A Knight of the Word by Terry Brooks

What was he missing? What was it about Nest’s coming to find him that was so troubling?

He was getting exactly nowhere when Stefanie Winslow walked in.

“You’re back,” she said. “How did it go?”

He blinked. “Haw did what go?”

She gave him an incredulous look. “Your lunch with your old flame’s daughter. I assume that’s where you’ve been.” She took the chair across from him. “So tell me about it.”

He shrugged, uncomfortable with the subject. “There’s nothing to tell. She was in town and decided to look me up. I don’t know how she even knew I was here. I haven’t seen or spoken with her in five years. And that stuff about her mother is-”

“I know, I know. It was a long time ago, and her mother is dead. She told us before you came back.” Stef brushed back her dark hair and crossed her long legs. “It must have been quite a shock to see her again.”

“Well, it was a surprise, any-way. But the had a nice talk.”

He had never told Stef anything, about his past or the people in it, save for stories about his boyhood when he was growing up in Ohio. He had never told her about his service as a Knight of the Word, about the Lady or Owain Glyndwr or O’olish Amaneh. She did not know about his dreams. She did not know of the war between the Word and the Void or the part he had played in it. She did mot know of his magic. As far as he knew, she had no concept of the feeders. Having Nest Freemark appear unexpectedly, come out of a past he had so carefully concealed from her, was unnerving, He did not want to tell her about any of that. He traced his present life to the moment he had met her, and everything that went before to another life entirely.

Stef studied his face. “Simon says she’s some kind of world class runner. That she might even win a gold medal in the next Olympics. That’s pretty impressive.”

He nodded noncommittally. “I gather she’s pretty good.”

“Is she in town for very long? Did you think to ask her to have dinner with us?”

He took a deep breath, wishing she would stop talking about it. “I mentioned dinner, but she said she might have other plans. She said she would call later. I don’t think she’s here for very long. Maybe only a day or so.

Stef looked at him. “You seem uneasy about this, John. Is everything all right? This girl hasn’t announced that she’s your love child or something, has she?”

The words shocked Ross so that he started visibly. Five years earlier Nest had indeed thought he was her father, had wished it were so. He had wished it were so, too.

He laughed quickly to mask his, discomfort. “No, she didn’t came here to tell me that. Or anything; Like that.” He pushed back in his chair, feeling trapped. “I guess I’m just a little nervous about the speech. I haven’t heard back from Simon on it. Maybe it wasn’t so goad.”

Stef smirked. “The speech was fine. He told me so himself.”. Her smile brightened the whole room. “As a matter of fact, he loved it. He’ll tell you himself where he sees you again, if the two of you are ever in the office at the sometime. He’s gone again just now. There’s a lot of preparation left for tomorrow night.”

He nodded. “I suppose so.” He fidgeted with his peas and paper, gathering his thoughts. “You know, I don’t feel so well. I think I’m going to go back to the apartment and lie down for a while. You think they can get along without me for an hour or so.”“

She reached across and took his hand in her own. “I think they can get along just fine. It’s me I’m not sure about.”

“Then came back with me.”

“I thought you were sick..”

“I’ll get better.”

She smirked. “I’ll bet. Well, You’re out of luck. I have work to do. I’ll see you later.” She frowned. “Or maybe not. 1 just remembered, I’m supposed to go with Simon to the KIR0 interview, then maybe to some press things after that. He hasn’t given me the final word yet. Sorry, sweetie, but duty calls. Ring me if you hear from Nest, okay? I’ll try to break free to join you.”

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Categories: Terry Brooks