TWICE A HERO By Susan Krinard

“And what do you think will be necessary?”

“The dance has almost ended. I can’t linger here. I have my own work to do.” He was distracted as the music finished in a grand Viennese flourish. “I hope you were not exaggerating the attraction between you and Liam. You may have a chance to put it to the test very soon.”


“Be ready for my message.”

“Wait! If you had nothing to do with the accident, then who—”

But he was already gone. The waltz was ended, and Liam and Caroline had left the floor. Mac spotted Caroline gossiping with a group of girls her own age, fully absorbed in the activity.

And Liam—Liam was crossing the room at a brisk pace, headed for the wide double doors to the rear of the chamber. The Gresham butler, Biggs, was waiting for him. The two men slipped out of the room with a definite air of secrecy.

Mac’s mind was full of Perry’s news of the carriage accident, his claims of innocence, and the frightening implications that arose from those assumptions.

Regardless of what had happened in the jungle, someone had acted against Liam here in San Francisco. Someone had tried to kill Liam in the guise of an accident. He wasn’t a subtle man; she wouldn’t be surprised if he’d made a number of enemies throughout his life.

If Perry was innocent, then someone else had a motive. That person could, at this very moment, be arranging another attempt.

And it was entirely beyond Mac’s control to interfere. Unless…

She didn’t hesitate further. She had to find Liam—irrational, perhaps, but she had to make sure he was all right. She retraced the way Liam and Biggs had gone, hugging the wall and hoping no one noticed.

There was something to be said for being a wallflower. Her departure went unremarked. She got the heavy ballroom doors open without undue difficulty and closed them behind her. A dark wood-paneled hallway ran along the side of the ballroom; all Mac could hear was the echoing sound from the ballroom itself.

Until she caught the unmistakable timbre of Liam’s voice from somewhere down the hall. The sound started a hum in her body just below where her snug bodice ended.

She pressed a hand to her belly and walked toward the origin of Liam’s voice. It came from behind a closed door—and there was another voice in the room with it, faintly accented.

The door was thick, but it was not impermeable. It was also open a very convenient crack. Another chance to develop my newfound skills at eavesdropping, Mac thought wryly. She did a quick scan of the hall to make sure it was empty and pressed herself as close to the door as she could.

“If it weren’t for the urgency of this, Chen, I couldn’t risk it. You know I was to propose to Miss Gresham tonight.”

“I understand, Mr. O’Shea,” said the accented voice. “Do you wish me to tell the others—”

“No. If the tongs expect us to act tomorrow night, then we’ll have to do it now, before they get new information. Only you and I know about the change. By the time we tell the others, whoever we can gather at this short notice, there won’t be any time for the informant to betray us.”

“Are you certain it is a matter of betrayal, Mr. O’Shea?”

A pause. “I’ll find out. But it’s a sign that we’ll have to change our methods.” He sighed. “Tonight will be my last raid. When this is over we’ll meet with the others and decide who should take over the leadership.”

“As you say. I shall set things in motion. I have messengers waiting.”

“Good. I’ll join you as soon as I can. I have another matter to take care of.”

“And may I wish you luck, Mr. O’Shea?”

Liam’s answer was long in coming. “Thank you, Chen.”

There was the muffled scraping of feet. Mac had just time enough to flatten herself against the wall before the door opened and someone emerged from the room. Mac caught a glimpse of book-lined walls before the door hid her view again.

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Categories: Krinard, Susan