More confirmation. More potential grief. Santo and Sam could force Boyd to disband his hit squad.

Delsol examined his arms. His tattoos were scorched into odd smudges.

Pete said, “There’s more.”

“No. There isn’t.”

Pete sighed. “There’s your part. You were recruited because the pro-Castro guys knew the Cadre killed your cousin, and they figured you were vulnerable. You’ve got a part in this, and it’s got something to do with heroin, and if you don’t tell me, I’m going to start hurting you again.”


Pete squatted in front of the chait Pete said, “Heroin. Tell me about it.”

Delsol crossed himself. The ice-cube bowl slipped to the floor and shattered.

“A Cuban shipment is coming in by speedboat. Two hundred pounds of it, uncut. Some pro-Castro men will be there to guard it. I am supposed to transmit it to Mr. Santo.”


“The night of May 4th.”


“The Gulf Coast in Alabama. A place called Orange Beach.”

Pete got the shakes. Delsol caught his fear instantaneously.

“We must pretend this never happened, Pedro. You yourself must pretend that you never really believed in the Cause. We must not interfere with men who are so much more powerful than we are.”

o o o

Boyd took it cool. Pete steamed up the phone booth yelling.

“We can still make our casino deal happen. We can send in your team, have them clip Castro and create fucking chaos. Maybe things work out and Santo honors our deal, maybe they don’t work out. At the very fucking least, we can snuff Fidel Castro.”

Boyd said, “No. The deal is dead and the Cadre is finished, and sending in my men precipitously will only get them killed.”

Pete kicked the door off its hinges–

“What do you mean, ‘NO’?”

“I mean we should recoup our losses. We should make some money before somebody tells Bobby about the Outfit and the Agency.”

The door crashed across the sidewalk. Pedestrians stepped around it. A little kid jumped on it and cracked the glass in half.

“The heroin?”

Boyd was calm. “There’s two hundred pounds, Pete. We let it sit for five years and sell it overseas. You, me and Néstor. We’ll make at least three million dollars apiece.”

Pete went lightheaded. Dig it: that 9.9 earthquake is strictly internal.

DOCUMENT INSERT: 4/25/62. Carlyle Hotel bedroom microphone transcript. Transcribed by: Fred Turentine. Tape/written copies to: P. Bondurant, W. Littell.

BJ phoned the ]istening post at 3:08 p.m. She said she was meeting the target “for dinner” at 5:00. She was instructed to double open & shut the bedroom door to activate the mike. Active feed from 5:23 p.m. on. Initial log: BJ–Barb Jahelka. JFK–John F. Kennedy.

5:24–5:33: sexual activity. (See tape transcript. High sound quality. Voices di.scernable.)

5:34–5:41: conversation.

JFK: Shit, my back.

BJ: Let me help.

JFK: No, that’s all right.

BJ: Stop looking at your watch. We just finished.

JFK (laughing): I really should have that wall clock installed.

BJ: And tell the chef to get with it. That was a lousy club sandwich.

JFK: It was. The turkey was dry and the bacon was soggy.

BJ: You seem distracted, Jack.

JFK: Smart girl.

BJ: The weight of the world?

JFK: No, my brother. He’s on the warpath about my friends and the women I see, and he’s acting like a colossal pain in the ass.

BJ: For instance?

JFK: He’s on a witch hunt. Frank Sinatra knows some gangsters, so Frank had to go. The women Peter sets me up with are gonorrhea carrying tarts, and you’re too polished and aware of your effects to be a Twist bunny, so you’re suspect on general principles.

BJ (laughing): What’s next? Can I expect to see FBI men following me?

JFK (laughing): Hardly. Bobby and Hoover hate each other too much to collaborate on anything that touchy. Bobby’s overworked, so he’s touchy, and Hoover’s touchy because he’s a Nazi faggot who hates all men with normal appetites. Bobby’s running Justice, chasing gangsters and running point for my Cuban policy. He’s up to his neck in psychopathic lowlife, and Hoover fights him on protocol matters every inch of the way. And I’m the one who takes the brunt of his frustration. Say, why don’t we change jobs? You be the President of the United States and I’ll Twist at, what’s the name of that place you’re appearing?

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Categories: James Ellroy