TWICE A HERO By Susan Krinard

He rinsed his razor in the gourd of water on the ground between his feet and toweled his face, dabbing his cuts gingerly. The Maya pendant swung against his bare chest, reminding him of his abrupt decision to put it on this morning. As a reminder—a reminder and a visible pledge. As a symbol of friendship it no longer had any meaning, but as a symbol of betrayal…

He stilled the pendant with one hand, noting the way Mac focused on it. Or on his chest, as if she’d never seen a half-naked man before.

“Did you miss my company?” he asked.

She flashed straight white teeth. “Not in the least. I slept like a baby. Amazing how comfortable those hammocks are.”

Liam slapped the towel over his shoulder. She was not a good liar; her dark eyes were deeply shadowed with sleeplessness. “And did Fernando give you breakfast?”

She strolled closer, looking past him at the lake. “He did, thanks.” She ran her hands through her hair again and plucked at the cloth of her shirt.

Liam smothered a grin. He knew exactly what she was thinking. The morning mist had lifted, and the day promised to be as hot as any other in the past week. There was not so much as a cloud in the sky to mar the tempting serenity of the water. It provided a perfect place for bathing, formed by a rain-swollen stream and cut off by a shift in the water’s course.

“I think you need a bath, Miss MacKenzie,” he said.

“How astute of you to notice. As a matter of fact, I—” He noted with interest that it was her bare ears, and not her cheeks, that reddened. “I came down here to wash up. And to ask if you…” She choked on her request and finished in a rush. “If you had any spare clothes I could borrow until mine are clean.”

So she was finally reduced to asking him for something. Liam stretched his legs and worked the muscles of his shoulders lazily.

“I have no corsets and such with me,” he said, watching her. “Nothing, I’m afraid, that would tempt a female.”

She shuddered. “I don’t need a… corset.” Her gaze followed the movements of his shoulders almost boldly; maybe she had seen a half-naked man before. The thought unaccountably annoyed him.

“If you have any spare pants and shirts—”

“Mine? You’d drown in them.”

She cleared her throat. “I don’t have a lot of choice, O’Shea.”

He gave her request due consideration. Thin as she was, she was tall enough that one of his shirts might not fall much below her knees. The thought of seeing her dressed in his clothes had a peculiar effect on him, and his grin faded. He’d thought her mannish garb outrageous, and yet…

“Fernando’s would fit better,” he said brusquely, “but he hasn’t any spares himself. I’ll find you something.”

“Thanks.” Her voice was low and husky, so unlike Caroline’s sweet soprano. “If, um, if you’re done here, maybe I could use the lake?”

He relaxed and folded his arms. “It doesn’t belong to me. Help yourself.”

Her small, square jaw tightened. “I’d appreciate some privacy.”

“I’m confused. I thought you said that women in your time are the equals of their men, and have left behind such feminine sensibilities.”

“Common courtesy still exists—at least most of the time.”

“By no means would I be discourteous. But I’m not leaving you here alone. I’ll fetch the clothes now, and that should give you enough time to preserve your modesty.”

“Really, it’s not necess—” She noted his expression and thought better of her protest. “Could you at least stay out of sight?”

“My sight, or yours?”

“You know what I mean.”

“You do know how to swim?” he asked.


“Then I’ll go fetch the clothes.”

“Thanks.” She looked at her muddy, booted feet. “I mean it.”

Liam grabbed the stool and collapsed it. I think I’ve learned one thing about you, Mac, he thought. You seldom say anything you don’t mean.

Aloud, he said, “Try not to frighten the water snakes and crocodiles during your bath, Mac.”

Her answer was muffled and undoubtedly rude. He knew she didn’t move while he was in view, and probably not for some time after he left the lake behind.

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Categories: Krinard, Susan