Wamphyri! Brian Lumley

He took his usual form, except that now the infant was no longer foetal but seated in his mid-section, and it no longer turned aimlessly on its own axis but seemed to recline against Harry, eyes closed, in an attitude almost of meditation. Also, the Keogh manifestation seemed paler, had less luminosity, while the image of the child was definitely brighter.

Krakovitch, after the initial shock, recognised Keogh at once. ‘My God!’ he blurted. ‘A ghost — two ghosts! Yes, and I know one of them. That thing is Harry Keogh!’

‘Not a ghost, Felix,’ said Kyle as he took the Russian’s arm. ‘It’s something rather more than a ghost — but nothing to be afraid of, I assure you. Is Sergei all right?’

Gulharov’s Adam’s apple bobbed frantically; his hands shook and his eyes bulged; if he could have run he probably would have, but the strength had gone out of his legs. Krakovitch spoke to him sharply in Russian, told him to sit, that everything was in order. Sergei didn’t believe him but he sat anyway, almost collapsing into his chair.

‘The floor’s yours, Harry,’ said Kyle.

‘For the sake of goodness!’ said Krakovitch, feeling a growing hysteria, but trying to stay calm for Gulharov’s sake. ‘Won’t someone explain?’

Keogh looked at him, at Gulharov, too. You are Krakovitch, he said to the former. You have psychic awareness, which makes it easier. But your friend doesn’t. I’m getting through to him, but it’s an effort.

Krakovitch opened and closed his mouth like a fish, saying nothing, then thumped down into his chair beside Gulharov. He licked dry lips, glanced at Kyle. ‘Not .

not a ghost?’

No, I’m not, Harry answered. But 1 suppose it’s an understandable mistake. Look, I haven’t time to explain my circumstances. Now that you’ve seen me, maybe Kyle will do that for me? But later. Right now I’m short of time again, and what I have to say is rather important.

‘Felix,’ said Kyle, ‘try to put your astonishment behind you. Just accept that this is happening and try to take in what he’s saying. I’ll tell you all about it just as soon as I have the chance.’

The Russian nodded, got a grip of himself, said, ‘Very well.’

Harry told all that he’d learned since the last time he and Kyle had spoken. His terms of expression were very abbreviated; he brought the INTESP men up to date in less than half an hour. Finally he was done, and looked to Kyle for his response. How are things in England?

‘I contact our people tomorrow at noon,’ Kyle told him.

And the house in Devon?

‘I think the time has come to order them in.’

Keogh nodded. So do I. When do you make your move in the cruciform hills?

‘We finally get to see the place tomorrow,’ Kyle answered. ‘After that. . . Tuesday, in daylight!’

Well, remember what I’ve told you. What Thibor left behind is — big!

‘But it lacks intelligence. And as I said, we’ll be working in daylight.’

Again the Keogh apparition nodded. I suggest you move in on Harkley House and Bodescu at the same time. By now he has to be pretty sure what he is and he’s probably explored his vampire powers, though from what we know of him he doesn’t have Thibor’ or Faethor’s cunning or insularity. They guarded their Wamphyri identities — jealously! They didn’t go around making more vampires unnecessarily. On the other hand Yulian Bodescu, perhaps because he’s had no instruction, is a time-bomb! Frighten him, then make a mistake and let him go free, and he’ll go like wildfire, a vile cancer in the guts of all humanity.

Kyle knew he was right. ‘I agree with you on the timing,’ he said, ‘but are you sure you’re not just worrying about Bodescu getting to Thibor before we can act against him?’

I might be, the apparition frowned. But as far as we know Bodescu isn’t even aware of the cruciform hills and what’s buried there. But put that aside for now. Tell me, do your men in England know what has to be done? It isn’t every man who’d have the stomach for it. it’s rough work. The old methods — the stake, decapitation, fire —there are no other ways. Nothing else will work. It can’t be done with kid gloves. The fire at Harkley will have to be a big one. A bonfire! Because of the cellars.

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Categories: Brian Lumley