A Diary from Dixie by Mary Chestnut

Lyons, Lord, 136.

Lyons, Mrs., 239, 281, 313.

Lyons, Rachel, 208.


Magruder, Gen. John B., wins battle of Big Bethel, 62, 196; public opinion against, 201; in Columbia, 204.

Mallory, Stephen R., 13; meets the author in Richmond, 69, 147.

Mallory, Mrs. S. R., 27.

Malvern Hill, battle of, 194, 214.

Manassas, a sword captured at, 101. See Bull Run.

Manassas Junction, letter from Gen. Chesnut at, 65.

Manassas Station, 63; looking for a battle at, 64.

Manning, Gov. John, sketch of, 23; at breakfast, 25, 27; news from, 32, 34; an aide to Beauregard, 36; under fire, 38; his anecdote of Mrs. Preston, 168.

Marshall, Henry, 161.

Martin, Isabella D., 155, 268; quoted, 275; to appear in a play, 276; on war and lovemaking, 288; when Willie Preston died, 315; takes the author to a chapel, 322; a walk with, 336, 343, 350, 363; letter from, 404.

Martin, Rev. William, and the Wayside Hospital, 206; at Lincolnton, 351.

Martin, Mrs. William, 315.

Mason. George, 103.

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Mason, James M., at dinner with, 98; as an envoy to England, 116-117, 125; on false news, 104.

McCaa, Col. Burwell Boykin, his death in battle, 229, 373.

McClellan, Gen. George B., advancing for a battle, 65; supersedes Scott, 98; as a coming king, 119; said to have been removed, 153; his force of men on the Peninsula 158; his army, 164; at Fair Oaks, 171; his lines broken, 187; followed by “Stonewall” Jackson, 193; prisoners taken from, 196; belief in his defeat, 198; destruction of his army expected, 200; his escape, 201; and Antietam, 213.

McCord, Cheves, 177.

McCord, Mrs. Louisa S., and her brother, 139; her faith in Southern soldiers, 175; of patients in the hospital, 182; a talk with, 199; on nurses, 203, 239; at her hospital, 317; sends a bouquet to President Davis, 328; a dinner with, 335; her horses, 336; her troublesome country cousin, 337.

McCullock, Ben, 50.

McDowell, Gen. Irvin, defeated at Bull Run, 91.

McDuffie, Mary, 136.

McFarland, Mrs., 236.

McLane, Col., 329.

McLane, Mrs., 85-86.

McLane, – , 92.

McMahan, Mrs., 210.

Meade, Gen. George G., fighting Lee, 258-259; his armies, 269.

Means, Gov. John H., 26, 33; a good-by to, 207, 214.

Means, Mrs. – , 37.

Means, Stark , 37.

Memminger, Hon. Mr., letter from, 164.

Memphis given up, 177; retaken, 323.

Merrimac, the, 136, 139, 140; called the Virginia, 148; sunk, 164.

Meynardie, Rev. Mr., 66; as a traveling companion, 68, 101.

Middleton, Miss, 348, 349; described, 353, 359; a letter from, 376.

Middleton, Mrs. – , 136, 154.

Middleton, Mrs. Tom, 26.

Middleton, Olivia, 338.

Miles, Col. – , an aide to Beauregard, 36; an anecdote by, 43, 54, 125.

Miles, Dr. Frank, 361.

Miles, William A., his love-affairs, 232-234.

Miller, John L., 309.

Miller, Stephen, 6.

Miller, Stephen Decatur, sketch of, 16; his body-servant, Simon, 225.

Miller, Mrs. Stephen Decatur, 216; ill in Alabama, 221; her return with the author, 226; an anecdote of her bravery, 243.

Milton, John, as a husband, 298.

Minnegerode, Rev. Mr., his church during Stoneman’s raid, 245; his prayers, 277.

Mobile Bay, battle of, 319.

Moise, Mr. – , 178.

Monitor, the, 137, 139, 140.

Montagu, Lady Mary, 142.

Montgomery, Ala., the author in, 6-20; Confederacy being organized at, 6; speeches in Congress at, 12; Confederate flag raised at, 15; the author in, 47-56; a trip from Portland, Ala. to, 52: removal of Congress

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from, 55; society in, 166; hospitality in, 166; the author in, 220, 226-228.

Montgomery Blues, the, 6.

Montgomery Hall, 21.

Moore, Gen. A. B., 6; brings news, 8, 10, 15.

Morgan, Gen. John H., an anecdote of, 208; his romantic marriage, 242; in Richmond, 275; a dinner by, 276; his death reported, 326.

Morgan, Mrs. John H., her romantic marriage, 242.

Mormonism, 143.

Morris Island, 31; being fortified, 195.

Moses, Little, 134.

Mt. Vernon, 63.

Mulberry, a visit to, 2, 21; portrait of C. C. Pinckney at, 32; the author at, 42; a stop at, 57; the author ill at, 127, 135; hospitality at, 169; a picnic at, 251; in spring, 308; Madeira from, 329; a farewell to, 340; fears for, 354; reported destruction of, 381; results of attack on, 386; a dinner at, 403.


Napoleon III, 136.

Nashville, evacuation of, 134.

Nelson, Warren, 143.

Newbern, lost, 144.

New Madrid, to be given up, 146.

New Orleans, taken by Farragut, 158-159; a story from, 178; men enlisting in, 188; women at, 188.

New York Herald, the, quoted, 9, 13, 18, 34, 43, 100; criticism by, 281, 298.

New York Tribune, the, quoted, 89, 96, 107.

Nickleby, Mrs., 131.

Norfolk, burned, 164.

Northrop, Mr. – , abused as commissary-general, 97.

Nott, Henry Deas, on the war, 103.

OGDEN, CAPT. – , 327, 333, 367.

Orange Court House, 74.

Ordinance of Secession, passage of, 4.

Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 32.

Ould, Judge, 247.

Ould, Mrs., a party of hers, 259, 274, 280; gives a luncheon, 302.

Owens, Gen. – , 48.

PALMER, DR. – , 326.

Palmetto Flag, raising the, 2.

Parker, Frank, 303.

Parkman, Mrs., 235.

Patterson, Miss – , 345.

Pea Ridge, battle of, 139.

Pemberton, Gen. John C., 219, 247.

Penn, Mrs. – , 281.

Petersburg, an incident at, 255; prisoners taken at, 323.

Petigru, James L., his opposition to secession, 24, 36; refuses to pray for Mr. Davis, 63, 284.

Pettigrew, Johnston, offered a brigadier-generalship, 145, 171, 173.

Phillips, Mrs., 201.

Pickens, Gov. Francis W., “insensible to fear,” 3; and Fort Sumter, 5; a telegram from, 9; a fire-eater, 29; orders a signal fired, 33; a call from, 151, 181; has telegram from Mr. Davis, 190; serenaded, 204.

Pickens, Mrs. Francis W., 29,

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134, 149; her reception to Gen. Wade Hampton, 192-193.

Pillow, Gideon J., at Fort Donelson, 140.

Pinckney, Cha les C., 32.

Pinckney, Miss – , 32.

Pizzini’s, 111.

Poe, Edgar Allan, 258.

Polk, Gen. Leonidas, and Sherman, 291, 298.

Pollard, Mr. – , dinner at home of, 9.

Porcher, Mr. – , drowned, 107.

Portland, Ala., a visit to, 52.

Portman, Mr. – , 373.

Port Royal, 137.

Potter, Gen. Edward E., 387.

Preston, Jack, 343.

Preston, Gen. John S., at Warrenton, 82; as to prisoners in Columbia, 133; ruined by the fall of New Orleans, 159; on gossiping, 162; his entertainments, 168, 207; with Hood at a reception, 284, 323; return of his party from Richmond, 373; on horseback, 374; a good-by from, 375; going abroad, 382.

Preston, Mrs. John S., 39; goes to Manassas, 69, 94; quoted, 130, 143; a dinner with, 157; a ball given by, 167; her fearlessness, 168; a call with, 180; at a concert, 193; an anecdote by, 295-296.

Preston, Mary C., goes to Mulberry, 134, 136, 143; a drive by with Mr. Venable, 150; with Gen. Chesnut, 159; a talk with, 162; gives Hood a bouquet, 231; made love to, 233, 256; greets Gen. Hood, 263, 283, 296; her marriage, 327; a dinner to, 330.

Preston, Sally Buchanan Campbell, called “Buck,” 150, 167; made love to, 233, 266; why she dislikes Gen. Hood, 286, men who worship, 288; and Gen. Hood, 289, 291; on horseback, 303.

Preston, Miss Susan, 36.

Preston, Willie, 43; his death, 315.

Preston, William C., 105, 362.

Pride, Mrs. – , 370, 372, 373.

Prince of Wales, the, his visit to Washington, 207.

Pringle, Edward J., letter from, 4, 27.

Pringle, Mrs. John J., 186.

Pryor, Gen. Roger A., 37.

RACHEL, MADAM, in Charleston, 238.

Randolph, Gen. – , 147.

Randolph, Mrs. -, described, 105; and Yankee prisoners, 107; her theatricals, 275.

Ravenel, St. Julien, 365.

Reed, Wm. B., arrested, 113.

Reynolds, Mrs. – , 22.

Rhett, Albert, 165.

Rhett, Mrs. Albert, 147.

Rhett, Barnwell, desired for President of the Confederacy, 6; as a man for president, 104.

Rhett, Barnwell, Jr., 148.

Rhett, Burnet, to marry Miss Aiken, 21 .

Rhett, Edmund, 150, 313-314.

Rhett, Grimke, 200.

Rice, Henry M., 205.

Rich Mountain, battle of, 119.

Richmond, going to, 66; the author in, 68-76; return to, from White Sulphur Springs, 82-126; a council of war in, 83; when Bull Run was fought, 85-89; Robert E. Lee seen in, 93-94;

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at the hospitals in, 108-111; women knitting socks in, 113; agreeable people in, 120; Gen. Chesnut called to, 157; hospitality in, 167; a battle near, 171, 174; the Seven Days’ fighting near, 197-198; return to, 229-239; Gen. Hood in, 229-231; a march past in, 231; a funeral in, 237; during Stoneman’s raid, 239, 247; at Mr. Davis’s in, 244, the enemy within three miles of, 246, at the War-Office in, 247-248; return to, 252-303; the journey to, 252-256; to see a French frigate near, 259; Gen. Hood in, 265-269, 271; merriment in, 272-277, 282-287; a huge barrack, 278; almost taken, 293-294; Dahlgren’s raid, 294; Kilpatrick threatens, 296, 298; fourteen generals at church in, 299; returned prisoners in, 301; a farewell to, 302-304; Little Joe Davis’s death in, 305-306; anxiety in, 330; fall of, 377.

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