why not push him a little?”


“He sounded a little nervous, and I don’t think he liked your suggestion any more than I do. Let’s not be here when he calls back. Don’t let him think you’re just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring. Make him wait a little. Go conjure up some fresh clothes and we’ll drive over to the country club for a couple of hours. It’ll beat raiding the icebox.”

“Good idea,” I said. “This was supposed to be a vacation, one time. That’s probably the closest I’ll get. Sounds fine.” I renewed my wardrobe out of Shadow, trimmed my beard, showered, and dressed. We drove to the club then and had a leisurely meal on the terrace. It was a good evening for it, balmy and star-filled, running with moonlight like milk. By mutual consent we refrained from discussing my problems any further. Bill seemed to know almost everyone there, so it seemed a friendly place to me. It was the most. relaxed evening I’d spent in a long while. Afterward we stopped for drinks in the club bar, which I gathered had been one of my dad’s favorite watering spots, strains of dance music drifting through from the room next door.

“Yeah, it was a good idea,” I said. “Thanks.”

“De nada, “ he said. “I had a lot of good times here with your old man.

You haven’t, by any chance-?”

“No, no news of him.”


“I’ll let you know when he turns up.”

“Sure. Sorry.”

The drive back was uneventful, and no one followed us. We got in a little after midnight, said good night, and I went straight to my room. I shrugged out of my new jacket and hung it in the closet, kicked off my new shoes and left them there, too. As I walked back into the room, I noticed the white rectangle on the pillow of my bed.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger