A Diary from Dixie by Mary Chestnut

Gidiere, Mrs. – , 4.

Gist, Gov., 152; an anecdote of, 153.

Gladden, Col. – , 156.

Gonzales, Gen. – , his farewell to the author, 125; complains of want of promotion, 148.

Goodwyn, Artemus, 21.

Goodwyn, Col. – , 218, 350.

Gourdin, Robert, 25, 32.

Grahamsville, to be burned, 336.

Grant, Gen. U. S., and the surrender of Fort Donelson, 131; at Vicksburg, 219; a place for, 269; his success, 270; pleased with Sherman’s work, 299; reenforcements for, 310; before Richmond, 322, 333; closing in on Lee, 346; Richmond falls before, 377.

Greeley, Horace, quoted, 116.

Green, Allen, 32, 95, 360.

Green, Mrs. Allen, 33.

Green, Halcott, 171, 203.

Greenhow, Mrs. Rose, warned the Confederates at Manassas, 176; in Richmond 201, 204.

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Gregg, Maxcy, 31.

Grundy, Mrs., 257.

HALLECK, GEN., being reenforced, 165, takes Corinth, 178.

Hamilton, Jack, 36.

Hamilton, Louisa, her baby, 36, 211.

Hamilton, Prioleau, 374.

Hamilton, Mrs. Prioleau, 370.

Hammy, Mary, 66, 76; her fiancé, 79; many strings to her bow, 100; her disappointment, 118; in tears, 124.

Hampton, Christopher 161, 264; leaving Columbia, 344, 399.

Hampton, Frank, his death and funeral, 237; a memory of, 238.

Hampton, Mrs. Frank, 40, 42; on flirting with South Carolinians, 118, 173.

Hampton, Miss Kate, 218; anecdote of, 381.

Hampton Legion, the, Dr. Darby its surgeon, 57; in a snarl, 85; at Bull Run, 105.

Hampton, Preston, 40, 237, 260, 264, 272; his death in battle, 332.

Hampton Roads, the Merrimac in, 164.

Hampton, Sally, 293, 332; marriage of, 399.

Hampton, Gen. Wade, of the Revolution, 39, 43, 47.

Hampton, Mrs. Wade, the elder, 43.

Hampton, Gen. Wade, his Legion, 47; in Richmond, 82; wounded, 87; the hero of the hour, 135, 150; shot in the foot, 171; his wound, 180; his heroism when wounded, 181; in Columbia, 187; at dinner, 189-190; and his Legion, 191; a reception to 192; sends a captured saddle to Gen. Chesnut, 258; a basket of partridges from, 271, 313; fights a battle, in which his two sons fall, 332; tribute of, to Joe Johnston, 343; made a lieutenant-general, 350; correspondence of, with Gen. Sherman, 359; home again, 404.

Hampton, Mrs. Wade, 136.

Hampton, Wade, Jr., 249; wounded in battle, 332.

Hardee, Gen. William J., 371.

Harlan, James, 90.

Harper’s Ferry, to be attacked, 58; evacuated, 65.

Harris, Arnold, brings news from Washington, 91.

Harrison, Burton, 246, 263, 264; at a charade, 274; defends Mr. Davis, 290, 305, 330.

Hartstein, Capt., 25.

Haskell, Alexander, 198, 268.

Haskell, John C., 293, 399.

Haskell, Mrs. – , 196.

Haskell, William, 27.

Haxall, Lucy, 257.

Haxall, Mrs., 278.

Hayne, Mrs. Arthur, 146.

Hayne, Isaac, 26, 66, 316, 346, 369.

Hayne, Mrs. Isaac, 27; when her son died, 202.

Hayne, Paul, 176; his son and Lincoln, 202, 208.

Hemphill, John, 48.

Hermitage, the, 365.

Heyward, Barnwell, as an escort, 64, 212, 278, 283.

Heyward, Henrietta Magruder, 212.

Heyward, Joseph, 212.

Heyward, Mrs. Joseph, 28, 39.

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Heyward, Savage, 22.

Hill, Benjamin H., refusal of, to fight a duel, 11, 13; in Richmond, 274.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 144.

Hood, Gen. John B., 100, described, 230; with his staff, 231; at Chickamauga, 248; calls on the author, 263; a drive with, 265; his love-affairs, 266-269; a drive with, 271; fitted for gallantry, 277; on horseback, 282; drives with Mr. Davis, 283; has an ovation, 284; at a ball, 287; his military glory, 290; anecdote of, 298; a full general, 314; his address to the army, 316; losses of, before Atlanta, 320; his force, 333; off to Tennessee, 337; losses of, at the battle of Nashville, 337, 340; in Columbia, 342; his glory on the wane, 372; a call from, 376; his silver cup, 380, abuse of, 383.

Hooker, Gen. Joseph B., 162, 213.

Howell, Maggie, 76, 304, 327.

Howell, Mrs., 265.

Huger, Alfred, 2.

Huger, Gen. Benjamin, 383.

Huger, Mrs., 381, 394.

Huger, Thomas, 31; his death, 186.

Humphrey, Capt., 5.

Hunter, R. M. T., at dinner with, 53, 57, 144; a walk home with, 283, 398.

INGRAHAM, CAPT. – , 8, 10, 14, 42, 54; says the war has hardly begun, 99, 147.

Ives, Col. J. C., 284.

Ives, Mrs. J. C., 273; her theatricals, 285.

Izard, Mrs. – , 26; quoted, 93, 146; tells of Sand Hill patriots, 209, 351.

Izard, Lucy, 212.

JACKSON, Gen. “STONEWALL,” at Bull Run, 89, 170; his movements, 172; his influence, 175; his triumphs, 179; following up McClellan, 193; faith in, 196; killed, 213; promoted Hood, 230; described by Gen. Lawton, 261-262; laments for, 269.

Jameson, Mr. – , 54.

James Island, Federals land on, 181; abandoned, 195.

Johnson, President Andrew, 394, 398.

Johnson, Mrs. Bradley T., as a heroine, 71.

Johnson, Herschel V., 11.

Johnson, Dr. Robert, 220.

Johnston, Gen. Albert Sidney, 131, 140; killed at Shiloh, 156, 182.

Johnston, General Edward, a prisoner in the North, 232; help he once gave Grant, 269.

Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., his command, 75; evacuates Harper’s Ferry, 65; retreating, 78; to join Beauregard, 84, 85; at Bull Run, 91; at Seven Pines, 171; wounded, 180; his heroism as a boy, 184; sulking, 228; as a great god of war, 240; thought well of, 248; his care for his men, 249; made commander-in-chief of the West, 265; orders to, 290; suspended, 314; cause of his removal, 315, 317, 320; a talk with, 350; in Lincolnton, 352; a drawn battle

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by, 372; not to be caught, 379; anecdote of, 383.

Johnston, Mrs. Joseph E., 53, 86; and Mrs. Davis, 102, 350; her cleverness, 352.

Johnston, Robert, 375.

Jones, Col. Cadwallader, 380.

Jones, Gen. – , 315.

Jordan, Gen., an outburst from, 99.

KEARSARGE, the, 314.

Keitt, Col. Lawrence, opposed to Mr. Davis, 68; seeking promotion, 258.

Kershaw’s brigade in Columbia, 341.

Kershaw, Joseph, and the Chesnuts, 393.

Kershaw, Gen. Joseph B., and his brigade, 21; anecdote of, 63; his regiment praised, 95; his piety, 101; his independent report on Bull Run, 107.

Kershaw, Mrs. Joseph B., 390.

Kilpatrick, Gen. Judson, 294; threatening Richmond, 296; his failure before Richmond, 298.

King, Judge, 211.

Kingsville, 3; an adventure in, 253.

Kirkland, Mary, 385.

Kirkland, Mrs. – , 4.

Kirkland, William, 311.

Kirkwood Rangers, the, 106.

LA BORDE, DR. – , 210.

Lamar, Col. L. Q. C., in Richmond, 70; a talk with, 72; on the war, 73; on crutches, 82, 144; asked to dinner, 278; his talk of George Eliot, 279-280; and Constance Cary, 286; spoken of, for an aideship, 203.

Lancaster, 356.

Lane, Harriet, 18.

Laurens, Henry, his grandchildren, 330.

Lawrence, a negro, unchanged 38; fidelity of, 101, 112, quarrels of, with his wife, 217, 237; sent home, 288.

Lawton, Gen. Alexander R., talks of “Stonewall Jackson,” 261, a talk with, 276.

Le Conte, Prof. Joseph, 141; his powder manufactory, 187.

Ledyard, Mr. – , 18.

Lee, Custis, 100, 246, 328.

Lee, Fitzhugh, 294.

Lee, Light Horse Harry, 94.

Lee, Gen. Robert E., made General-in-chief of Virginia, 47, 63; with Davis and Chesnut, 83; seen by the author for the first time, 93; warns planters, 136; criticism of, 188; faith in, 197; warns Mr. Davis on the battlefield, 202; and Antietam, 213; wants negroes in the army, 224; a likeness of, 236; faith in him justified, 240; at Mr. Davis’s house, 244; fighting Meade, 258; at church, 264; in Richmond, 265; if he had Grant’s resources, 270; a sword for, 292; instructed in the art of war, 292; his daughter-in-law’s death, 300; a postponed review by, 306; without backing, 331; a drawn battle by, 372; despondent, 377; capitulation of, 378; part of his army in Chester, 379.

Lee, Mrs. Robert E., 93, 124, 236; a call on, 292.

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Lee, Roony, 93; wounded, 236; Butler kind to, 300.

Lee, Capt. Smith, a walk with, 294, 302, 303.

Lee, Stephen D., 371.

Legree, of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, discussed, 114-116.

Leland, Capt., 337.

Leon, Edwin de, sent to England, 172.

Levy, Martha, 211.

Lewes, George Henry, 280.

Lewis, John, 257.

Lewis, Major John Coxe, 265.

Lewis, Maria, her wedding, 264, 303.

Lincoln, Abraham, his election, 1; at his inauguration, 9; in Baltimore, 12, 13; his inaugural address, 14; his Scotch cap, 18; described, 19, 33; as a humorist, 71; his army, 76; anecdote of, 78; his emancipation proclamation, 153, 199; his portrait attacked by Paul Hayne’s son, 202; his regrets for the war, 203, 270; assassination of, 380, 396.

Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham, vulgarity of, 12; her economy, 16, 18, 270; her sister in Richmond, 381.

Lincolnton, the author in, 344-366; an exile in, 347; taken for a millionaire in, 349; Gen. Chesnut in, 358-359.

Lomax, Col., 6.

Longstreet, A. B., author of Georgia Scenes, 82.

Longstreet, Gen. James, his army going West, 241; separated from Bragg, 258; failure of, 265.

Lowe, Sir Hudson, 399.

Lowndes, Charles, 211.

Lowndes, Mrs. Charles, 4.

Lowndes, James, a call from, 112, 370.

Lowndes, Rawlins, 211.

Lowndes, Mrs. – , 59.

Lubbock, Gov. – , 328.

Luryea, Albert, his death, 175.

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