Wamphyri! Brian Lumley

‘About the Wamphyri,’ Faethor continued. ‘Just as there are in the common world widely differing sorts of the same basic creature — owl and gull and sparrow, fox and hound and wolf — so are there varying Wamphyri states and conditions: For example: we talked about taking cuttings from an apple tree. Yes, it might be easier if you think of it that way.’

He stooped, dragged the unconscious, twitching body of the squat Wallach away from the area of torn up flags, tossed old Arvos’ corpse down upon the black soil. Then he tore open the old man’s ragged shirt, and glanced up from where he knelt into Thibor’s mystified eyes. ‘Is there sufficient light, my son? Can you see?’

‘I see a madman clearly enough,’ Thibor gave a brusque nod.

The Ferenczy returned his nod, and again he smiled his hideous smile, the ivory of his teeth gleaming in lantern light. ‘Then see this!’ he hissed.

Kneeling beside old Arvos’ crumpled form, he extended a forefinger towards the gypsy’s naked chest. Thibor watched. Faethor’s forearm stuck out free of his robe. Whatever the Ferenczy was up to, there could be no trickery, no sleight of hand here.

Faethor’s nails were long and sharply pointed at the end of his even, slender fingers. Thibor saw the quick of the pointing finger turn red and start to drip blood. The pink nail cracked open like the brittle shell of a nut, flapped loosely like a trapdoor on a finger bloating and pulsating. Blue and grey-green veins stood out in that member, writhing under the skin; the raw tip visibly lengthened, extending itself towards the dead gypsy’s cold grey flesh.

The pulsating digit was no longer a finger as such: it was a pseudopod of unflesh, a throbbing rod of living matter, a stiff snake shorn of its skin. Now twice, now three times its former length, it vibrated down at an angle to within inches of its target, which appeared to be the dead man’s heart. And all of this Thibor watched with bulging eyes, bated breath and gaping mouth.

And until this moment Thibor had not really known fear, but now he did. Thibor the Wallach — warlord of however small and ragged an army, humourless, merciless killer of the Pechenegi — utterly fearless Thibor, until now. Until now he’d not met a creature he feared. In the hunt, wild boar in the forests, which had wounded men so badly as to kill them, were ‘piglets’ to him. In the challenge: let any man only dare hurl down the gauntlet, Thibor would fight him any way he chose. All knew it, and none chose! And in battle: he led from the front, stood at the head of the charge, could only ever be found in the thick of the fighting. Fear? It was a word without meaning. Fear of what? When he had ridden out to battle, he’d known each day might be his last. That had not deterred him. So black was his hatred of the invaders, of all enemies, that it simply engulfed fear and put it down. No creature, or man, or threat of any device of men had ever unmanned him since . . . oh, before he could remember: since he was a child, if ever he’d been one. But Faethor Ferenczy was something other than all of these. Torture could only maim and must kill in the end, and there’s no pain after death, but what the Ferenczy threatened seemed an eternity of hell. Mere moments ago it had been a strange fantasy, the dreams of a madman, but now. .

Unable to tear his eyes away, Thibor groaned and grew pale at the sight of that which followed.

‘A cutting, aye,’ Faethor’s voice was low, trembling with dark passions, ‘to be nurtured in flesh already tainted and falling into decay. The lowest form of Wamphyri existence, it will come to nothing so long as it has no living host. But it will live, devour, grow strong — and hide! When there is nothing left of Arvos it will hide in the earth and wait. Like the vine, waiting for a tree. The cut-off leg of a starfish, which does not die but waits to grow a new body — except this thing I make waits to inhabit one! Mindless, unthinking, it will be a thing of the most primitive instincts. But it can nevertheless outlast the ages. Until some unwary man finds it, and it finds him…’

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Categories: Brian Lumley