A Diary from Dixie by Mary Chestnut

Roanoke Island, surrender of, 132.

Robertson, Mr. – , 385.

Rosecrans, Gen. William S., 248; at Chattanooga, 258.

Russell, Lord, 136.

Russell, William H., of the London Times, 40, 50; criticisms by, 52; his criticisms mild, 60; rubbish in his letters, 64; attacked, 66; abuses the South, 74; his account of Bull Run, 96, 113; his criticisms of plantation morals, 114; on Bull Run, 117; his “India,” 208.

Rutledge, Mrs. Ben., 348.

Rutledge, John, 31.

Rutledge, Julia, 240.

Rutledge, Robert, 14.

Rutledge, Sally, 212.

Rutledge, Susan, 5.


Saussure, Mrs. John de, 15; a good-by from, 67.

Saussure, Wilmot de, 89, 107, 109.

Scipio Africanus, a negro, 391, 397.

Scott, Gen. Winfield, anecdote of, 7; and officers wishing to resign, 10; on Southern soldiers, 182.

Scott, Mrs. Winfield, 19.

Secession in South Carolina, 2; the Convention of, 3; support for, 5.

Secessionville, battle of, 191.

Seddon, Mr. J. A., 247.

Semmes, Admiral R., 236; a charade-party at his house, 272-273; and the surrender of the Alabama, 314.

Semmes, Mrs., her calmness, 294.

Seven Days’ Battle, last of the, 194; Gen. Chesnut’s account of, 197.

Seven Pines, battle of, 171.

Seventh Regiment, of New York, the, in Baltimore, 41.

Seward, William H., 17, 33, 104; quoted, 146; reported to have gone to England, 203; attempted assassination of, 380.

Shakespeare, William, as a lover, 296-297.

Shand, Nanna, 158.

Shand, Rev. Mr., 194, 195.

Shannon, William M., 21.

Shannon, Capt. – , a call from, 106.

Sharpsburg. See Antietam.

Sherman, Gen. William T., at Vicksburg, 219; marching to Mobile, 291, his work in Mississippi, 299, between Lee and Hood, 327; to catch Lee in the

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rear, 331; his march to the sea 333; at Augusta, 334; going to Savannah, 336; desolation in his path, 340-341; marching constantly, 342; no living thing in his path, 354-355, 356, 357; burning of Columbia, 358, 362; correspondence with Gen. Hampton, 359; promise of protection by, to Columbia, 372; at the fall of Richmond, 377; ruin in his track, 384; remark of, to Joe Johnston, 390; accuses Wade Hampton of burning Columbia, 396.

Shiloh, battle of, 156.

Simms, William Gilmore, 43, 145.

Singleton, Mrs., 184, 194, 237; her orphan grandchildren, 238.

Slidell, Mrs. – , 149.

Smith, Gen. Kirby, wounded, 87, 90; as a Blücher, 94, 317, 323.

Somerset, Duke of, his son in Richmond, 203.

Soulouque, F. E., his career in Hayti, 74.

South Carolina, the secession of, 2, 4; attack on, 10; a small State, 70.

Spotswood Hotel, the, 59; the author at, 69; a miniature world, 70; the drawing-room of, 79.

Spottsylvania Court House, battles around, 310.

Stanard, Mr. – , 94.

Stanton, Edwin M., 310.

Stark, Mary, 95, 146.

St. Cecilia Society, the, balls of, 30.

St. Michael’s Church, and the firing on Fort Sumter, 35.

Stephens, Alexander H., 10; elected Vice-President, 12; his fears for the future, 49.

Stockton, Philip A., his clandestine marriage, 120-122.

Stockton, Mrs. Edward, 251.

Stockton, Emma, 272.

Stoneman, Gen. G. S., his raid 239, 244, 245; before Atlanta, 317, 377.

Stony Creek, battle of, 313.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 143, 189.

Stuart, Gen. Jeb, his cavalry, 187, 277.

Sue, Eugene, 46.

Sumner, Charles, 74.

Sumter, S. C., an awful story from 401, 402.


Taliaferro, Gen. – , 317.

Taylor, John, 392.

Taylor, Gen. Richard, 227.

Taylor, Willie, 165.

Team, Adam, 252, 254, 256.

Thackeray, W. M., quoted, 110; on American hostesses, 168; his death, 281.

Thomas, Gen. George H., his forces, 333; and Gen. Hood, 338; wins the battle of Nashville, 339, 340.

Thompson, John R., 258, 260, 298.

Thompson, Mrs. John R., 204.

Togno, Madame – , 151.

Tompkins, Miss Sally, her hospital, 111.

Toombs, Robert, an anecdote told by, 7, 20; thrown from his horse and remounts, 97, 101; as a brigadier, 108; in a rage, 132; his criticisms, 171; denounced, 179.

Toombs, Mrs. Robert, a reception given by, 48, 53; a call on, 112.

Toombs, Miss – , anecdote of, 193.

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Trapier, Gen. – , 148.

Trapier, Rev. Mr., 394, 397.

Trenholm, Capt. – , 133.

Trescott, William H., 24, 29, 70; says Bull Run is a victory leading to ruin, 92; his dinners, 153.

Trezevant, Dr. – , 198, 339.

Trimlin, Milly, 400-401.

Tucker, Capt., 273.

Tyler, Miss, 14.

UNCLE TOM’S CABIN, 142, 184.

Urquhart, Col. – -, 313.


Velipigue, Jim, 63.

Venable, Col., 36, 40; reports a brave thing at Bull Run, 92; on the Confederate losses at Nashville, 134; his comment on an anecdote, 138; on toleration of sexual immorality, 143, 144; an aide to Gen. Lee, 172, 187; describes Hood’s eyes, 230, 257; quoted, 289.

Vicksburg, gunboats pass, 205; surrender of, reported, 219, 220; must fall, 247; a story of the siege of, 295.

Virginia, and secession, 5.

von Borche, Major – , 268, 272; his name, 285.


Walker, William, 384.

Walker, Mrs. – , 49, 112.

Wallenstein, translations of, 162.

Ward, Matthias, an anecdote by, 51.

Washington, city of, deserted, 27; alarming news from, 49; why not entered after Bull Run, 90; how news of that battle was received in, 91; Confederates might have walked into, 103; state dinners in, 166.

Washington, George, at Trenton, 237.

Washington, L. Q., letters from, 158, 164, 245.

Watts, Col. Beaufort and Fort Sumter, 42; a touching story of, 43, 147.

Wayside Hospital, the, 205; the author at, 321.

Weston, Plowden, 160.

West Point, Ga., 220.

Whitaker, Maria, and her twins, 45, 386.

Whiting, Col. – , 31.

Whiting, Gen. – , 307.

Whitner, Judge, 26.

Wigfall, Judge L. T., 29; speech by, 30; angry with Major Anderson, 48, 69; and Mr. Brewster, 73; quoted, 91; with his Texans, 96; an enemy of Mr. Davis, 102; reconciled with Mr. Davis, 104; still against Mr. Davis, 261; and Joe Johnston’s removal, 320; going to Texas, 373; on the way to Texas, 377; remark of, to Simon Cameron, 400.

Wigfall, Mrs. L. T., 28; a visit with, 32; talk with, about the war, 33, a telegram to, 59; quoted, 84; a drive with, 96; a call on, 266, 275.

Wilderness, the battle of the, 310.

Williams, Mrs. David R. (the author’s sister, Kate), 127, 329, 351, 399.

Williams, Mrs. John N., 129.

Williamsburg, battle at, 161, 171.

Wilson. Henry, at Manassas, 89.

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Winder, Miss, arrested, 113.

Withers, Judge – , 21, 60.

Withers, Kate, death of, 403.

Witherspoon, John, 250, 404.

Witherspoon, Mrs. – , found dead, 129.

YANCEY, WILLIAM L., talk from, 120; letter from, to Lord Russell, 136.

“Yankee Doodle,” 20.

Yorktown, siege and evacuation of, 161.

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