Wamphyri! Brian Lumley

‘No. I’m the only one who knows that. Those were your instructions.’

‘That’s right. Good! Well, we can thank God we got that right, anyway. Now listen: I’m coming home. Tonight I mean today! On the first possible flight. Carl Quint will stay out here and see this end sewn up, but I’m coming back. Don’t wait for me if I can’t get down to Devon in time. Go in as planned. Have you got that?’

‘Yes.’ The other’s voice was grim. ‘Oh, yes, I’ve got that! Christ, and I’m looking forward to it!’

Kyle’s eyes narrowed, grew very bright and fierce. ‘Have Peter’s body burned,’ he said, ‘just in case . .

And then burn Bodescu. Burn all the blood-sucking bastards!’

Quint gently took the phone from him and said, ‘Guy, Carl here. Listen, this is top priority. Get a couple of our best men up to Hartlepool A.S.A.P. Darcy Clarke especially. Do it now, even before you move on Harkley.’

‘Right,’ Roberts answered. ‘I’ll do it.’ Then he got the point. His gasp was perfectly audible, even over the none too clear connection. ‘Hell, of course I’ll do it right now!’

Wide-eyed and pale, Kyle and Quint stared at each other. There was no need to give voice to what was on their minds. Yulian Bodescu had learned almost everything there was to know about them. Keen had access, as had they all, to the Keogh file. A vampire’s greatest fear is to be discovered for what he is. He will try to destroy anyone who even suspects him.

INTESP knew what he was, and the focus the jinni loci of INTESP was someone called Harry Keogh.

Darcy Clarke had swallowed two double brandies in quick succession before insisting on going back on duty. That had been shortly before Roberts’s call to the Hotel Dunarea in Bucharest. Roberts, at first dubious, had finally let Clarke go back to Harkley, but with this warning: ‘Darcy, stay in your car. Don’t leave it, no matter what. I know you have your juju working, but in this case it mightn’t be enough. But we do need someone watching that hell-house, at least until we can get fully mobilised, and so if you’re volunteering. .

Clarke had driven carefully, coldly back to Harkley House and parked on the stiff black grass close to where Keen’s car had stood. He tried not to think about the ground where his car stood, or what had happened there.

He was aware of it would never forget it but he kept it on the periphery of his consciousness, didn’t let it interfere. And so with his gun and loaded crossbow beside him he’d sat there watching the house, never taking his eyes off it for a moment.

Fear had turned to hatred in Clarke’s heart; he was here as a duty, yes, but it was more than that. Bodescu might just come out, might just show his face, and if he did . . . Clarke needed desperately to kill him.

In the house Yulian sat in darkness by his garret window. He, too, had known a little fear, something of panic. But now, like Clarke, he was cold, calm, calculating. For now, with one very important exception, he knew all there was to know about the watchers. The one thing he didn’t know was when. But certainly it would be soon. He gazed out into the darkness and could sense the approaching dawn. Down there, beyond the gate, in a car in the field across the road, someone else watched. Ah, but this one would be better prepared. Yulian sent his vampire senses reaching into the cold and misty pre-dawn gloom, touched lightly upon a mind. Hatred lashed out at him before the mind closed itself — but not before he recognised it. Yulian merely grinned. He sent his telepathic thoughts down to the vaulted cellars: Vlad, an old friend of yours is keeping a vigil on the house. 1 want you to watch him. But don’t let him see you, and don’t try to hurt him. They are wary now, these watchers, and coiled like springs. If you are seen it may not go well for you. So just watch him, and let me know if he moves or does anything other than watch us! Now go. .A huge black shadow, slope-eared, feral-eyed, padded silently up the narrow steps in the small building standing towards the rear of the house. It came out into the grounds, turned towards the gates, kept to the darker areas of trees and shrubbery. Tongue lolling, Vlad hastened to obey. .

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Categories: Brian Lumley