A Knight of the Word by Terry Brooks

“But you and me, little birds Nest, we are different. We have advantages others do not. We have magic and knowledge and insight. We know of the ways, men destroy themselves and of the reasons they do so. We know the enemy who threatens us all. Because we know these truths, we arc empowered and we can choose the ground we would defend. We have an obligation and a responsibility to decide where we will stand.”

He paused. “I chose my ground a long time ago, when I returned from the Nam. I did so because after I died and came back to life, I was no longer afraid. I did so because even though I was the last of my people, I was made strong by the fire that tested me, and I was given purpose. You have been tested and given purpose, as well, You have been made strong. Now it is your turn to choose where you will stand.”

Nest waited, impatient for the rest, guarded and edgy. On the sidewalk in front of her, close by the railing, the schoolchildren shrieked as a seagull dove over their heads in a wide sweep and soared away.

Two Bears locked her eyes with his. “Let me tell you a story. It is dust a story, but maybe it will speak to you. A long time ago, a servant of a very powerful lady carved a talisman to a man who had agreed to become her champion. This man was conscripted to fight in a good and necessary cause. He was to wield the talisman as a weapon in an effort to help turn aside an evil that threatened to destroy all. He was fearful of his responsibilities, but he was determined as well. He took the talisman from the servant and bore it into battle, and far many years he Fought bravely. His task was not easy, because the people he fought to protect often acted badly and foolishly, and by doing so they.” did harm to themselves. But he retrained their champion nevertheless.

“Then something happened to hire, and he lost faith in his cause. He abandoned hope; he gave up his fight. He became one of those who are homeless in their hearts. He despaired of who he was, and he thought to change everything about himself. He ran away to find a place to start over.”

Two Bears looked around speculatively.” He might even have carne to a city like this. This is the kind of city a man might flee to, if he were looking to begin again, don’t you think, little bird’s Nest?”

Her heart was hammering in her chest.

“Now the lady who had sent her servant to give this man her talisman was very disappointed in his failure to keep his promise to her. Shhh! Listen now, don’t interrupt. Ask yourself what you would do if you were the lady in question. Your talisman is in the hands of a man who will not use it, but cannot give it back. A talisman once given cannot be returned. The magic does not allow for it

He smiled. “Or so the story goes. At any rate, the lady sent someone to talk to this man, a young woman. As a matter of fact, she was someone very much like you. She was the man’s friend, and the lady thought she might be able to persuade him of the danger he faced if he continued to ignore who he was and what he had promised. The lady thought the young woman was his best hope.”

His eyes glistened. “Picture how this must be for the young woman. She is faced with a difficult task. She must find a way to help her friend, even though he does not wish her help. She must help him, because he has no one else and no other hope. The young woman is like you, little bird’s Nest. She has magic at her command, and she has been tested by fire. She has a strength and purpose lacking in others.”

He paused. And so she must deride where she will stand. Because of who she is. Because, as with you and me, she has an obligation and a responsibility to do so.”

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Categories: Terry Brooks