Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 21 – And the Asteroid Pirates

“By having our plane’s altimeter sabotaged?”

“Exactly. But now that you two are my prison* ers, the solution becomes much simpler.”

Tom said icily, “We have your base pinpointed. If I don’t come back, my father has only to notify the Argentine government to have your fortress raided.”

“Frankly, I doubt it.” The Eurasian crushed out his cigarette. “On the contrary, when your father learns that you are my hostage, I think he will gladly abandon all opposition to my project. He will make no further attempt to relieve the base.”

Tom laughed contemptuously. “That’s what you think.”

“Yes, it is what I think,” the Black Cobra agreed, “because I shall inform him that, at the slightest sign of opposition by Swift Enterprises, you will be put to death-horribly. Meanwhile, your time need not be wasted. You possess the secrets of many priceless inventions. I intend to extract from you every ounce of scientific information which may be of use to me.”

“And if I don’t cooperate?”

“That would be most unfortunate-for you.”

Tom regarded the Eurasian coldly.

“I see that persuasion may be needed.” The Eur-A TERRIFYING ORDEAL 123

asian spoke to a guard in an Oriental tongue and the man disappeared from the room. Presently he returned, carrying a small, covered wicker basket, which he handed to his master. The Eurasian removed the cover and pulled out a snake.

The creature, dark brown in color, slowly puffed out its neck just above the point at which the Eurasian was grasping it. From the spectacle-shaped marking on its hood, Tom and Bud recognized the snake as an Indian cobra!

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Categories: Appleton, Victor