Cowper seemed to consider it. “Nothing private, of course just getting things done. On second thought maybe you should sit in and give us your advice.”

“Huh? Oh, no! I didn’t know anything was going on.” Rod started to move away.

Cowper did not insist. “Got to keep working, lots to do. See you later, then. Any time.” He grinned and turned away.

Rod wandered off, feeling conspicuous. He heard himself hailed and turned gratefully, joined Jimmy Throxton. “Come outside the wall,” Jimmy said quietly. “The Secret Six are having a picnic. Seen the happy couple?”

“You mean Carmen and Bob?”

“Know any other happy couples? Oh, there they are staring hungrily at their future mansion. See you outside.”

Rod went beyond the wall, found Jacqueline and Caroline sitting near the water and eating. From habit he glanced around, sizing up possible cover for carnivores and figuring escape routes back into the kraal, but his alertness was not conscious as there seemed no danger in the open so near other people. He joined the girls and sat down on a rock. “Hi, kids.”

“Hello, Rod.”

“H’lo, Roddie,” Caroline seconded. “‘What news on the Rialto?'”

“None, I guess. Say, did Grant appoint an executive committee last night?”

“He appointed about a thousand committees but no executive committee unless he did it after we adjourned. Why an executive committee? This gang needs one the way I need a bicycle.”

“Who is on it, Rod?” asked Jacqueline.

Rod thought back and named the faces he had seen around Cowper. She looked thoughtful. “Those are his own special buddies from Teller U.”

“Yes, I guess so.

“I don’t like it,” she answered.

“What’s the harm?”

“Maybe none . . . maybe. It is about what we could expect. But I’d feel better if all the classes were on it, not just that older bunch. You know.”

“Shucks, Jack, you’ve got to give him some leeway.”

“I don’t see why, put in Caroline. “That bunch you named are the same ones Hizzonor appointed as chairmen of the other committees. It’s a tight little clique. You notice none of us unsavory characters got named to any important cominittee I’m on waste disposal and camp sanitation, Jackie is on food preparation, and you aren’t on any. You should have been on the constitution, codification, and organization committee, but he made himself chairman and left you out. Add it up.”

Rod did not answer. Caroline went on, “I’ll add it if you won’t. First thing you know there will be a nominating committee. Then we’ll find that only those of a certain age, say twentyone, can hold office. Pretty soon that executive committee will turn into a senate (called something else, probably) with a veto that can be upset only by a threequarters majority that we will never get. That’s the way my Uncle Phil would have rigged it.”

“Your Uncle Phil?”

“Boy, there was a politician! I never liked him he had kissed so many babies his lips were puckered. I used to hide when he came into our house. But I’d like to put him up against Hizzonor. It’ud be a battle of dinosaurs. Look, Rod, they’ve got us roped and tied; I say we should fade out right after the wedding.” She turned to Jacqueline. “Right. . . pardner?”

“Sure . . . if Rod says so.”

“Well, I don’t say so. Look, Carol, I don’t like the situation. To tell the truth . . . well, I was pretty sour at being kicked out of the captaincy. But I can’t let the rest of you pull out on that account. There aren’t enough of us to form another colony, not safely.”

“Why, Roddie, there are three times as many people still back in those trees as there are here in camp. This time we’ll build up slowly and be choosy about whom we take. Six is a good start. We’ll get by.”

“Not six, Carol. Four.”

“Huh? Six! We shook on it last night before Jimmy woke you.”

Rod shook his head. “Carol, how can we expect Bob and Carmen to walk out . . . right after the rest have made them a wedding present of a house of their own?”

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Categories: Heinlein, Robert