Trumps of Doom by Roger Zelazny. CHAPTER 5,6

Bill halted and turned toward me.


I raised my hand.

“Long distance call,” I said.

A moment later I felt the first movement of contact. I also heard the noise in the bushes again, across the water.


It was Random’s voice, calling to me. A few seconds later I saw him, seated at a desk in the library of Amber.

“Yes?” I answered.

The image came into solidity, assumed full reality, as if I were looking through an archway into an adjacent room. At the same time, I still possessed my vision of the rest of my surroundings, though it was growing more and more peripheral by the moment. For example, I saw Gearge Hansen start up from among the bushes across the creek, staring at me.

“I want you back in Amber right away,” Random stated. George began to move forward, splashing down into the water.

Random raised his hand, extended it. “Come on through,” he said.

By now my outline must have begun shimmering, and I heard George cry out, “Stop! Wait! I have to come with-!”

I reached out and grasped Bill’s shoulder.

“I can’t leave you with this nut,” I said. “Come on!” With my other hand I clasped Random’s.

“Okay,” I said, moving forward. “Stop!” George cried.

“The hell you say,” I replied, and we left him to clasp a rainbow.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger