A Knight of the Word by Terry Brooks

His suspicion burned inside like an inferno.

“You know that message you got over the phone from Nest Freemark? The one about meeting her in West Seattle? Did you mention it to anyone else? Or could anyone else have overheard?”

Stefanie sat up slowly, puzzled. “I don’t know. Why?”

“Just think about it. It might be important.”

She was silent a moment. “Well, Simon knew, I guess. He was there talking with me when I took Nest’s call. He asked me afterward what it was about, and I said it was from Nest and she wanted you to meet her in Lincoln Park. He laughed, said it was an odd place to meet someone. I said it had something to do with a friend of somebody named Pick.”

Ross felt the blood drain from his face.

Stef sat up slowly, her brow furrowing with concern. “John, what’s going on?”

He shook his head. Simon Lawrence knew about the meeting with Nest. If he was the demon, he had time and opportunity to get over there, intercept her at her meeting with the forest creatures, and still get back to set the fire at Fresh Start.

He almost laughed out loud. No, this was ridiculous!

But the idea had taken root. Who was in a better position than Simon Lawrence to sabotage the work of Fresh Start and Pass/Go? Simon was the whole program. If he came under suspicion, if he was forced to quit, if-just suppose now-he disappeared at a crucial juncture in the investigation, everything would go down the drain. There would be national coverage. Every homeless program in the country would be adversely affected.

“John?” Stef was on her feet. She looked frightened.

He smiled. “It’s all right, I’m just thinking. Would you mind getting me a root beer from the fridge?”

She nodded, smiling back at him uncertainly. He waited until she was out of the roam, then resumed his deliberation. Simon Lawrence as the demon it made a certain amount of sense. Simon could ruin his own programs. He could sabotage homeless programs nationwide by wrecking his own. And he was in a great position to wreck Ross’s life, as well. He could implicate him in the theft of corporate funds, terminate his jab, maybe even have him sent to prison. If the demon intended to turn him to the Void’s service, it would be a perfect place to begin.

It might even cost him his relationship with Stef.

His head throbbed fiercely. One misstep was all it took, the Lady had cautioned. One misstep that led to another. He considered the possibility that the demon might take that step for him. It wasn’t too difficult to imagine.

But Simon Lawrence? He still couldn’t bring himself to accept that the Wiz was a demon.

Stefanie re-entered the room. He came to his feet, facing her. “Stef, I can’t go away just yet. I have to do something first. I have to see Simon.”

She sighed. “John, no.”

He took hold of her arms and held her gently, but firmly, in place. “I can call him up right now, or I can just go over. It won’t take but a moment.”

She shook her head, her eyes angry. “It wont do you any gaol, John. He’s made up his mind. I already argued your case for you, and it didn’t change anything.”

He studied her face, thinking she was right, that it was pointless. “I have to try,” he insulted anyway. “I have to make the attempt myself. I’ll be right back.”

She grabbed his arm a5 he started to turn away. “John, he’s not even there. He’s already gone down to the art museum to help put things in place for tonight’s benefit. He’s doing interviews and . . . Look, forget this. Let it go. Give me five minutes to pack a bag and we’re out of here. We’ll deal with it when we get back, okay?”

But he was already committed. He could not just walk away, not even for three or four days. He had to know the truth about Simon. He had no idea how he was going to find it out, but he could at least speak with him face-to-face and see how he responded.

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Categories: Terry Brooks