My strongest sense is that we do not want “Get Hoffa” rancor to go too bi-partisan, and we do want Jack to stand out as the anti-labor corruption candidate. Dowd told me that he expects Hoffa to barnstorm primary election states and deluge voters with anti-Kennedy sentiment, and I think this may play into our hands. As hard as he sometimes tries to hide it, under duress Hoffa always comes off as a psychopathic thug. We want the Teamsters to endorse the Republican candidate. We want Richard Nixon to take Hoffa’s money and sidestep labor corruption as an issue in the general election. That said, I think it is imperative that Jack redouble his efforts to woo legitimate labor leaders and convince them that he differentiates them from Hoffaites.

I’m shifting my emphasis now to the primaries. The Kennedy crime fighter image has impressed many of my normally-Republican law enforcement acquaintances, and I’m working my way through Wisconsin, New Hampshire and West Virginia county by county. Your local organizations seem sound, and I’ve told each and every volunteer I’ve met to keep their ears down for Hoffa barn-storming scuttlebutt.

More later. Write your book; I think it could be a valuable campaign tool.



DOCUMENT INSERT: 11/9/59. Memorandum: Robert F. Kennedy to Kemper Boyd.


Thanks for the note. You’re starting to think politically, and I think your Hoffa-Republican observations were quite astute. I’m glad the Justice Department has focused on Sun Valley, which I have always considered our strongest Hoffa case.

I’ve always believed that illegally-procured Pension Fund money (the “Spooky” 3 mIllion) financed Hoffa’s Sun Valley investment, and that Hoffa skimmed a large amount off the top. Some Pension Fund leads and/or Intelligence on the possibility of “Real” Pension Fund books would do us a lot of good now. What’s the Chicago Phantom been doing? You’ve always portrayed this anonymous Jesuit crusader as quite a worker, but you haven’t forwarded a Phantom report to me in months.


DOCUMENT INSERT: 11/17/89. Note: Kemper Boyd to Robert F. Kennedy.

Dear Bob,

I agree. We certainly could use some Pension Fund leads now. The Phantom is working hard, but he’s run up against one brick wall after another. And keep in mind, he’s an FBI agent with a full load of regular duties. He’s persisting, but as I’ve said before, it’s very slow going.


DOCUMENT INSERT: l2/4/59. FBI Field Surveillance Report: Chicago Special Agent-in-Charge Charles Leahy to J. Edgar Hoover. Marked: EXTREMELY CONFIDENTIAL/DIRECTOR’S EYES ONLY.


Per your request, agents co-opted from the Sioux City Office have kept SA Ward J. Littell under spot surveillance since 9/15/59. He has not been observed in the vicinity of Celano’s Tailor Shop, and he has apparently refrained from covert antiOrganized Crime activity. He has not been seen with SA Kemper Boyd, and the (11/20/89 Initiated) tap on his home telephone indicates that he speaks only to Helen Agee, with occasional calls to his ex-wife Margaret. He does not call or receive calls from his daughter Susan, and since the 11/20/59 tap initiation date SA Boyd has not called him.

Littell’s work performance has steadily deteriorated. This decline was in effect before the spot tails were initiated. Assigned to surveil CPUSA members in Hyde Park and Rogers Park, Littell frequently abandons his surveillance positions to drink in taverns or visit various Catholic churches.

Littell’s Red Squad reports have been slip-shod. He regularly misrepresents the hours he spends on his assignments and his comments on CPUSA members can only be considered overly charitable.

On 11/26/59, SA W.R. Hinckle observed CPUSA cell leader Malcolm Chamales accost Littell outside his apartment building. Chamales accused Littell of “FBI black bag chicanery” and challenged him to respond. Littell invited Chamales to a tavern. SA Hinckie observed them engaged in a political discussion. They met again on 11/29 and 12/1. SA Hinckle observed both meetings and believes the two men are becoming friends or at least drinking companions.

Bureau-friendly University of Chicago sources have reported that SA Littell and Helen Agee have been seen on campus arguing heatedly. Their affair appears to be strained and Miss Agee was overheard urging Littell to seek help for his drinking problem. On 11/3/59, BA J.S. Burtler observed Littell and Miss Agee engage in a political discussion. Miss Agee expressed admiration for Vice-President Richard Nixon. – Littell referred to Mr. Nixon as “Tricky Dick” and called him a “Red-baiting, slush-fund financed cryptofascist.”

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Categories: James Ellroy