White Dragon by Anne McCaffrey. Chapter 1, 2

Ruth answered his thoughts with a smug croon as the dragon paced into the old stable courtyard and dropped his left shoulder for Jaxom to dismount.

“We can fly now, and get away from here, Ruth. And we’ll be able to go between, too, and go anywhere we want on Pern. You flew just beautifully, and I’m sorry I was such a poor rider, walloping you like that on your ridges. I’ll learn. You’ll see!”

Ruth’s eyes wheeled affectionately in a brilliant blue as he followed Jaxom into the weyr. Then Jaxom kept telling Ruth how marvelous he was, turning on a wing tip and all, as he brushed away the worst of the ridge dust and hide fuzz that had accumulated on Ruth’s bed overnight. Ruth settled himself, angling his head at Jaxom in a subtle bid for caresses. Jaxom obliged, somehow reluctant to join festivities at which the real guest of honor must be absent.

Warned by the shrieks of the firelizards, Robinton moved quickly to flatten himself against the right-hand leaf of the great metal doors, then put his hands across his face as a shield. He’d been caught too often in frantic firelizard fairs not to take precautions. Generally speaking, however, the firelizards at the Harper Hall, thanks to Menolly’s teachings, were well behaved. He smiled as he heard Lessa’s exclamation of surprise and dismay. After he had felt the wind of their passing, he remained where he was and, sure enough, the fair swept back through the doorway. He heard Lord Groghe call his little queen, Merga, to order. Then his own Zair found him and, scolding as if Robinton had deliberately tried to hide from him, the little bronze firelizard settled on his padded left shoulder.

“There! There’s a lad!” Robinton said, stroking the agitated bronze with his finger and receiving a head sweeping caress on his cheek in return. “I wouldn’t leave you, you ought to know that. Were you flying with Jaxom, too?”

Zair stopped scolding and gave a happy cheep. Then he craned his neck to peer down the court. Curious, Robinton leaned forward to see what had attracted Zair and saw Ruth pacing toward the old stables. Robinton sighed. He almost wished Jaxom had not been allowed to fly Ruth. As he’d anticipated, Lord Sangel was still vehemently against the youngster enjoying dragonrider prerogatives. Nor would Sangel be the only one of the older generation of Lord Holders who would dispute that liberty. Robinton felt that he’d done a fair job of influencing Groghe toward the boy, but then Groghe was smarter than Sangel. Besides, he owned a firelizard and that made him more charitably inclined toward Jaxom and Ruth. Robinton couldn’t remember whether Sangel didn’t want or had been unable to Impress a firelizard. He must ask Menolly. Her queen. Beauty, ought to be clutching soon. Useful that his journeywoman had a queen firelizard so that he could dispose of the eggs where he deemed it would do everyone the most good.

He watched a moment longer, rather touched by the sight. Between Jaxom and Ruth there was an aura of innocence and vulnerability, of dependence and protection of each for the other.

Jaxom had entered the world at a decided disadvantage, torn from his dead mother’s body, with his father fatally wounded in a duel a half-hour later. Bearing in mind what N’ton and Finder had disclosed to him just before Jaxom’s flight, Robinton was annoyed with himself for not keeping a closer check on the boy. Lytol was not so stiff that he wouldn’t take a hint, especially if it were for Jaxom’s sake. But Robinton had so many claims on his time and his thinking, even with Menolly and Sebell in his confidence and as his devoted aides. Zair cheeped and brushed his head against the Harper’s chin.

Robinton chuckled and stroked Zair. They weren’t more than the length of a man’s arm, these firelizards. They weren’t as intelligent as dragons, but they were utterly satisfying as companions-and occasionally useful.

Now, he’d better join the others and see how he could insinuate his suggestion to Lytol. Young Jaxom would be a perfect addition to his scheme.

“Robinton!” F’lar called him from the doorway of the Hold’s smaller reception room. “Hurry up here. Your reputation is at risk.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne