Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 21 – And the Asteroid Pirates

“I’ve doubled the guard at the main gate, skipper,” Ames said, “and we’re posting extra men all around the plant wall. I’m sure there’s no danger 22 THE ASTEROID PIRATES

of anyone’s getting in, but why not stay put in the observatory for the time being-just to play it safe.”

Tom agreed reluctantly, more curious than apprehensive.

“Guess we may as well try the prober again,” he told Bud.

The two boys busied themselves once more at the console of the huge space telescope. Several minutes went by. Suddenly a loud crash resounded across the experimental station-followed instantly by the shrill ringing of an alarm bell.

“Roarin* rockets!” Bud blurted. “What’s going on?”

Tom switched on the plant radarscope and watched as the scanner painted a blip of light near one edge of the screen. “Someone or something at the main gate!” the young inventor exclaimed.

Bud had already dashed out to the balcony which circled the dome. “Looks like an accident!” he cried.

Tom joined Bud for a hasty look. A car had apparently plowed into the entrance gate to Enterprises at top speed. Employees were running to the scene from all directions.

“Come on! Let’s find out who it is!” Tom cried.

The boys dashed down the steel staircase from the dome, then took the elevator to the ground


floor. Hurrying outside, they ran across the grounds toward the main gate.

“There’s Harlan!” Bud exclaimed.

A jeep loaded with security men had just pulled to a stop near the gate.

Harlan Ames, the slim,


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Categories: Appleton, Victor