Dumont was still standing. “I said no more stalling, Grant. You argued that what we needed was laws, not a captain’s whim. You’ve been throwing your weight around quite a while now and I don’t see any laws. What are your duties? How much authority do you have? Are you both the high and the low justice? Or do the rest of us have rights?”

“Shut up and sit down!”

“How long is your term of office?”

Cowper made an effort to control himself. “Shorty, if you have suggestions or, such things, you must take them up with the committee.

“Oh, slush! Give me a straight answer.”

“You are out of order.”

“I am not out of order. I’m insisting that the committee on drawing up a constitution tell us what they are doing. I won’t surrender the floor until I get an answer. This is a town meeting and I have as much right to talk as anybody.”

Cowper turned red. “I wouldn’t be too sure,” he said ominously. just how old are you, Shorty?”

Dumont stared at him. “Oh, so that’s it? And the cat is out of the bag!” He glanced around. “I see quite a few here who are younger than I am. See what he’s driving at, folks? Secondclass citizens. He’s going to stick an age limit in that so called constitution. Aren’t you, Grant? Look me in the eye and deny it.”

“Roy! Dave! Grab him and bring him to order.”

Rod had been listening closely; the show was better than usual. Jimmy had been adding his usual flippant commentary. Now Jimmy whispered, “That tears it. Do we choose up sides or do we fade back and watch the fun?”

Before he could answer Shorty made it clear that he needed no immediate help. He set his feet wide and snapped, “Touch me and somebody gets hurt!” He did not reach for any weapon but his attitude showed that he was willing to fight.

He went on, “Grant, I’ve got one thing to say, then I’ll shut up.” He turned and spoke to all. “You can see that we don’t have any rights and we don’t know where we stand but we are already organized like a straitjacket. Committees for this, committees for that and what good has it done? Are we better off than we were before all these halfbaked committees were appointed? The wall is still unfinished, the camp is dirtier than ever, and nobody knows what he is supposed to do. Why, we even let the signal fire go out yesterday. When a roof leaks, you don’t appoint a committee; you fix the leak. I say give the job back to Rod, get rid of these silly committees, and get on with fixing the leaks. Anybody with me? Make some noise!”

They made plenty of noise. The shouts may have come from less than half but Cowper could see that he was losing his grip on them. Roy Kilroy dropped behind Shorty Dumont and looked questioningly at Cowper; Jiminy jabbed Rod in the ribs and whispered, “Get set, boy.”

But Cowper shook his head at Roy. “Shorty,” he said quietly, “are you through making your speech?”

“That wasn’t a speech, that was a motion. And you had better not tell me it’s out of order.”

“I did not understand your motion. State it.”

“You understood it. I’m moving that we get rid of you and put Rod back in.”

Kilroy interrupted. “Hey, Grant, he can’t do that. That’s not according to”

“Hold it, Roy. Shorty, your motion is not in order.”

“I thought you would say that!”

“And it is really two motions. But I m not going to bother with trifles. You say people don’t like the way I’m doing things, so we’ll find out.” He went on briskly, “Is there a second to the motion?”


“I second it.”

“Moved and seconded. The motion is to recall me and put Rod in office. Any remarks?”

A dozen people tried to speak. Rod got the floor by outshouting the others. “Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman! Privileged question!”

“The chair recognizes Rod Walker.”

“Point of personal privilege. I have a statement to make.”

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Categories: Heinlein, Robert