White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 1, 2

“What’s wrong?” asked Jaxom.

“He’s too excited to make sense,” N’ton replied with a laugh, and he stroked the little creature’s neck uttering a series of soothing noises until Tris, with a final chirp in Ruth’s direction, folded his wings to his back.

He likes me, Ruth observed.

“All firelizards like you,” Jaxom replied.

“Yes, I’ve noticed that too, and not just today when they were helping us wash him,” N’ton said.

“Why do they?” Jaxom had always wanted to ask N’ton that, but he had never had the courage. He didn’t like to take up the Weyrleader’s valuable time with silly questions. But, today, it didn’t seem like such a silly question.

N’ton turned his head to his firelizard and, in a moment, Tris gave a quick chirp and then busily cleaned his forepaw. N’ton chuckled. “He likes Ruth. That’s all the answer I get from him. I’d hazard the notion that it’s because Ruth is nearer their size. They can see him without having to back up several dragonlengths to do so.”

“I suppose so.” Jaxom still had reservations. “What ever it is, firelizards come from all over to visit him. They tell him the most outrageous stories but that makes him happy, especially when I can’t be right there with him.”

They had reached the roadway and were heading for the ramp into the Great Court.

“Don’t be long dressing, will you, Jaxom? Lessa and F’lar ought to arrive soon,” N’ton said as he kept going straight on through the great gates toward the massive metal Hold door. “Finder’ll be in his quarters at this hour?”

“He should be.”

Then, as Jaxom and Ruth turned toward the kitchen and the old stables, the youth began to worry about the trial set for today. N’ton surely would not have raised his hopes about getting permission to fly Ruth if he wasn’t pretty sure the Benden Weyrleaders would be agreeable.

To fly Ruth would be so marvelous. Besides it would prove once and for all that Ruth was a real dragon and not just an overgrown firelizard as Dorse so often teased him. And, too, he’d finally be able to get away from Dorse. Today was the first time in Turns he hadn’t had to endure Dorse’s teasing as he washed Ruth. Not that the boy was just jealous of Jaxom’s having Ruth. Dorse had always taunted Jaxom, ever since he could remember. Before Ruth had come, Jaxom had managed to make himself scarce in the dark recesses of Ruatha’s many levels. Dorse didn’t like the dark, stuffy corridors and stayed away. But with Ruth’s arrival, Jaxom no longer was able to disappear and avoid Dorse’s attentions. He often wished that he didn’t owe Dorse so much. But he was Lord of Ruatha and Dorse was his milk-brother so he owed him his life. For if Deelan hadn’t given birth to Dorse two days before Jaxom’s unexpected arrival, Jaxom would have died in his first hours. Therefore, Jaxom had been taught by Lytol and the Hold harper, he must share everything with his milk-brother. As far as Jaxom could see, Dorse benefited far more than he did. The boy, a full hand taller than Jaxom and heavier set, certainly hadn’t suffered for sharing his mother’s milk. And Dorse made sure he got the best part of anything else Jaxom had.

Jaxom waved cheerily to the cooks, busy preparing a fine midday meal to celebrate, he fervently hoped, the occasion of his first flight on Ruth. He and the white dragon continued past the gates to the old stables which had been refitted as their quarters. Small though Ruth had been when he first arrived at Ruatha a Turn and a half ago, it had been obvious that he would quickly grow too large to enter the traditional apartment of the Lord Holder within the Hold proper.

So Lytol had decided that the old stables, with the vaulted ceiling, could be refurbished suitably for sleeping quarters and a work room for Jaxom and a fine spacious Weyr for the little dragon. New doors had been specially designed by Mastersmith Fandarel and hung with such ingenuity that a slightly built lad and an awkward hatchling could manage them.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne